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These are the photos representing our Olympians.


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These cant be the final edits.. If so.. im appalled.


Outrage Over The Photographs Of The United States Olympic Team


The internet has been buzzing about the quality of the photographs by photographer Joe Klamar at the U.S. Olympic Committee’s Media Summit in Dallas, Texas. The complaints came as a whole, but primarily from photographers, who claim that these photographs do not represent the upcoming U.S. Olympic team very well.


The U.S. Olympic C.M.S. only allows a limited number of photographers on an invitation only basis to take pictures of our country’s best athletes.











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Oh well at least they are taking photos and posting them. Unlike this forum.




Not that I ever shoot anything ecxiting (Other than Marks Z06 wheels off the ground at 210+ mph lol) but I'll try to start tossing something up a couple times a week :)


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I know I know. I just finished 1200 sq ft of flooring. Have not had time to shoot too terribly much either. Have another trip to Portland coming up soon so I hope to have some fun with that.


Just trying to get a rise out of ppl.


These photos do suck though. The torn backdrop is cracks me up.

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Photographer Joe Klamar's portraits of US Olympic atheletes have caused a lot of controversy this week, especially in the USA. Reaction to the shots, taken for French photo agency AFP, has been varied, with many commentors dismissing his images as unprofessional at best, and at worst unpatriotic. Others have defended Klamar, arguing that his apparently unpolished images represent a deliberate attempt to challenge the conventions of portrait photography. The truth, it turns out, is more mundane.*It seems Klamar was simply caught unprepared.


According to Klamar, 'I was under the impression that I was going to be photographing athletes on a stage or during press conference where I would take their headshots for our archives [and]*I really had no idea that there would be a possibility for setting up a studio'.


Full Read here:



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Even still the hard light coming from the side of the subject is just poor placement in lots of the photos and really should have simply been turned off and either A) no flash used, or B) just bounce and on camera flash off anything at all or the ceiling and you could get much better photos than what was produced.


Looking at them closely I wondered if they were even "the photos," to me they seem like they are more of what a "guy with camera" might get during a pro shoot rather than what anyone even a moron would get "doing the shoot" as the main photog.

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He also wasn't *that* unprepared.

Joe had come armed with two cameras and three lenses (17-35, 70-200 and 300), plus one flash and a 12-inch laptop.


The 70-200 would have been MORE than adequate.


THis was my response on a photography forum about this recent article.

After reading what i just read, i feel even more frustrated with the photos he took. In a day and age where there are photographers everywhere fighting to get thier business understood and why we deserve to get paid, having photos like this show up as Getty/AEP images is a slight smack in the face. What he brought to the shoot is basicly what i use on almost every shoot i do.


I applaud him for standing up and speaking about what happened, but i still feel like, if i came home and went through my loupe, these would have never left my desk.


To add to that, he states that as a photographer he understands that you are winging it about 50% of the time (which is why most photographers come OVER prepared) He was able to "scrape" up a studio from a fellow photographer, he couldn't come up with a notecard and rubber band to use to bounce with?


I have looked at others of his work, this is not his forte. I don't go photographing sports to sell because its not my forte, so why did he/his publisher let these out?

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I don't think I've been to a shoot in several years where I didn't bring 100-150lbs of equipment, and I don't have external power packs to add to that weight. I simply bring everything I could possibly need "times 3, or 5 for backup."


Your right those photos would never have left my desk either. Several of them probably would have been deleted the moment after I shot them as simple lighting tests, but I sure as hell wouldn't have published them. I'd have told them the photos were erased by the airport metal detector first.

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Most all of those photos woud require 2-3 light sources to turn out correct and soften the shadows. If he didn't show with umbrellas a good studio lighting set up for these shots he was definitely unprepared.


His equipment that was brought would suffice for action shots but not 95% of what I would shoot in a studio. Also, his flag and white backdrop.....are you fucking kidding me? No way he could have even used those for home use and expected someone not to say WTF?

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