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Sonic boom???


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Anybody hear this sonic boom that people on 10tv's facebook page are freaking out about? I'm in london and didn't hear a thing some people say it was a sonic boom others are saying that it was about 30 second long and sounded like a jet landing on there house.

Just wondered if someone on here that has actually heard a sonic boom before and doesnt automatically think that its some huge government cover up or aliens coming to get us has to say about this.

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Huge and prolonged here in Delaware. Everyone who wasn't outside came outside on the whole block. I was upstairs and at first, dismissed it as a low flying jet. But then, it just got louder and louder. The whole house and everything within began trembling. I ran down the stairs since whatever it was now sounded MASSIVE and almost right above.


Once outside, I found I was too late to see what it could've been. Asking a couple who had been outside was futile as they didn't seem to know what it was either. I found this strange since it was partly cloudy and anything crossing the sky should've been clearly visible at different parts.


Any links to where others are talking about it?

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yeah, around 6ish. I couldn't spot the aircraft, something sexy as hell no doubt. Nice ear-splitting rumble for a good minute+ up this way.


I definitely heard it in that case. I was at Arrowhead and it sounded like I was at the airport. I scanned the sky and couldn't see anything.

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Myself I'm just disappointed that I didn't get to hear it, sonic booms are bad ass. I heard the space shuttle coming in over california once while standing on the wing of the plane I was on doing a pre flight inspection at first I thought the plane had just settled or something but a few minutes later when I walked into OPS and saw the shuttle on tv landing it dawned on me what it actually was.
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I definitely heard it in that case. I was at Arrowhead and it sounded like I was at the airport. I scanned the sky and couldn't see anything.


Arrowhead golf course in Galena? I used to live about 1/8 of a mile from that place, grew up running around in the woods down by little walnut creek behind our house. Good times

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I heard it too. I thought it was thunder or something. I was in my bedroom and was like, wtf was that. Looked outside real quick....then went back to jerking it.




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Went right over my house, north delaware. Got outside to see it but was to far to figure out what it was. Prolly a 16 but couldn't be sure. All I know is if he hit mach someones getting a foot up there ass. lol



And that someone is the crew chief because pilots and especially fighter pilots do not make mistakes.lol

And actualy if he was responding to a civilian pilot busting a TFR that was in effect he may have been well within his regulations to break the sound barrier.

Edited by buelliganx1
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I definitely heard it in that case. I was at Arrowhead and it sounded like I was at the airport. I scanned the sky and couldn't see anything.


This. Walked out on the deck in Galena and didn't see a thing but it def lasted a good minute or more.

Odd too since it was sunny and even though there were clouds in the sky it seemed like whatever it was should have been visible.


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Yup I heard it in new albany / 161 area. It sounded like fighter jets and huge cargo plane flying real low after like a takeoff. I had no idea what was going on but lately I have been hearing a similar sound around sunset - 10:30pm sounds like a low flying commercial flight at first then its sounds like a fighter jet blowin by
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