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So why the sudden drop in gas prices?


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falling price of gas lags behind price of oil


demand is way down thanks to Europe falling apart, our unemployment ticking back up a bit, slowdown in demand from the developing world (China, India), and Saudi Arabia raising production higher than OPEC wants them to. So that's why gas is dropping. Although friday oil rebounded pretty hard so gas prices will probably be back up a bit this week.

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Its got less to do with current events, and more to do with past events. Over the winter and last fall, the barrel price of oil was massively inflated as people were betting on gas being at an all-time high this summer. Now the price of oil is dropping due to factors listed above, but that has less to do with it.


This isn't so much gas prices dropping as it is shedding the artificially inflated prices of the past 6-9 months.


Just another indicator that our economy has learned absolutely nothing from previous collapses.

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falling price of gas lags behind price of oil


demand is way down thanks to Europe falling apart, our unemployment ticking back up a bit, slowdown in demand from the developing world (China, India), and Saudi Arabia raising production higher than OPEC wants them to. So that's why gas is dropping. Although friday oil rebounded pretty hard so gas prices will probably be back up a bit this week.


this ^^


I heard its going up $.60 within the week, if this is true better fill up

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