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The "Im still talking about D. Wiggs 4 years later" thread


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I had a funny experience at the "REAL" cars and coffee last year. It was one of their events at Byers. I happen to have a few good friends that work for Byers and texted me that morning to see if I was attending so I showed up.


I rolled up in the GT3 that was fresh off of back to back track weekends. It was covered in rubber, brake dust, numbers and general track patina.


When I arrive my friends clear house for me to have a front spot right in front of the showroom doors. The Porsche GM came out and applauded me for using the car as intended and said he loved the fresh off the track look


One of the REAL cars and coffee regulars took quite an exception to me bringing a "dirty, ragged out piece of shit" and even more exception to the fact that I was given a prime parking spot when he had arrived early and was not provided the same treatment. He threw a fit to my friend, the salesman that instructed me to park there.


We both thought it was a joke at first, but he was genuinely butt hurt over this sequence of events.


I have never been back to that cars and coffee crowd since.



Is this real life?

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Hey, even I went to one of the "REAL" cads and coffee events last year. Who could say no to free autoX time? :cool::D


I am curious who "falsely takes credit for their work"???


Serious question.


Is there someone running around being like, "Hey car crowd, I just wanted you to know that I have a lambo that DOESN'T make 2000 HP like I claimed it would and that I have NOT raced anyone I said I would or therefore I have NOT beaten any of my competitors like I have been boasting. DO YOU HEAR ME WHEN I SAY THAT I AM AWFUL AT MAKING CARS AND PRETTY MUCH FAILING AT THIS?"


Is there some masked idiot out there stealing the lack of thunder from CTD? I mean, this culprit must be stopped at all costs.

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Andy, I hate everything about what you experienced from that guy. Although, I'm very happy to read how upset he was and that reality was just too much for him that day. I applaude the anti-status approach you, and many other members here have with higher end, performance cars. Edited by Mojoe
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Serious question.


Is there someone running around being like, "Hey car crowd, I just wanted you to know that I have a lambo that DOESN'T make 2000 HP like I claimed it would and that I have NOT raced anyone I said I would or therefore I have NOT beaten any of my competitors like I have been boasting. DO YOU HEAR ME WHEN I SAY THAT I AM AWFUL AT MAKING CARS AND PRETTY MUCH FAILING AT THIS?"


Is there some masked idiot out there stealing the lack of thunder from CTD? I mean, this culprit must be stopped at all costs.


This guy gets it.


"Attention Fasebookers! If anyone else put vinyl and tint on a Tesla they'd better not say it was CTD! Or wait...if it's a good job, maybe you SHOULD say it was us. Now I'm confused. I'm going to have to call my lawyer."


Or..."Hello Facebookland! There is some guy with a pickup truck in Grove City that doesn't run. Please don't label OTHER cars that don't run as being tuned by CTD. While we are proud to promote junk that doesn't run, not every jank piece is us...much as we'd love the free publicity."


I'm going to start calling that Lambo the #Swiffer, because of how much dust it collects.

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Serious question.


Is there someone running around being like, "Hey car crowd, I just wanted you to know that I have a lambo that DOESN'T make 2000 HP like I claimed it would and that I have NOT raced anyone I said I would or therefore I have NOT beaten any of my competitors like I have been boasting. DO YOU HEAR ME WHEN I SAY THAT I AM AWFUL AT MAKING CARS AND PRETTY MUCH FAILING AT THIS?"


Is there some masked idiot out there stealing the lack of thunder from CTD? I mean, this culprit must be stopped at all costs.


Yet there are people on CR who supple up to this guys nuts.


Bottom line, within the performance industry this guy is viewed as a cunt.

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How do they still have business? I heard through the grape vine that CTD will start to get busier and IPS is going under and that some IPS people went to CTD? Can anyone shed light on that?


The quick and honest answer, yes.


I've seen IPS in the paper owing $40,000-ish in back taxes.


2 employees, one being a tuner (excluding thorne) left IPS and went to CTD from my understanding. Eric Scambalogna or however the fuck you spell his name is one. His wife is the one mainly running CTD's FB dick swinging page.

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The quick and honest answer, yes.


I've seen IPS in the paper owing $40,000-ish in back taxes.


2 employees, one being a tuner (excluding thorne) left IPS and went to CTD from my understanding. Eric Scambalogna or however the fuck you spell his name is one. His wife is the one mainly running CTD's FB dick swinging page.


:no: :barf:

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Disclaimer: Due to the popularity of our brand and our builds it has come to our attention that individuals and/or companies are falsely taking credit for work that has been performed, and intellectual property that has been created, solely by our present CTD team members. It is unlawful for any person/entity/company that is not presently employed by Covert Tuning Dynamics to claim any credit (partial or otherwise) for any project/design/build of CTD's. Swift and emphatic legal action will be taken against all violators. Thank you.



This is hysterical. Apparently they don't understand that in order to have intellectual property rights in an invention (like a car tuning device or part) they would first have to invent something (you know, new, novel, non-obvious) and would then have to patent it. (Or I guess they could keep it a trade secret but then posting about it on the internet probably isn't the best move).


I suppose they could be trying to implicate some form of trademark dilution. But they've got it completely ass backwards.


Anyway, when they try some "swift and emphatic legal action" I hope they're ready for their suit to be dismissed equally swiftly.

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Yeah their disclaimer is right up there with the other Facebook copypasta about personal identity protection, you can't use my pictures, it's illegal for the government to look at my Facebook profile, etc. One of those gets around every year and I cringe hard.
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