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This is how we deal with bullying in TX apparently...


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I don't know, gotta hear more facts before I can make a judgement. Sounds pretty extreme for the age. How was he a bully? Were his parents given notice of the problem? This story is the type where it's easy to immediately assume the child was a brat with shit parents, and the teacher just giving him a needed life lesson, however teachers have unfairly singled out students before, and have been fired for abusing kids they simply didn't like. I'm not saying that's the case, just saying I don't know enough about the details.
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I don't know, gotta hear more facts before I can make a judgement. Sounds pretty extreme for the age. How was he a bully? Were his parents given notice of the problem? This story is the type where it's easy to immediately assume the child was a brat with shit parents, and the teacher just giving him a needed life lesson, however teachers have unfairly singled out students before, and have been fired for abusing kids they simply didn't like. I'm not saying that's the case, just saying I don't know enough about the details.



In for more too. I have a 6 & 9 year old and in both cases it's hard to call anyone at age 6 a bully.


The reality is that even if he was out of line, that type of retaliation from a teacher doesn't set a good example for him or the other kids. Now you have 30 kids who thing ganging up with more violence is the answer. Watch the nightly news much? Welcome to Egypt/Middle East. Not the solution.


I see where they were trying to go with it as self-policing such a situation works but I'm not sure 6yr olds can pull it off and having it coordinated and justified by a guardian isn't going to influence a positive change.


There's my three paragraphs to fill Gabe's quota.

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Shoot, it I was 6yrs old and got publicly humiliated by getting struck twice by each of my peers, I would think twice about exhibiting the behaviour again that got me in that position in the first place.
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Shoot, it I was 6yrs old and got publicly humiliated by getting struck twice by each of my peers, I would think twice about exhibiting the behaviour again that got me in that position in the first place.


no you wouldn't; wait and see with your little one as they grow. at age six kids will slap the shit out of each other over a toy one day and be best friends sharing an ice cream cone as they play in the dirt together the very next day.


key is to not meet a 26 year old like that. them bitches is crazy.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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the kids 6.. and he supposedly ditched in front of some kids in line.. not bullying, but what the teacher did is. just make him go to the back of the line for a couple days and he'll learn.


Slapping is better.


I wonder if any of the kids used both hands at the same time one on each side of his face...awesomeness.

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the kids 6.. and he supposedly ditched in front of some kids in line.. not bullying, but what the teacher did is. just make him go to the back of the line for a couple days and he'll learn.


i doubt it and firing the teacher didnt teach the kid anything hell should have implemented their policy school-wide not fire em

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i doubt it and firing the teacher didnt teach the kid anything hell should have implemented their policy school-wide not fire em


The firing wasn't to teach the kid anything, it was designed to fire the person who required firing. I take bullying very seriously as a parent, but a 6 year old is out of a teacher's scope of authority when it comes to violent reprimands.

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but a 6 year old is out of a teacher's scope of authority when it comes to violent reprimands.


The teacher shouldn't have let the other kids hit the bully. That is where the teacher went wrong. But there is nothng wrong with spanking bullys, but the teacher should do it and the kid should be made aware of why it is being done, and the parents should reinforce the teacher 100%. Kids in America are out of control and doesn't know the meaning of respect. The parents doesn't give a shit, and the teacher aren't allowed to give a shit.

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What was his action that made him a bully? I only read that he cut in line. That doesn't sound like bullying.


They just want to reinforce no cutting in line at an early age. Next thing you know this kid will be driving on 270 in his Dually in stop and go traffic cutting people off. Shit will be out of control !

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