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Q's about adoption

Green Bastard

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Explain to me the definition of trolling.


Saying something his disagrees with. :dumb:


I don't think you have any idea what a kid costs, nor do you appear to be in a great situation to be thinking about adopting. You live in a rented house with a retarded cumdumpster, taking care of her kids. You seriously think adding another mouth to feed, clothe, medicate, etc... is a good idea? Maybe you should consider thinking about waiting until you have a more stable environment in which to raise a kid.

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Saying something his disagrees with. :dumb:


I don't think you have any idea what a kid costs, nor do you appear to be in a great situation to be thinking about adopting. You live in a rented house with a retarded cumdumpster, taking care of her kids. You seriously think adding another mouth to feed, clothe, medicate, etc... is a good idea? Maybe you should consider thinking about waiting until you have a more stable environment in which to raise a kid.


there is a whole other thread for this shit, I asked for people not to post opinions. feel free to post in the kitchen.

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Beyond my earlier post, let's think about this some more. What is your current debt? What is your gross monthly income? How much per month, on average, do you have left over for savings?
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As dumb as it sounds, I suggest the OP watch the 16 and Pregnant where the girl lets a family member/close family friend adopt her child. She literally keeps taking the child back and then giving it back. All kinds of lawyer battles and so on. It's pretty messed up.


Haven't seen that show/episode but that scenario is exactly what 1st went through my mind. Sooner or later the real mom is probably going to change her mind (we all know how crazy women are) and want her kid back, just a matter of time IMO.

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there is a whole other thread for this shit, I asked for people not to post opinions. feel free to post in the kitchen.


That's not an opinion, champ. Kids require stability and you don't seem to be able to provide it. You can whine about it all you want, but this is a monumental decision which you do not appear to have thought all the way through.

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to add to my previous post, if your really concerned about my living situation or my finances, feel free to pm me and I would be glad to talk to you about it.


I would say dicussing anything serious like this at all on CR is a bad idea...

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there's your opinion, weather or not you think I can afford it. let me worry about that. if you don't have an answer to my original post, then please don't add anything.


Actually that's an observation and that is different than an opinion, thanks.


If you won't answer my questions, that leads me to believe your living situation really is not good for having a child.

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I would say dicussing anything serious like this at all on CR is a bad idea...


I was looking for answers from a large community whom may have expirance in this area.


and to hal, I said I would talk to you about it privately, I feel no need to put my entire life up on the board here. I learned from the thread my brother started. I do in fact have a plan in place. again, if your truely interested please pm me. if not please stop thread shitting as I can see all your trying to do is get a rise out of me. your just using technicalities to say your staying within the rules.

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Think about it; it's not just what could happen in the beginning, it's about down the road. Is it worth risking a couple 2-3 years from now something popping up that could remove your child from your custody or cost you tens of thousands to fight later.


Best advice in the thread, do it the legal way. That way no one can take them from you later down the road..



Dont listen to the keyboard trolls... They have no right to judge if you are in a position to adopt a child.

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I was looking for answers from a large community whom may have expirance in this area.


and to hal, I said I would talk to you about it privately, I feel no need to put my entire life up on the board here. I learned from the thread my brother started. I do in fact have a plan in place. again, if your truely interested please pm me. if not please stop thread shitting as I can see all your trying to do is get a rise out of me. your just using technicalities to say your staying within the rules.


Please learn what "thread shitting" is before you actually accuse someone of doing it.


I have a point behind what I asked. Your unwillingness to answer even part (i.e., what's left over?) of what I asked shows me what I need to know. You are insecure in your finances and therefore, really need to spend some time looking at what is a practical decision. If you don't currently have the means (stability, finances, etc...) to provide a quality environment for a child, don't be selfish. Since you referenced your brother's thread, that should be something you are thinking about. Do you want your potential kid to be influenced by the moron you live with? Like it or not, she would have an impact on the child's development.


So, since you seem to have already decided that the financial burden is negligible, you should think about early development. If you are unable to provide stability and a positive environment (i.e., no cumdumpster drama), you will likely damage a child during its formative years. Early childhood (birth-8) is crucial to a person's future well being. There are so many ways for fully prepared people to fail during those years, I shudder to think of what a truly unprepared person would do making a choice like this.


Finally, are you prepared (finances are important here as well) for the real possibility of a very lengthy legal fight? Again, there are so many ways that the next few years can be ruined simply trying to retain custody of this child. Any real time spent in a legal battle will cost a significant amount of money.


There's no perfect time to have a kid, but it really appears (observations again) that you should be thinking long and hard about this decision. You have to think not only of yourself, but of a potential future dependent. Sure, you are willing to sacrifice, I doubt people would question that. Are you willing to make a kid sacrifice? There will be choices in which one option is vastly superior, but possibly unattainable to you. What about school districts or medical issues? What about any number of insane scenarios which happen on a daily basis?


BTW, I personally know a "prepared" couple who bought their child. It turns out they were not prepared and they're very lucky to have some wealthy family members to save their asses.

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Best advice in the thread, do it the legal way. That way no one can take them from you later down the road..



Dont listen to the keyboard trolls... They have no right to judge if you are in a position to adopt a child.


A troll would take delight in the possibility of someone making a bad decision. Some of us actually do know what we're talking about and are willing to take the initiative to discuss incredibly complex issues like this.

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A troll would take delight in the possibility of someone making a bad decision. Some of us actually do know what we're talking about and are willing to take the initiative to discuss incredibly complex issues like this.


Thank you for commenting on my post. Proves that you are still, a flaming keyboard faggot.



A) If you were not being a troll, your posts on page 1 would not have been deleted.


B) Its ok if you "know what your talking about" with legal terms.. You have no right to judge how he lives, where he lives, who he lives with. This thread is for legal actions, not you wanting to know his DEBT. :dumb: If his living and debt situation is THAT bad, when he goes through the courts they will not let him adopt a child.




Im done posting in your thread, hope the best for you and your family. A friend of the family went through this twice. Parents tried coming back at them even after the courts gave them full right.

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trying to piss someone off. the comment you made was off topic and completely unnecessary. you made another thread for that, post in there if you have nothing useful to add here.

A pro troll would actually help a piece of trash (i.e. you) succeed at adopting with the sole intent of laughing when you fail

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Thank you for commenting on my post. Proves that you are still, a flaming keyboard faggot.



A) If you were not being a troll, your posts on page 1 would not have been deleted.


B) Its ok if you "know what your talking about" with legal terms.. You have no right to judge how he lives, where he lives, who he lives with. This thread is for legal actions, not you wanting to know his DEBT. :dumb: If his living and debt situation is THAT bad, when he goes through the courts they will not let him adopt a child.


Im done posting in your thread, hope the best for you and your family. A friend of the family went through this twice. Parents tried coming back at them even after the courts gave them full right.


A) I haven't had a post deleted that I am aware of, but nice job there... I like how you complain about trolling then just call names, make accusations, and run away.


B) I don't care if you think I have a right to do something or not. As point of fact, however, I do have the right to do just that. Further, I never said what state his finances are actually in, I have only called them into question. Guess what, a responsible person would do just that. I also know a good amount of childhood development, likely far more than anyone else in this thread, and have called into question his living situation based upon that knowledge. The courts do not have that knowledge in most cases and will typically not make a decision based upon potential developmental concerns.


C) This situation could go just fine or it could end up draining all of the OP's resources as he fights a lengthy legal battle. That's one huge reason to steer clear of this type of adoption, fyi.

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I was looking for answers from a large community whom may have expirance in this area.



you think its common to just randomly adopt a friend's baby with no lawyers involved??? seriously?? we're not talking about adopting a dog/cat.


sometimes i honestly have to step away from the computer, splash cold water on my face, and come back just to be sure i'm not imagining the shit i read on this forum.


as stated, the lawyer fees/process/wait/interviews/etc has its way of weeding out those who are 'most unfit' to adopt. some people still slip through, unfortunately.


this is easily one of the worst ideas i've ever heard of. as stated kids cost an ungodly amount of money to raise. there's a saying that goes "there's never a good time to have a child"--if you're living in a rented house with your brother's ex, 3 kids, and random dudes coming over running trains on her, you should not bring a child into that environment.


i realize you didn't ask for this kind of advice, but tough shit. if i can avoid wasting my tax dollars on additional government aid passed out to morons, then i will

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ill send you a pm later hal since you seem to be so concerned. you called everything into question trying to get me to post on an open board. fact is I've asked you to pm me twice if your really concerned instead of putting my entire life out for everyone. I really am fully prepaired to care for a child, I understand all the burdens.
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you think its common to just randomly adopt a friend's baby with no lawyers involved??? seriously?? we're not talking about adopting a dog/cat.


sometimes i honestly have to step away from the computer, splash cold water on my face, and come back just to be sure i'm not imagining the shit i read on this forum.


as stated, the lawyer fees/process/wait/interviews/etc has its way of weeding out those who are 'most unfit' to adopt. some people still slip through, unfortunately.


this is easily one of the worst ideas i've ever heard of. as stated kids cost an ungodly amount of money to raise. there's a saying that goes "there's never a good time to have a child"--if you're living in a rented house with your brother's ex, 3 kids, and random dudes coming over running trains on her, you should not bring a child into that environment.


i realize you didn't ask for this kind of advice, but tough shit. if i can avoid wasting my tax dollars on additional government aid passed out to morons, then i will


+1000 to each of these points.


OP - As an "underprivileged" youth I can tell you that stretching yourself too thin hurts everyone involved, regardless of your good intentions, especially the children. Also, while Hal purposely comes off like an asshole to you, I think he makes many valid points.


In short, you can't save everyone. You'll either need to start drawing lines in the sand or start just getting the fuck away from trash. Sounds shitty to say, since much of my family would fall easily into the trash category, but from the little I know of you it seems your many WT acquaintances/family are the root of many of your troubles. You can't build a solid home and family while running a fucking charity you can't afford.


If you're a good person hanging with WT you become their dumping ground. You might feel privileged to be the one that comes to save them, but you'll probably find yourself the "bad guy" to all of them in the end. You can't fix them and you can rarely really help them. If they are open to being helped they probably could have fixed the situation themselves. They're like quicksand. Shake them off before they draw you back in forever.

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ill send you a pm later hal since you seem to be so concerned. you called everything into question trying to get me to post on an open board. fact is I've asked you to pm me twice if your really concerned instead of putting my entire life out for everyone. I really am fully prepaired to care for a child, I understand all the burdens.


Winning me over isn't the concern, I don't need nor want a PM. The point is that you have to put an incredible amount of thought into this. Every question I have raised needs to be able to be answered in a way which is conducive to having a child. You've got to answer for the financial issues, that much should be clear. You've also got to answer for the potential legal issues. Given the fact it hasn't even been 10 months yet, it's unlikely you have been able to put the necessary amount of thought into this adoption opportunity.


Look, I don't want you or a child put into a risky situation. There's always time to adopt later and you can do so in a way which better protects you legally. No matter how prepared you think you are, there's almost no way you are prepared for the potential legal battle if the mom turns into a bitch. This has nothing to do with trust, it's just a potential risk which is too often cast aside.

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you think its common to just randomly adopt a friend's baby with no lawyers involved??? seriously?? we're not talking about adopting a dog/cat. [/Quote]


Exactly. The adoption process is actually pretty complex and time consuming. That's part of why the legal costs are so high. If a lawyer who knows their job inside and out spends a large number of hours preparing briefs, setting up hearings and reviewing contracts, what makes you believe you're going to be able to hold a candle to all of that?


as stated, the lawyer fees/process/wait/interviews/etc has its way of weeding out those who are 'most unfit' to adopt. some people still slip through, unfortunately.


Is there anything related to this that you are concerned about thus leading to why you prefer not to have a lawyer involved?


if you're living in a rented house with your brother's ex, 3 kids, and random dudes coming over running trains on her, you should not bring a child into that environment.


Don't take my comments as an opinion. If the above is your situation and that said if so, money is likely tight, then don't do it as you're not prepared to offer a child the proper environment to have a chance. Let the adoption go and leave them an opportunity to enter a more stable and secure household.


No matter how prepared you think you are, there's almost no way you are prepared for the potential legal battle if the mom turns into a bitch. This has nothing to do with trust, it's just a potential risk which is too often cast aside.


^^ this.

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