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These are the bullys who need slapped.


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Those are the same fags who grow up to be internet trolls, hiding behind funny jabs and cheap shots just to hide their own self esteem issues. Shit like this really makes me wish I could be 17 again, I honestly watched this and thought of my grandma as she resembles the lady in the video. Its such a shame that we live in a society not only where people have no fear for reprecussion but also one where everyone can be a star by posting a video like this on youtube. The kid in the video saying he's not involved is a fucking lie, he's video taping it with hopes that it'll get laughs on the interwebz. I honesly wish assault wasn't a felony, I think then people would watch what the fuck they said and how they acted. A couple good pops in the mouth of these kids and the rest of them wouldn't dare speak bad to another person.


As for the parents you're probablly right about them being the ones that bitch about schools, education and everything else. Rather then bitch about that shit, maybe they should worry about raising their kids with respect. Let my kid talk like that to someone and he'll quickly learn what an ass whooping is all about. Oh wait I forgot you cant look at your kid wrong without children services stepping in haha.

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I cant touch a kid but I could beat his dads ass daily until he has to finally explain to his kid why he in turn is beating him. The dad might not mind the first day or 2 but by the 3rd he will be tired of getting his ass beat. If I went to jail then the guy who would take my place would be more upset he had to be called in to finish the job and the ass beatings would only get more severe. See eventually the kid would get the point.
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I'm shocked and saddened. I shouldn't be shocked, but I am. I am trying to reach out to Ms. Klein to go speak out against bullying at the school but from the looks of it she'll hopefully be spending the rest of her life in Honolulu or something. Good for her and good for the decent people left in the world.
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As of 3am today they have raised $110,000 for her. To counter this though and prove how backwards the world is cops are considering posting police officers outside of the guilty kids homes to protect them. Edited by 00TypeR
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As of 3am today they have raised $110,000 for her. To counter this though and prove how backwards the world is. Cops are considering posting police officers outside of the guilty kids homes to protect them.


Should tax payers money be better spent? The kids and their parents deserves to be taught a lesson and know ther eare bad consequences of being bad parents. I know if my kid ever thought about doing something like that, they will never see the light of day.

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Should tax payers money be better spent? The kids and their parents deserves to be taught a lesson and know ther eare bad consequences of being bad parents. I know if my kid ever thought about doing something like that, they will never see the light of day.


Yeah, they should be taught a lesson, but the scary side, for them is, because their kid made an old lady cry (yes, they SHOULD be disciplined) someone will try to go too far and torch their entire home with everyone inside or something ridiculous. While they need punished martial law doesn't need to go down.



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Yeah, they should be taught a lesson, but the scary side, for them is, because their kid made an old lady cry (yes, they SHOULD be disciplined) someone will try to go too far and torch their entire home with everyone inside or something ridiculous. While they need punished martial law doesn't need to go down.


They should be made to work in a nursing home while old people do the same to them. Nothing like being forced to clean up an old dudes bed pan after Mariachi Night. Scared straight gone old-school, literally.


Or just force them to join Columbus Racing and attend a welcoming event.

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Agreed about the community service idea. Though I also agree that while guilty of being fucking assholes, their families hardly deserve to live in fear. Just think back to all the mean shit, you or someone you know did as an immature adolescent. Hell I remember riding in a friends car (just got his license) and another friend throwing his candybar out the window and nailing some bicyclist in the helmet. He almost ate it, but barely caught himself. We laughed hard as hell, but thinking about it now, I can't believe I would find that funny. The world paid me back for that, on a movie-date some kids threw their drinks on my date and I and took off out of the theater. Bet they got a kick out of it.


I see a lot of the "blame the parents" shit in comments and sometimes that just doesn't apply as often as people seem to think. Kids in these age groups identify themselves in ways we as adults generally don't remember. Peer pressure can be a bitch, and because these age groups tend to gravitate towards social identity it's easier for kids to not only take part in something as awful as this, but also not feel bad about it until consequences are felt.


Which of course consequences should indeed be felt, such as the above suggested. I'm not making excuses for the little assholes, just pointing out that it's well known that kids in these age groups have under-developed brains, and this has been linked to lack of empathy, and questionable in-grouping decisions.

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They should be made to work in a nursing home while old people do the same to them. Nothing like being forced to clean up an old dudes bed pan after Mariachi Night. Scared straight gone old-school, literally.


Or just force them to join Columbus Racing and attend a welcoming event.


Agreed. Still, being the damn bus monitor, she's not doing a very good job. She should've stood up and laid down the law and if they couldnt behave (holy shit, the fact they actually TOUCHED her!), stopped the bus and either had school officials or their parents pick their shitty little asses up.

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