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Don't take life for granted


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We did a quick stroke test and rushed him off to urgent care (couldn't talk him into ambulance, he's counting every penny, things are tight for him).


Look, I'm extremely tight. Over analyze every penny I spend. But this is just ridiculous. What good is money if you aren't alive to use it.


Actually if that happens it's a HUGE risk to the company not to have him take an ambulance. A good lawyer would most certainly play that card.

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He had a spinal cord stimulator implant put in back in December and had been complaining of increased pain ever since but none of the 3 doctors he saw for this took him serious. One of them actually called him a liar and told him to get over and it and go back to work.


They tried to put one of these in my wife, and we promptly left that doctor and never returned.

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He's at home resting. Urgent care sent him home with anxiety meds after looking at him for an hour. He took the week off.


I don't know if it was anxiety. Who knows. Talked to him on the phone last night, and as a friend I urged him to make an appointment with a specialist anyway, or at least his GM, but we'll see. He said he made one. His wife doesnt really sound the type to take charge and make him. So I worry he's going to talk (+WebMD) himself into the least scary diagnosis and then ignore it all.


I am afraid he's going to ignore it until its too late. But on the other hand you cannot force anyone to do anything, except your own underage children. For other adults: You can lead a horse to water....


This episode, however, has prompted me to make an appointment with my GM to get a couple things checked that I've been doing the same thing about: ignoring them.


All I can give as a take-away is "Pay attention to the signs".

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Good call. I wish we had done the same. It was his 4th back surgery and they said it was his final resort. I figured this was better than him trying to kill himself all the time from the pain.


My wife had 2 Hip Surgeries and an Ankle Surgery within a year. She was on large amounts of pain killers. They asked to put one in, and we left never to return to that doctor.

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I have witnessed the "you just never know" situation a few times this year. My sisters fiances mom passed away from a brain aneurysm. Very healty, 60 years old, never smoked. Happened while she was driving and she was gone by the time she got to the hospital. In another situation a fellow cyclist died in his sleep of a massive heart attack at age 42. Again very healthy, active and never smoked etc. Just goes to show you never know when your time is up.
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Just wanted to post this here.


Sitting here at work and my best senior developer, his cube is just outside my office, stands up and is really agitated confused and worried, and says he can't read half the words. Then as he's talking to Dan one of our tech's he says half Dan's face disappeared.


We did a quick stroke test and rushed him off to urgent care (couldn't talk him into ambulance, he's counting every penny, things are tight for him).


We're here waiting on news. But symptoms like that I can't imagine it not being serious.


34yrs young. Skinny.



Powerful reminder - DO NOT TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED.


My mom had a stroke 5 days before my birthday in November. She couldn't talk or do much else and had little to no movement of her right arm. Today she's alot better, a bit slow to speak but much better physically. Doctors say its possible to make a full recovery depending on the severity of the stroke.


Sounds like you got him to medical attention right away, there's a 4hour wind medication?) and it will help ALOT in his recovery. My mom waited an entire day and still made progress. So here's to your friend and coworker, hopefully he'll be back soon.

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