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the Trayvon Martin case


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This just keeps getting better and better. Next, the Zimmerman family will sue the pants off every major news outlet. I hope the New Black Panthers get abolished. There is no need for people like that, no matter the race. I hope Jessie j and sharton follow them too.
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This just keeps getting better and better. Next, the Zimmerman family will sue the pants off every major news outlet. I hope the New Black Panthers get abolished. There is no need for people like that, no matter the race. I hope Jessie j and sharton follow them too.


This whole matter is another reason i want to move west and live in the middle of nowhere.

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Site is hit or miss with connectivity. I am sure someone is trying to DDoS it.


OSU is PISSED that this website is using the vandalism that occured on campus as a picture of "support".


Edit: guess he was smart enough to finally take the picture down



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Is this to avoid a race war or because they think there was foul play?



Either to prevent a race war or so Angela Corey doesn't become the next bounty.


Me saying that does NOT mean I think Zimmerman is innocent. He should have backed the fuck off like he was told.



This is bullshit, i say we start a race war if hes convicted.



Two wrongs always equal right, huh?

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Is this to avoid a race war or because they think there was foul play?



From what I am hearing from people in Florida is that the Prosecutor is very very good at her job and would not file charges if she didn't think she was 100% going to win.

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Me saying that does NOT mean I think Zimmerman is innocent. He should have backed the fuck off like he was told.


Couldn't agree more.


I continue to read up on this case and continue to get more fired up by the media bias. The ONLY pictures being shown on the major news outlets are of Zimmerman's mug shot and Martin as a sweet, innocent, smiling 12yr old. Disgusting.


Leave race out of this mess and focus on the facts of the incident. :mad:


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From what I am hearing from people in Florida is that the Prosecutor is very very good at her job and would not file charges if she didn't think she was 100% going to win.


They said the same thing about the prosecutor for the casey anthony case and look how that turned out.

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They said the same thing about the prosecutor for the casey anthony case and look how that turned out.


Yeah, but that's nowhere near the same as filing charges to make the public outcry go away. Just because they botched the trial doesn't mean they didn't think they could win.

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