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Orions Garden 2012


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Ah, shucks. I'll have to get our list when I get home from gardening tonight. The ones I know off the top of my head are these...




Cherry 100

Yellow Pear

Em & M

Purple Smudge

German Johnson

White Ox



EDIT: Dark Chocolate, as well.


And one or two others who's names escape me right now. i'll try to remember to put them on here this evening.

Edited by Orion
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I am growing



Supersweet 100

Cherry Punch


Abe Lincoln

Early Girl



Homemade Pickles

Salad Slicers



Fordhook Zuchinni



Snack Pack



Pineberry White D

Chandler Variety(walmart, doubt it grows)



Northern Xtra Sweet

Honey & Cream

Silver Choice


everything ordered online from Burpee except the one kind of strawberry, abe lincoln and the early girl

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We were out there again tonight, doing some maintenance and putting in some more Marigolds. Took some more pics.


Our Snow Peas are beginning to climb a bit...




The Early Season Potatos are growing like weeds...




The peppers all seem ot have taken fairly well, doesn't look like we'll lose any...




The Radishes are damn near ready to harvest already...




And the Onions are getting big...




Hell, even the newest litter of pups is growing up right...




The homestead for our guardians...




Our mascot, Jack...




The garlic growing at dads place is doing very well...




As are the late season potatos in the potato condos...




It's coming along nicely so far. :)

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what are your plans for containing the tall tomato plants like the supersweet 100's? Pruning? Extra tall trellis/stakes/cages?


first timer here and the height of some of the tomatoes I'm going to grow kinda scares me in terms of how I'm going to support their height.

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what are your plans for containing the tall tomato plants like the supersweet 100's? Pruning? Extra tall trellis/stakes/cages?


first timer here and the height of some of the tomatoes I'm going to grow kinda scares me in terms of how I'm going to support their height.


We will be putting cages around them. The same stuff we are using for the Peas to climb on, save that it is about 5 feet tall. Each tomato will get it's own cage. Definitely have to support them, as some of the tomatos can weigh upwards of a pound each.


If you roll into any home and garden store and ask for tomato cages, they can point you in the right direction.

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I've been looking at a lot stores for them but seems the ones I find aren't very tall 4'-5'. Been leaning towards a conduit trellis but I also thought about trying the tall ones between two sheds I have. They are about 7' apart from one another, would provide a nice 12' length of planting and get quite a bit of sun in between. My idea was to hang string/rope from the edge of one for the plant to climb up and once they're as tall as the edge string them across to the other shed diagonally and up. Doing it diagonally to minimize shading. No idea if this would work though lol
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5' will be just fine. You won't really have to worry about stems "breaking", but the plants may "fall" at some point during the season. Obviously, that's not a great thing, but they won't die or stop producing.


Tomatos aren't actually "climbing" plants, they just produce more and better when they are supported and kept upright. The cage just gives them something to lean on, essentially.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, got some new pics from the garden...


Put in a row of sweet potatos, used some straw to help keep the weeds in check...




The Cabbage and snow peas are coming along nicely...




Radishes, carrots and salsify are starting to get a little bit under control...




Spread a little straw on our pepper patch, just trying to keep the weeds at bay. Also added some more plants...




Mounded up the potatos again. These things are out of control!




Onions are growing like crazy still...




Reverse Angle...




And another one of our "helpers". This one is Cali. There is another, "Grey", but I couldn't get her to sit still long enough to take a pic.




Never thought I'd say this, but I am really enjoying this stuff.

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Looks great. Your property is my wet dream. I started my stuff too late for TX, I should have started the seeds in Jan, ohh well, this year will be a learning experience. Hopefully I get some kind of return on my hard work, but if not, I learned for next year!
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everyone bring something made from stuff they grow... Yumm


What if I only grow money, which I then take to market to buy beer? :(


I can start to seed for Pinot Noir, if that's what you want me to bring to CR-Thanksgiving-in-Summer...

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I was wondering if there is a market at local famers markets for organic and heirloom stuff? Could you make any kind of money with a big enough garden?


bear in mind, you have to have food inspectors come out be certified to sell at some markets though..

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  • 3 weeks later...

The cabbage, eggplants, and peas are doing well. We've already pulled three buckets of peas at this point...




Harvested the radishes, we have some carrots and Salsify left in theat space. Put in some Brussel Sprouts as well...




Pepper patch is looking good...




Potatos are getting huge, along with tomatos...




Onions too...




Some of these tomato plants are at my stomach now, that rain really helped spur them along...



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