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Ryan, my neighbor on Hartsook and Lyon sent pics of OSU Golf Course and Patricia by my house. Power is still out and trees shredded. Sounds like it went bananas.


I had a branch land near my car and a bigger one a bit farther away. Power flickered but never went out (did trip the GCIF where my battery backup for my network equip, weird)


That sucks if you lost power, how many extension cords do you have? :gabe:


edit: drove around, everyone on my side of the street has power. odd.

Edited by unfunnyryan
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It just hit us here in Delaware. It's black as shit outside. Power went out, thank god we have a generator at work. The whole building was shaking from the wind. Pretty in tents.


The wife and I were caught walking in this shit. We checked the weather a couple hours before and they said it was simply a 30% chance of rain, scattered t-storms, etc. So we walked downtown and hung out for a while. When it looked like black death was rolling in we decided to hurry home.


Well about halfway home, shortly after the rain and lighning started, the strongest gust of wind I have ever experienced started pounding us (probably 80+ mph). I nearly fell down and a tree next to us broke off at the base immediately and flew into the street. It almost hit a car. We moved away from the sidewalk and trees only to be hit in the face and head with debris and a good sized flying limb. Fortunately we made it a couple of houses down where a nice lady let us come in her house to wait it out and her husband eventually took us home after we discovered there were downed power lines along our route.


That was some crazy weather for sure. I came home to discover that one of my trees had broken nearly in half because of the storm. No damage to the house or deck though. Coulda' been worse. :no:

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My shed took flight, with my lawn mower, gas cans, a propane tank, yard tools.


Tree in my front yard split in half.


When it started I was outside looking at the sky. Wind picked up a lot and I said "shit I need to get the trash cans in so they don't disappear." when I turned around they took off about 10-15' in the air, one landed right on my new flowers. The other in the front yard about 30' from where they started.


Storm was nuts. I hate damage like that but I like big storms. I haven't checked roof or siding yet

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Storm was nuts. I hate damage like that but I like big storms.

this is how I am but i was panicking because one of our cats who weighs only about 6lbs and is 15years old was no where to be seen. I was watching shit fly down our street, and knew most of what I was seeing was 3-4x what she weighs.


Finally found her on the back patio where she goes for protection.


After that, I went into "this is cool" mode.

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Weld shop


Outside temp is AC to me you bitches


16 hour days on the road jumping in and out of the truck over 4,000 times and getting zero time to even get a drink of water. Asphalt temp is over 160° and my face is 2 feet from it and hanging 2 feet into the lane of traffic :dumb:

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16 hour days on the road jumping in and out of the truck over 4,000 times and getting zero time to even get a drink of water. Asphalt temp is over 160° and my face is 2 feet from it and hanging 2 feet into the lane of traffic :dumb:


Be the guy who replaces reflective markers in the middle of the street, be Badass for hire.

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I woke up, heard some thunder and shit, and yelled at the dogs to shut the hell up


when I got up I had to go find my garbage bin that ran away, then laugh when I realized my shitty fence that always falls down actually stood for once, and all the fallen trees landed on my neighbor's yards, not mine.


Then came inside, wanted to gloat on CR but my cable was down. But its back up now.




Then I scooped up Tinman and we drove around looking for food but the only place in town open was the awesome pizza shop but the line was out the door and I had to get ready for work. Fail.

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The wind destroyed a canopy on our deck and ripped off the metal vent piece that fits on the very top of the roof. It left a 4 inch wide 10 foot long whole in my roof. Hoping the roofer comes quickly to nail it back on. I have not way of getting up their.:fuuuu:
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There is a electric pole at a gangster lean at tussing and 256.


Haha... saw that.


I've been without A/C since Thursday and won't have it fixed until Monday and my cable went out with the storm (power flickered but never truly out) and just recently came back up so I may as well have been without power for the last 16 hours or so.

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