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Anyone in a better mood because of the weather?


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Snow makes me happy. Lack of snow pisses me off. Fuck the sun shine and fuck this rain. Only thing that makes me happy is I can play disc golf in winter and not wear a coat. But still fuck it.


I was gonna go yesterday.. but I didn't.


Probably gonna hit up hoover tomorrow or wednesday if the ground isn't muddy

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This rain makes me feel so bright and warm inside.


But really, cant wait to go to the pool with my gf and watch all the other chicks running around with their tits out.


went prospecting yesterday and actually found something. Enough to encourage me to try again.

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Same here. Every kid in the area was out riding a bike or scooter.


Two houses down for the past 2-3 years these little brats have been running around.. screaming at the top of their lungs for nothing.. Highly annoying when you're trying to enjoy a day outside. I can understand some screaming and yelling but this like nonstop for hours on end. They're probably ages 4 to 8ish. Parents are no where to be found either (probably in the bed producing more bratty kids).

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I was gonna go yesterday.. but I didn't.


Probably gonna hit up hoover tomorrow or wednesday if the ground isn't muddy


Good idea. I don't care if it is muddy. I usually go at night with my glow discs. A little damp shoes are fine as long as it isn't cold out.

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I didn't visit there much last season but have they reopened the back 9 yet?


Not sure. I am usually at Griggs or OSU. Last time I was at Hoover was last year. You should try OSU out after the sun goes down. It is fun.

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