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Where is the man card?


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The internet has made men into passive-aggressive bitches.


A few weeks ago, someone in chatbox was complaining that a girl in his office was bouncing a tennis ball while she worked, and it was bothering him and some other coworkers. Instead of going up to said girl and asking her to stop, like a man, he was talking about going to her supervisor and lodging a complaint. Meanwhile, he and his officemates were trading emails about this woman talking shit about her. I wanted to bitch-slap this pussy and call him Susan.


This passive-aggressive bullshit needs to go. Have some fucking testicles. Talk to people. Confront your fucking issues. Own your shit. Occassionally, you may offend someone, it's ok. You may also, in turn, be offended...but that's ok too.





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In reality discipline beyond a timeout isn't needed if you raise your kids right. I'm not saying my kids are perfect, but if you think slapping a kid around is going to teach him respect I'll stand strong the side that it won't. It will only exacerbate the behavior and add in some more difficult ones to control as they get older.


Actually, there are varying theories on the correct way to discipline a child. So far, none has been proven to be a more effective method at controlling behavior. Wait 5 years and there will be more theories as well, early/middle childhood development is always changing. The takeaway point from most of the articles/classes is, every kid is different.

Edited by Hal
Homonym Hell.
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Actually, their are varying theories on the correct way to discipline a child. So far, none has been proven to be a more effective method at controlling behavior. Wait 5 years and there will be more theories as well, early/middle childhood development is always changing. The takeaway point from most of the articles/classes is, every kid is different.


People are all different, but in the end, trust and respect applies universally regardless of age. Read the book The SPEED of Trust and we'll talk. Believe me, I manage a team of 150 people from managers, to supervisors and blue collar hourly workers in a production environment, not to mention I have a 6 & 9 year old. The book applies to all. You'll see what I mean when you raise kids. Nothing is more effective than trust and respect give in both directions. It even applies on CR.

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People are all different, but in the end, trust and respect applies universally. Read the book The SPEED of Trust and we'll talk. Believe me, I manage a team of 150 people from managers, to supervisors and blue collar workers not to mention I have a 6 & 9 year old. The book applies to all. You'll see what I mean when you raise kids.


Assuming I will raise kids. :dumb:


Any time I ask my wife about something a kid does, she can cite a theory that explains it. After that, she tells me "every kid is different." It's been drilled into my head, along with my past managerial experiences. Those experiences also make me worry about the future.


P.S. When I fuck up a homonym, please wait to quote me until I fix it. It's bad for my grammar cred.

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Assuming I will raise kids. :dumb:


Best thing you will ever have happen to you. Seriously. IMO you're not grown up until you've raised one. I challenge even the toughest bad ass here to try it too. Boot Camp is a vacation in comparison :gabe:

It's been drilled into my head, along with my past managerial experiences. Those experiences also make me worry about the future.

The good news is making it in the business world is actually pretty easy once you master Management of People. Future is what we as leaders make it. Fuck, if I can do it......
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My Child knows how to act at home, and in public. She has never known physical punishment. My voice alone instills fear in her. She does not want me to be mad, angry or upset. Perhaps it is because she is a girlie-girl??





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Best thing you will ever have happen to you. Seriously. IMO you're not grown up until you've raised one. I challenge even the toughest bad ass here to try it too. Boot Camp is a vacation in comparison :gabe:

The good news is making it in the business world is actually pretty easy once you master Management of People. Future is what we as leaders make it. Fuck, if I can do it......

I think if I have a kid, it will be slightly easier because of my wife. A degree in their development + plenty of experience raising other people's hellions = a knowledge base I can lean on.


You enjoy the business route, I will take your wife's route (although I think I saw she closed her practice). I get sick of the stupid decisions in business.

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My 4 yr old knows I don't have a problem with spanking her, but with her it doesn't really work. She has an extremely strong will and couple that with a 4 yr olds reasoning abilities and it makes for a lot of fun some times. My wife totally can not handle her, but I can 99% of the time get her to understand how things are going to work and help her think through it to make her decision. The other 1% happens after she's been around my wifes relatives (a couple of lesbo old ladies who annoy the crap out of me.) They along with my wife have a way of making her completely crazy.
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You enjoy the business route, I will take your wife's route (although I think I saw she closed her practice). I get sick of the stupid decisions in business.


The business route is good to me for sure and I learn more everyday. Wife did close up for the time being. She'll be back at some point I'm sure. Until then, it's time to stay home and be a mom and enjoy the kids. In fact this past Monday was the first day of her new beginning. We've worked and planned for this all along. Good luck to you as you pursue your JD.

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The business route is good to me for sure and I learn more everyday. Wife did close up for the time being. She'll be back at some point I'm sure. Until then, it's time to stay home and be a mom and enjoy the kids. We've worked and planned for this all along. Good luck to you as you pursue your JD.


You must have far more patience than I do, I do not suffer fools well. There is so much I see in business that makes me wonder how companies have made billions of dollars.


Thanks, I will try to not kill myself during the first year.:no:

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It's in a young humans nature to try and push the limits. Not all the time, some more than others and all that home theory stuff, I get that. So no, I'm not saying you need to slap your kids around, just the wife, so the kids know they could be next. Totally kidding, I couldn't resist. There is and element of respect in fear. Not that a kid should fear their parent, but that the consequence of screwing up should be nothing they would ever want to go through or deal with. Now everyone gets all in your business and calls you cruel for making your kid mow the lawn with a push mower.
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You want to talk about pussies. You should see the list of shit people come to the ER for on any given night. 24M with a cough. 19F w/ a headache. 26M w/ stubbed toe.


Jesus H. Christ. It's all I can do to hold back the comments from them while running them through 'triage'.

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You want to talk about pussies. You should see the list of shit people come to the ER for on any given night. 24M with a cough. 19F w/ a headache. 26M w/ stubbed toe.


Jesus H. Christ. It's all I can do to hold back the comments from them while running them through 'triage'.




Parents start that in the children young.



"But maam,"

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Parents start that in the children young.



"But maam,"


My girlfriend's sister in law is one of those parents. Gives her 1yo Tylenol for EVERYTHING under the sun. Fussy? Tylenol. Won't sleep? Tylenol. Pooped his pants more than twice in one day? Tylenol.


The fuck is wrong with people...

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My girlfriend's sister in law is one of those parents. Gives her 1yo Tylenol for EVERYTHING under the sun. Fussy? Tylenol. Won't sleep? Tylenol. Pooped his pants more than twice in one day? Tylenol.


The fuck is wrong with people...




At that rate, he'll need morphine when he gets a skinned knee @ 3. :dumb:

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There is and element of respect in fear. Not that a kid should fear their parent, but that the consequence of screwing up should be nothing they would ever want to go through or deal with.


I disagree. There's no respect in fear, just fear which will turn to resentment and rebellion. Respect implies "wanting to do something" because of the result; fear means "not wanted to something" because of fear of consequences. The legal system is perfect example of that latter not working on a very grand scale, let alone trying to believe a kid gives a crap about being spanked. Even teens feel they are invincible. CR's own rules don't really do any good either.


Work for me and you won't fear the consequences. Being fired doesn't scare many people at all. However, watching those that excel reap the rewards will do wonders for changing people's behavior. Especially when "they themselves" are the ones who determine if they too get those rewards. People under me learn quickly they determine what happens "because of them"; nothing happens "to them." I'm very clear with my expectations of people at work and with my kids at home. I'm also very clear that the result is not something I'm going to decide, but rather are.


Looking at the opposite ends of the spectrum, either people are raised to "want to do something" good in life or will not give a shit if they don't. One could call that social or moral value. I won't debate the morality card here but in terms of social value, not everyone has it. Nothing new to society though. Only difference is today, we worry about people with low value more than we ever have. To a fault if you ask me.


Then call me peter pan as I'll be a kid forever then


Here too. Only my toys are now more expensive and sometimes a bit more dangerous :gabe:

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You must have far more patience than I do, I do not suffer fools well. There is so much I see in business that makes me wonder how companies have made billions of dollars.


No, actually I have very little tolerance for fools too. I hire all my hourly people through a temp agency under a 90 temp to hire program. Currently I have about 50 temps.


The 90 day review process includes both a Supervisor review and a nearly equally weighted to a fellow co-worker review. So if you come on board and don't pull your weight or work well with my team, then you won't cut it. My comp plan consists of a nice bonus structure, so the workers are always looking for those that pull their fair share. BS like conflicts are easily weeded out so if there's drama (which I don't tolerate) usually both parities are gone. Let's just say I've no fired many at all over that. Most of my bad-eggs are related to timeliness or lack there of actually. We run a production environment thus if someone is late it impacts the entire line of workers, so yes, we are very strict on timelieness. Again, that's communicated up front. It's all about expectations. Same with kids.


Triple for the win and love I have for Gabe. :gabe:

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Austin, I know what you mean, I see that stuff all the time too.


Tim, we are talking different things and have different views, with a similar outcome I think. Something I started telling people I worked with last year is , care enough to make a correction when needed. People tend to just let shit go and it just keeps going down hill when no one is willing to say that's enough, sometimes until it's too late.

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My childhood


Fall on a piece of glass. I could see the bone in my forearm after my mom took it out. No stitches or hospital... Just peroxide and a bandaid.


Brother gets stung by a swarm of wasps. Mom puts mud all over him. Gives him a pepsi and says stay the hell away from the nest.


Brother gets his heel stuck in the back of a 10 speed. Dad wraps it up and puts him back on the bike.


Etc etc etc.


p.s. I strongly disagree that spanking your kids is never needed. We dont pick what works on them, they do. I laugh my butt off at some of these parents being abused by their kids. They know nothing will happen to them outside of a visit to the corner or losing a toy. My favorite is when they tell the kid if they stop they will buy them something :lol:

I dont believe in spanking as the first option... but if your kid doesnt respond to anything else dont let them end up in jail because you dont think spankings will work. I do think its blindly used in a lot of cases and does more harm than good. I also think the " it worked on me" mind set is wrong because your kids are not you. If all else fails sometimes they need to see that there can be physically painful outcomes to bad behaviour.

Edited by V8 Beast
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