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Orions Garden 2012


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I came to OH for 2wks and Just got back here to TX and the tomato plants are freaking huge compared to when I left. Easily 4+ times bigger both in height and thickness.


Toamtos like it HOT HOT HOT! :) (just water those buggers!)

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As of yesterday, the tomato plants had reached just under the tops of the stakes. Huge. We had to pute up some fencing around them to help support them, as we have tied them off as much as we really can.



Jealous of the size


Just don't let your husband know. Lol

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Welp, as of this Satruday, our largest tomato plants have crested the stakes...




The onions alongside of them are tall, as well...




The peppers and potatos really enjoyed the rain we got early last week....




Our eggplants and Sunflowers are coming along as well...




We went ahead and harvested some of our Red (new) potatos...




And the BIG news is that we have expanded our garden to include THIS new area...




Getting plowed...




I wasn't there for the rest of the cultivating, but It was plowed and disked, and we have tilled a large section of the eastern side. This past Saturday we spent 8 hours in the Garden, harvesting our Snow peas, a few of the cabbages, and the red potatos, and planting 6 rows in the new area. Peanuts, squash, pumpkins, melons and corn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes indeed. Here's the latest...


The peppers are looking great.




Got some big ones growing




Eggplants and Sunflowers are getting big




Onions are about ready




Carrots and Salsify are getting ready to be picked as well




Some of the first fruits




Jelly Melons are enclosed, growing well




Covered some of our brussel sprouts to help keep the bugs at bay




On the other side of the garden (The new side) things are sprouting nicely











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Harvested the potatos. This is the yield from six (!) plants




Put some more tomatos in their place




Took up some onions as well. these things were CRAZY strong when we ate them, delicious!




Here is a panoramic to compare to the one earlier in the thread.




It's a lot of work. Seriously, it's like a scond job. The food is just SO damn good though. The potatoes are amazing.


Totally worth it.

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Wife pickled some of our green cherry tomatos this evening. God these are gonna be good....




This is what they look like ripened. They practically pop in your mouth they are so juicy.



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