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Indonesia LOL, Mom LOL, Kid LOL


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U mad bro? you should make a 30 minute video pleading your case that we go after the indonesian .gov to keep kids safe. 1 week, 70 million views, 100 annoying facebook shares, and we can get involved in some shit that doesnt affect us




And the kid cant not start school because he smokes, he cant start because hes 4...hes got a year to kick the habit before he can enroll in kindergarten :dumb:

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I'd say Fuck em, let em die off or cause problems for their India and China neighbors. But...


Zero Fucks to give over here.


eggzactly. And while were wagging our fingers at kids smoking, 1/2 of this countries child population is obese.


pick your poison. At least smoking potentially looks cool....no one has ever associated rebellious behavior with plowing through big macs and 72oz cokes.

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