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Good place to buy a used laptop


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Got this one listed for $475, probably would do $400ish though. Got to say that deal on woot was tits, even though it was your typical plastic-junk pc :p


2007 Macbook pro, 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo Processor, 4gb Ram, 120 GB HD. (NVIDIA 8600MGT GPU W/ L.E.D. Backlighting)



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Got this one listed for $475, probably would do $400ish though. Got to say that deal on woot was tits, even though it was your typical plastic-junk pc :p


2007 Macbook pro, 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo Processor, 4gb Ram, 120 GB HD. (NVIDIA 8600MGT GPU W/ L.E.D. Backlighting)




Agreed on the typical plastic stuff, but honestly that is fine for the majority of the population.


I personally wouldn't trade my Macbook Pro 13 inch for anything. (Except maybe the 15 inch w/ retina display :))

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Agreed on the typical plastic stuff, but honestly that is fine for the majority of the population.


I personally wouldn't trade my Macbook Pro 13 inch for anything. (Except maybe the 15 inch w/ retina display :))


The 15"'s are sex (actually have 2 atm). And personally I don't see how those plastic dual core (especially quad-core) systems last more then two years with the amount of heat they tend to generate. Always pissed me off with my dual-core dell, thing would run smoking hot under heavy load and eventually freeze up and crash. No way to control the fan speed either...BS. With Aluminum Mac's the entire case is basically one giant heatsink, bitches run cool all day long. Plus you can control the fan speed at will. I will never go back, although I do dual-boot with Windows7 64-bit when I need a PC, and to be honest the NVIDIA graphics control under Windows7 is far superior to anything apple has put out.

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