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Flashing Headlights as speedtrap warning.


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As far as ticketing somebody for doing this under the "approaching oncoming traffic with high beams on" law, that's bullshit, at least during the day. The fact is that many cars daytime running lamps function by just running the high beams in order to be visible in daylight. At night, sure, if the law is written in a way that specifies after dusk or whatever. If DRLs are legal, then high beam use in daylight is too, even into oncoming traffic...
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A friend of mine was driving outside Ashley (north of Delaware) on 42 and flashed a cop to warn of a cop ahead... When the cop pulled him over and asked "Why was he flashing his lights in the middle of the day" my dumbass buddy replied to warn you that there is a cop up ahead hidding... I believe he did get a ticket
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Gahanna for example. Is it necessary to have 3-6 patrols cars circling downtown Gahanna to catch people going 5-7 mph over in a 25 zone? The speed traps in the area have nothing to do with ensuring people are staying safe and more about generating revenue due to their location.


And in situations like this I vote with my wallet and never ever go into areas like that. I spend my money elsewhere.

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Gahanna for example. Is it necessary to have 3-6 patrols cars circling downtown Gahanna to catch people going 5-7 mph over in a 25 zone? The speed traps in the area have nothing to do with ensuring people are staying safe and more about generating revenue due to their location.


And in situations like this I vote with my wallet and never ever go into areas like that. I spend my money elsewhere.

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And in situations like this I vote with my wallet and never ever go into areas like that. I spend my money elsewhere.


That's the reason I moved the F... away Gahana area. Have you ever been to the Gahana major's court? That place smell and run like a butcher shop.


Back to the topic, I flash my headlights and continue to do so to warn other motorist. Flashing your headlights is not illegal, it's a way to communicate with other motorists. You can also flash your headlights to remind other motorists to turn on their lights, and to get the F... out of your way.

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But i did grow up in Gahanna so i might be biased.


i do like how flashing your lights is literally an international sign for 5-0... i wish more people did it.


If guess if i really wanted to know what was coming i could get a CB 1970s style

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right, i hate going to areas that are adequately patrolled and safe.


They go beyond being safe and become a PIA when all the are doing is sitting there waiting to bust drivers for minor speed violations.

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They go beyond being safe and become a PIA when all the are doing is sitting there waiting to bust drivers for minor speed violations.


I understand and agree. Believe me when I say 4-5 lanes of 25mph is annoying and I've gotten busted more than once in high school. I don't like it but its the law and while it seems like a PIA my feelings tend to weigh in on the safety side more than the PIA side.

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I have been flashing my headlights to warn of police for nearly the entire 14 yeras i have been driving.... never been pulled over, probably saved many-a-driver getting a speeding ticket... Karma has repaid the favor several times as well...


Same here.

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I wish police pulled over fgtz in the left lane going slower then the posted speed limit. Also lane cutters during rush hour. No need to constantly change lanes if it is stop and go for miles and miles.
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In my opinion, a cruiser in the median of a freeway during high traffic does more harm than good. Can't tell you how many times I have seen near rear end collisions caused by people stomping on their brakes in response to seeing a cop up ahead. Were they doing 85 mph, I would understand, but these are folks that are already doing 70 or less and have guilty consciences or something. It is extremely frustrating for a safe driver, like myself.

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Enjoy the game while it lasts. I think we'll all live to see the day where enforcement is truly automated and automatic.


Take a trip to europe sometime. I drove around and didn't see any "traffic enforcement officers". There were however, annoying speed cameras every mile or so it seemed. Eventually you grow tired of the GPS going 'BEEP BEEP SPEED CAMERA AHEAD" and you just do the speed limit.


I haven't received any correspondence regarding some cameras I failed to slow down for. :gabe:

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speed kills lol


Speed doesn't kill, suddenly coming to a stop from a high speed is what kills.


Thank you Clarkson.


With regards to speed traps, I have no problem with it as a safety issue. In areas where a speed limit suddenly drops due to a residential area, I have no problem with officers camping out. That's obviously to increase safety.


What I have a problem with is, for example. coming around the bend on i70W at Livingston and having traffic flow come to a screeching halt momentarily because everyone doing 70-75 sees a cop and slams on their brakes. The speed limit is only a limit as far as anyone follows it. People are going to go the speed that feels comfortable, and modern cars allow for 70-75 as a safe travel speed. What becomes unsafe is a road condition that suddenly makes 70-75 unsafe, SUCH AS A SURPRISE SPEED TRAP WHERE THERE IS NO REASON TO BE ONE.

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speed traps on freeways

old fashioned ideas about driving rules (not laws)

out dated freeway systems and the conditions the roads are in

ticketing revenue offenses instead of ones that actually are unsafe or prohibitive to actually having efficient traffic flow


all reasons why we can't go fast in this country.


offtopic sorry


as a police officer if you have to hide to catch speeders you are just collecting revenue

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Flashing lights works perfectly. Made it to zainsville today going 75-80 the whole way. Just backed it down in air patrolled areas as they did have the birds in the sky above.


Otherwise just keeping an eye ahead for brake lights and watching for others to flash me proved to be perfect. Stay in the right to center lanes with a blocker car in case they are rolling towards me shooting radar. zero issues. Cya OSP!

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Enjoy the game while it lasts. I think we'll all live to see the day where enforcement is truly automated and automatic.


As long as there is some one to create the automation, there will be someone to break it. :)

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speed traps on freeways

old fashioned ideas about driving rules (not laws)

out dated freeway systems and the conditions the roads are in

ticketing revenue offenses instead of ones that actually are unsafe or prohibitive to actually having efficient traffic flow


all reasons why we can't go fast in this country.


offtopic sorry


as a police officer if you have to hide to catch speeders you are just collecting revenue


26 speeding tickets...


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