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Nikon 1

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Why ask opinions after you have bought it? Not trying to be a bitch, just, I don't understand the logic of your question.


I haven't had a non dslr in probably 7 years, so I have no real opinion on it or many others

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ah, let me explain. I got it as a gift and its returnable. I realize everyone has an opinion about what they prefer to use and im looking for opinions on this model.


since its here, in my possession, im pretty much looking for a damning testimony that would cause me to return it.

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Ok that little bit of info makes your request more reasonable..I you return it will you replace it with another camera? Or just get cash. I know the n1 has some nifty moving images features but inhabit played with one for more than a few seconds at target


Why does no one give me gifts like this?

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I know right.. I was just as suprised (mom is a photographer and I've wanted a camera for years). If I return it ill get another camera. broke it out last night and played with it a bit but won't madge a decision before I read the manual.
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Picked up a Nikon 1. Any opinions on it?


Free as in gift then cool. IMO not worth the money if I had to spend it. I checked the new mirror less units out a while back as a possible carry around cam.


What I do like:


  • IQ is good. Not DSLR, but good and better than typical P&S even high end ones.
  • AF System is great for such a small camera. Not as robust or useful to me as ones found on a DSLR, but perhaps will work for you and your needs.
  • Small size



What I don't like:


  • Menus and access to conrols. Goes against what Nikon is known for and that is friendly menus and controls. Not so here.
  • Bridge camera. What I mean there is up from a P&S but not a DSLR in terms of complexity. I say dislike here only because of the cost and need for lenses. If they priced it at $500 and gave it a decent useful range kit lens, my opinion would change.

That said, it all may not be applicable to you. It's free or a gift so enjoy it. experiment and learn and see if it's a hobby or passion you will chase.



Congrats! It is a cool gift.

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ah, let me explain. I got it as a gift and its returnable. I realize everyone has an opinion about what they prefer to use and im looking for opinions on this model.


since its here, in my possession, im pretty much looking for a damning testimony that would cause me to return it.



Should have read this first I guess.


Check the return policy now that you've opened it. You might face a restocking fee. As I said earlier, nice gift, but usefulness as a camera will depend on your needs. Does the lens you have offer enough reach? If not, you might best go get a DSLR and a longer range kit lens or one that offers more all around capability.

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Were you gifted the J1 or V1?


So, this is probably the only advice you will get from someone who's bought a mirror less camera, since everyone here seems to hate them. Take it for what it is. :)


I was not interested in lugging around a full sized DLSR. I asked and read around and went with the Olympus PEN E-PM1. The Sony is going to be able to take, in theory, the best pics due to the largest sensor size. But the kit lens that comes with it is huge compared to the camera size. The Nikkon's felt more like toys and I think have less capabilities. Having said that, even the Nikkon's are still going to be worlds better than P&S's.


I also liked that the Olympus shares the micro 4/3 format with the Panasonic, so all lenses are compatible. I think the lens selection in the long run for these are going to be better than the Nikkon's or Sony due to that. Sgima (and Noktor/Norkton? $$$$$) have already come out with lenses for m4/3. Despite that, if you really think you will get into this and want to buy a bunch of lenses, go with a regular DSLR. I would have already bought a nice prime lens if I could get one for the price they cost with regular DLRS's. I'm thinking the selection, competition and price will help eventually with m4/3.


If you are just getting into this, like me, and want to learn more, I'm sure you will be very happy with the Nikkon. It's should be able to take really good pics. For me, I don't think I will outgrow one of these cameras capabilities any time soon. Unless you really know you want a full sized DLSR, since it's a gift I would just keep it.


Some reading in case you really wanted to dig around.



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