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Kony 2012

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we have been given a lot, therefore a lot is expected of us as Americans. Anyone one of us could have been born a sudanese child. Reading the "0 fucks given" responses worry me. Now, i don't claim to be an activist or perfect person when it comes to having compassion for people, but once you have seen that shit in person, its pretty hard to "give 0 fucks" for the African people as a whole. Much like many people in this thread and the world, i want something to be done, but don't have a solution. This KONY2012 is not a solution, but simply awareness.


+1. I find it interesting that my facebook and forums are filled half and half with "Watch this video" and "KONY2012 is a scam organization." The meme that it's a scam has spread almost as fast as the video, and the savagery with which people are attacking the organization doesn't seem to match the evidence of their scaminess. Oh noes they earn a middle class income! Having lived in DC where a lot of non-profits are located, the notion that the employees of non profits can make up to eighty eight thousands of doll hairs per year is completely yawn-worthy.


It almost feels like people want this to be a scam organization fighting against a non-problem. If you don't want to make it your business, that's fine, but the mockery and the "0 fucks given" seem more like a defense mechanism, like if you pretend that America isn't inconsistently heartless then it must not be true.

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If you want something done take your money over there and fix the problem if you care so much. Just don't use my tax dollars to fund your feel good campaign when we have plenty of "feel good" causes to get behind in the US. Just go through downtown Cleveland, Linden North, or take a stroll around Parsons Ave. near Childrens.


i did, i was there. I worked there. I took time out of my life as a college student to give "fucks" and have felt more lasting enjoyment from that than getting a new cool car. Ill be honest, its very easy to get sucked back into the American way of life, but i can tell you this, i will lay on my death bed knowing i experienced something greater than "giving 0 fucks".

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Let me clarify:


1) Finance Director for my church

2) Sunday School teacher and board member for weekly Sunday children's program

3) Director through the Upper Arlington Civic Association

4) Volunteer with Lifecare Alliance (Meals-On-Wheels), worked to establish infrastructure and initial deliveries for the "Animeals" program.


If I'm not DIRECTLY INVOLVED, or the charitable organization isn't partnering with my church, I'm not going to invest my valuable free time as a father, husband, and volunteer to it.


Hopefully that gives you a little more perspective as to why I'm fully qualified to tell a Facebook social issue to go pound salt.

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i did, i was there. I worked there. I took time out of my life as a college student to give "fucks" and have felt more lasting enjoyment from that than getting a new cool car. Ill be honest, its very easy to get sucked back into the American way of life, but i can tell you this, i will lay on my death bed knowing i experienced something greater than "giving 0 fucks".



Good for you! You must have made a really big impact in stopping this from happening... With that being said this has been going on for decades, you nor any overly expensive documentary isnt going to stop this from happening. My $30's for a T-Shirt and wrist band doesnt do anything besides help increase profit for the comapny putting this hipster movement on. Get behind a real cause...

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i did, i was there. I worked there. I took time out of my life as a college student to give "fucks" and have felt more lasting enjoyment from that than getting a new cool car. Ill be honest, its very easy to get sucked back into the American way of life, but i can tell you this, i will lay on my death bed knowing i experienced something greater than "giving 0 fucks".




I was greatly moved by this post.









































No, not really at all.

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Good for you! You must have made a really big impact in stopping this from happening... With that being said this has been going on for decades, you nor any overly expensive documentary isnt going to stop this from happening. My $30's for a T-Shirt and wrist band doesnt do anything besides help increase profit for the comapny putting this hipster movement on. Get behind a real cause...


I wish I could have made a difference to more people. It was the most overwhelmed I've ever felt. There is incredible need and because they are black Africans, we as Americans don't care. You don't need to remind me of how little my efforts were in the grand scheme, I am aware.


Jones, I know you like to troll just as hard as me, but this is hardly a situation to do that.

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There is incredible need and because they are black Africans, we as Americans don't care.


You're right, if they were white Africans I'd drive to Uganda with bags full of money right now. Perhaps we can car pool in your $50k SUV with 24" wheels.

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If you care so much about it, what does arguing with guys who don't care on a web forum accomplishing?


Honestly if those people have legs they can start walking away from the madness, if lots of them showed up on the shores of Africa to get on a boat with us white people I'm sure that'd work :rolleyes:

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As much as we have here in the united states going on. And issues that need fixed.


I agree with Panduh on this. Im glad someone is doing sometime to fix the issue.


These people cant just "Walk away" from it, like you would think...


I gave "3" fucks about this

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I used to care. Clinton cared, and we had Blackhawk Down. Bush kinda cared, and we had Iraq.


Go sell crazy somewhere else, Steven...'cuz we're all stocked up in hurr.

Obama cared too. He sent 100 troops there in October as "advisors" to local authorities. They are instructed not to engage directly, but to support with information, advice, and support.



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No, you're just being a hipster tool and trying to lay a guilt trip on those of us who have donated no fucks to the cause. You'll change your tune when Kony's army saves you from the zombies.


find what makes you happy in life man. If thats cars, money and women then so be it. I know i enjoy all those things just as you do. Im not trying to guilt trip you or anyone else here, just sharing my experience.

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You're right, if they were white Africans I'd drive to Uganda with bags full of money right now. Perhaps we can car pool in your $50k SUV with 24" wheels.


No, you're just being a hipster tool and trying to lay a guilt trip on those of us who have donated no fucks to the cause. You'll change your tune when Kony's army saves you from the zombies.


Fuckin Lol'd hard. /debate

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we have been given a lot, therefore a lot is expected of us as Americans. Anyone one of us could have been born a sudanese child. Reading the "0 fucks given" responses worry me. Now, i don't claim to be an activist or perfect person when it comes to having compassion for people, but once you have seen that shit in person, its pretty hard to "give 0 fucks" for the African people as a whole. Much like many people in this thread and the world, i want something to be done, but don't have a solution. This KONY2012 is not a solution, but simply awareness.




Although, I give little fucks for African people as a whole.

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