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Polaris Chase people...


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if you are going to be in the N wing then you will be in the very south of the building, i took the above pic from the N wing and that is where you will be parking if you come in at 9'ish.



Justin, This place is completely dead today! wtf is going on


Ill go ahead and sport the idiot badge now...i was looking at a map of polaris someone sent me a while ago, and i was looking at N parking lot (nw corner) and not N wing.




I guess thats better then. Lol

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i came from westerville and that place was a total dump hole compared to polaris. they make it as comfy as possible here. its beautiful in here. the bitches are top notch, you can literally walk anywhere for lunch in either direction and if its nice you wont mind it at all. i park in the same spot everyday up front and i get here around 805am. you have a shit ton of food choices if you want to stay in the building, starbucks is always ass packed, did i mention the top notch bitches. you can hang out with me and greg face, and like paul said, you have a shit ton of shitters to choose from and 99% of them are super clean. better networking up here, and bitches..... BAD BITCHES EVERY DAY
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I worked for Chase for 11 1/2 years and worked in Westerville first then they moved our group to Polaris then back to Westerville then back to Polaris. I can tell you I changed my schedule to work 7 - 4 so that I would miss the majority of the traffic concerns and park in the first row of the parking lot. The South cafe is better, and the "scenery" is REALLY good during the summer months to the point you want to hang out in the atrium and just watch the "scenery" walk on by.


This. Damn Bart it's been 11 1/2 years? I'll be there for 10 in August. :fa:

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