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These are the bullys who need slapped.


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What the hell happened to kids?


Parents not taking responsibility happened. It isn't the kids fault if they aren't raised right. Schools cant do anything cause the parents keep suing the shit out of them if little johnny can't get his shit together and accuses the teacher of harassing him.


Guess what? The cycle continues, johnny will teach his kids to blame everyone else just like he did. That's what were seeing today folks.

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As of 3am today they have raised $110,000 for her. To counter this though and prove how backwards the world is cops are considering posting police officers outside of the guilty kids homes to protect them.



Good, those kids need to fear for something. Might as well be their life. Maybe they will learn a lesson? But I doubt it.

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They should be made to work in a nursing home while old people do the same to them. Nothing like being forced to clean up an old dudes bed pan after Mariachi Night. Scared straight gone old-school, literally.


Or just force them to join Columbus Racing and attend a welcoming event.


Sounds fair and just to me. I'd love to see it happen, but I doubt it will.

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Those are the same fags who grow up to be internet trolls, hiding behind funny jabs and cheap shots just to hide their own self esteem issues. Shit like this really makes me wish I could be 17 again, I honestly watched this and thought of my grandma as she resembles the lady in the video. Its such a shame that we live in a society not only where people have no fear for reprecussion but also one where everyone can be a star by posting a video like this on youtube. The kid in the video saying he's not involved is a fucking lie, he's video taping it with hopes that it'll get laughs on the interwebz. I honesly wish assault wasn't a felony, I think then people would watch what the fuck they said and how they acted. A couple good pops in the mouth of these kids and the rest of them wouldn't dare speak bad to another person.


As for the parents you're probablly right about them being the ones that bitch about schools, education and everything else. Rather then bitch about that shit, maybe they should worry about raising their kids with respect. Let my kid talk like that to someone and he'll quickly learn what an ass whooping is all about. Oh wait I forgot you cant look at your kid wrong without children services stepping in haha.


Actually the internet, and the anonymous activity on it, is an entirely separate phenomenon. You simply cannot accurately group internet trolls and these people together. Sorry.


These parents probably act exactly like the ones who get mad at my sister (teacher) for their kid failing to turn in any work and subsequently failing.

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How would you guys have handled this if you were there while this was happening?


Same as 'm handling problem kids here at the youth camp I'm working. Stand up, speak out, be stern, demand respect.


Haven't had one kid all week do anything but sit and listen to what I had to say...and believe me, kids try to act hard but they're all terrified.


Ms. Klein was an easy target. She was overwhelmed and didn't know how to react. This happened to our camp coordinator a couple years back. When I went into the dorm where a male teen told her to shut up and get out his, and the others, attitudes changed right quick and in a hurry.


Kids are kids. They aren't hardened criminals. These kids haven't fought in any wars. All they know is what they see on 16 & Pregnant and Jersey Shore. Bull crap. Unrealistic situations. Stand up to them and more often than not that will be plenty.

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I would have lectured them on what POS's the were, then I probably would have been on that vid getting my @ss beat by a bunch of them. Buses are hard to fight on, I have done it before. Not sure I could handle more than 1 person at a time on a bus...
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The parents need THIER azzes busted for not raising their kids properly.

Then the kids need a good ole fashion turn you over my knee ans bust your ass until you cry

But then you have all the do gooder puzzys who boo hoo corporal punishment

That is what is needed today


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  • 5 weeks later...


Christ... that getting to be a bit much. Gonna get a job as a bus monitor and set myself up for jokes.

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