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My new car

Green Bastard

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so i traded the car i had for this, its a 90 rx7 turbo II. it needs a little work (and if there is anyone around who is familiar with the turbo II's i would greatly appreciate any help to get this running) but it should be fun. long term goals are to get a small block chevy built (looking to build a 383 shooting for around 350-400 fwhp). anyhow, this is the only pic i have right now, but i can take more if anyone has any requests to see anything. and i apologize if the quality isnt the greatest, its a cell phone camera.



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  beatercamaro said:
so i traded the car i had for this, its a 90 rx7 turbo II. it needs a little work (and if there is anyone around who is familiar with the turbo II's i would greatly appreciate any help to get this running) but it should be fun. long term goals are to get a small block chevy built (looking to build a 383 shooting for around 350-400 fwhp). anyhow, this is the only pic i have right now, but i can take more if anyone has any requests to see anything. and i apologize if the quality isnt the greatest, its a cell phone camera.





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  Tinman said:
Piston powered RX7s are gay.


meh, i wanna see what the turbo motor in it can be about, but i still believe that i could prolly make more torque with a piston motor (based upon only having driven an s4 na before). however if i decide i like the rotary, maybe ill go get another car worthy of the small block.

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to check compression on the motor get a compression tester pull the top spark plugs remove the large yellow relay which controls your fuel and crank the motor over you want over 80 psi on all faces. if its low buy some marvels mystery oil remove spark plugs squirt oil into the housings while having someone turn the motor by hand using a 19mm socket on the bolt in the main pully let sit overnight then see if it starts.
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ya, i thought about going lsx, but i just dont have the money to do it how i would want it. plus i already have a bunch of stuff already for the 350 i have (ive had it a lil while, i originally got it for the camaro, but my plans changed). im not lookin for a 7 second car or anything, just something fun to drive more or less.
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