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Hey Smokers, check this out...


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I smoked over 3 packs a day and quit with Chantix the wife quit with the patch and now what we spent in a week pays the bike payment

That's awesome! I quit years ago, just quit cold turkey, all about will power :p. Don't get me wrong, the first couple weeks were hell :D

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both of my parents quit cold turkey when my dad had a heart attack when he was only 35...

my mom started again about 20 years later for about 2 years and quit cold turkey again. and hasn't touched one in 7or so years.

my dad hasn't smoked since.

I have never liked cigs.

my brother used to complain how they stunk when my mom started again..but now he smokes and is seriously addicted. he drives 20+ miles just to go get some in kentucky at a discount. but complains about driving that far to work???? seriously? damn shit is like crack..will do anything for a fix...

Edited by serpentracer
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  • 1 month later...

Hey I just bought one of the starter kits for these electronic smokes, figured if I'm gonna try

and sell 'em I probably outta have one people can try!

I ordered 100 little rubber tips for them so anyone that wants to take a drag off of one of these things

can try it with one of the little cig condoms :p

I'll bring the sample with me whenever I come to any bike nights or OR get togethers.

I got the kit today, so I'll have it with me tomorrow night if I make it out to Hooters in Hilliard.

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Pisses me off that people think they should be able to control the rights of smokers

Pisses me off that people people get pissed because i dont want to smell smoke and breath second hand smoke. not my choice you smoke i shouldnt have to deal with your ish..

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Pisses me off that people people get pissed because i dont want to smell smoke and breath second hand smoke. not my choice you smoke i shouldnt have to deal with your ish..

Change your tampon and go fuck yourself.

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Change your tampon and go fuck yourself.

Maybe you should try smoking with your piss hole instead of your dick hole.:D

jay kay.

Why so anrgy Samsmoker?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so smokers, I have awesome news for you (and hopefully me).

Even though I was pretty sure these electronic cigarettes (that I'm selling) were legal to smoke indoors

regardless of the Ohio Smoking Ban, I thought I'd double check!

I sent an email to the Ohio Department of Health with questions about these electronic smokes,

and guess what! LEGAL to smoke! NOT covered by the ban!

Here is a copy of the email I sent them and their reply...


And of course, here is where you can by them from me... http://www.EcoFriendlySmokes.com

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One of my friend's wife works on an airline.... someone took this out and lit it up in a flight... while it's mostly water vapor... people are so stupid

How did that go?

I'm not ballsy enough to start smoking this thing in to many places yet, I have though,

I smoked it in the airport in Boston on my business trip last week and in the hotel bar.

I don't even smoke, I bought one and I use it simply to get people to ask about it ($$$).

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yah, not so well. People seem to think that just because you might be able to do something legally that means you're in the clear.

Not talking about smoking, everything. Just because it's legal to dye your hair neon orange doesn't mean people are going to accept it, so don't get upset when someone challenges you.

In terms of the ecigs, if they can prove the exhaled vapor doesn't smell and expose me to nicotine what do I care? feel free.... but don't "spark" it while pumping gas and expect people to KNOW they aren't going to die in a fiery explosion... lol

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I quit a couple years ago, but smokers are people too and the way they get treated is bullshit.

So please read through this before you flame me, it's a hot topic I know, but I don't want anyone to take it out of context.

I don't necessarily agree it's the rights of the smokers that they are INTENDING to inhibit, I think they are trying to create rights for non-smokers but they are going at it the wrong way....

So as a non-smoker I feel like I have the right to not smell smoke or have to breath it.... but the issue here is, what right do I have to tell an establishment they can't let people smoke? I don't... I can choose to go to establishments that don't allow smoking (and I have).

I think where everyone is getting upset, is that frequently we confuse the rights of one with the penalty on the other... AND people are trying to protect us from ourselves (maybe...) seatbelt laws, helmet laws, speed limits

Now in terms of smoking, why do I think it passed? Couple reasons, I'm sure I'll get flamed for some of them but here is the reason:

1. You make it easy for establishments to have someone to blame if they wanted to prohibit or restrict it.

2. The majority of voters don't smoke (that's the true reason it passed). This could come to propensity or just sheer numbers, I'm not saying >50% of people don't smoke, just saying >50% of the voters don't smoke

Honestly, if we're standing in a parking lot and you light a smoke (ask Ken) I don't care.... I really don't... if the smoke bothers me I'll take a step back or move out of the wind... If we're in a bar and you smoke inside and I can't smell/see, again... what do I care? And even if I can... if I have somewhere I can go where I won't I'll do that.... If you ask to smoke in my car or house, I'll ask you not to.

Hopefully I don't get flamed.... but I think we can likely agree both sides of the fence have rights.... how we go about getting everyone their rights is where there is an issue.


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