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HomeOwners With A Fence


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I just bought my house with a fence, but looking at the plot layout and talking with the original owner she had it built about 2 inches inside the property line. I walk around it with my weedeater, but thats all I'm going to do. The one lazy neighbor doesn't even mow his own grass.
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Talked to them today.. They pay to have their grass mowed.



The company that mowes says they will not mow over the property line. They could careless if I mow or leave it.


So maybe I should be talking to the mowing company to ask why they won't do that 1.5' strip. Is it in 5 drips of fuel that it takes to mow it? Or are they strictly not aloud to mow up to my fence due to it not being their property.

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Talked to them today.. They pay to have their grass mowed.



The company that mowes says they will not mow over the property line. They could careless if I mow or leave it.


So maybe I should be talking to the mowing company to ask why they won't do that 1.5' strip. Is it in 5 drips of fuel that it takes to mow it? Or are they strictly not aloud to mow up to my fence due to it not being their property.


Liability, I bet you anything.


I'd mow it and then roundup right up against the fence, fuck weedeating. If it were me i wouldn't mow the 1.5' if i were in your neighbors place either. It's your yard not his. At my house I set my fence in 5' on either side and maintain it, sometimes my neighbor mows the 5' and it pisses me off.


I've got 780' of fence and I roundup that shit.

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I know when my fence was put up the guys at guardian said its the norm to place the fence 6" inside of your lot lines so that people cannot just hook on to your fence and use yours without premission.


^^ this. We insured this when we put up our fence.


Im not sure if thats my property or not.. I have heard the 6" rule before...


^^ get it verified. If you just bought your house, look through the paperwork for the mortgage, you paid for a survey and it's likely in the paperwork. I know we have ours from when it was done. If not, call the survey company who did it and pay for a copy.


But does that mean your suppose to mow and weed eat outside the fence also?
I do and specifically asked that our nieghbor insure their lawn service company does NOT weed-whack my fence or the grass along it as I will do it. They tend to tear it up if not done carefully. I angel the line below the fence boards not tap up against them wearing it down.




Talked to them today.. They pay to have their grass mowed. The company that mowes says they will not mow over the property line. They could careless if I mow or leave it.


tt. the mowing company and insure it's okay and offer to sign something if it's an issue. My guess is your neighbor told them not to do it because it's your land otherwise, they likely would have. I mean, the landscapers wouldn't know.


So maybe I should be talking to the mowing company to ask why they won't do that 1.5' strip. Is it in 5 drips of fuel that it takes to mow it? Or are they strictly not aloud to mow up to my fence due to it not being their property.
Yep. I would.
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Yeah, that strip of grass is your responsibility, not your neighbors. I have a similar situation which was resolved with Roundup and mulch. It's a pain having grass growing right up to the fence, anyway as you won't be able to get it all with a mower.
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yep your grass. As mention above that way people can't tie into your fence.


also normally utility compaines have a easement that allows access to lines etc. Typically its 1'


My house was like this on every side around the fence. Take the extra 2 mins and do it.

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I agree your neighbor more then likely told them not to mow that area. I have been mowing residential and commercial yards for a many years and never experienced a situation like this. I accidently mow into other yards all the time when mowing my customers yards. My insurance covers me everywhere. Some people are very picky about there property lines. It would easier for me to just mow it and be done with it rather then trying to stay away from that area each time I mow. Something just does not sound right here. It is possible the mowing company just does not want to mow more then they have to. It would take me no more time or gas do that strip.
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