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Cr y u no race???


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Joans need some input on what cruise line to use.


this is not about racing you house wife...



what happened to stephon, the youthful, promising meat head whose hobbie was racing? wait, did you ever race anything, or were you too busy stacking phone books in your honday to see over the steering wheel?

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this is not about racing you house wife...



what happened to stephon, the youthful, promising meat head whose hobbie was racing? wait, did you ever race anything, or were you too busy stacking phone books in your honday to see over the steering wheel?


I could never get the right amount of books. 5 was to many and 4 wasnt enough, eventually got sick of it and sold it.

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What happened to real call outs? Shit talking ? People actually challenging one another ? Only thing I see anymore is Hal bashing beater camaro, gabe doing a poor job of trolling, Paul white just being a dick to everyone in a sad attempt of recycled insults, and d wiggs getting laughed off the site?? Damn it's good guys weekend and no one has made any valid call outs. I never thought I'd see the day that jones is the baddest dude in cr.....


I don't know you, I don't know what you drive, I care nothing about either.


7-21-12, Nelson Ledges. Fastest lap time for $1000.


Bring it!

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I could never get the right amount of books. 5 was to many and 4 wasnt enough, eventually got sick of it and sold it.


you should have used 4 of the columbus books and one bexley book. that may have been the right combo. you give up to easy.


quit your job cause roids cost more than your pay check allowed

sold your car cause you werent creative enough with le phone books

stop having secks cause masterbation felt too good

stop coming out cause you hate the fact that im taller than you

quit lifting cause you werent allowed to bring your step ladder to the weight bench any longer





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I don't know you, I don't know what you drive, I care nothing about either.


7-21-12, Nelson Ledges. Fastest lap time for $1000.


Bring it!


HI my name is phil, im an alcoholic. i have lil man syndrome and try to fight anyone taller than me, im a chronic masterbater, i love woman sometimes, i love myself all the time. i have an ego larger than jones german porn collection, i live laveshly in a 2 bedroom apt and have secks with just about anything after 2 budlights. dont judge me im a classy guy. sadly ill have to decline your invitation as im not a course racer. havent even thought about going out there to watch it let alone race.Thanks anyway. this is meant more for drag racing.

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HI my name is phil, im an alcoholic. i have lil man syndrome and try to fight anyone taller than me, im a chronic masterbater, i love woman sometimes, i love myself all the time. i have an ego larger than jones german porn collection, i live laveshly in a 2 bedroom apt and have secks with just about anything after 2 budlights. dont judge me im a classy guy. sadly ill have to decline your invitation as im not a course racer. havent even thought about going out there to watch it let alone race.Thanks anyway. this is meant more for drag racing.


If that wasn't so well said I would have given you much shit. I wish you the best in you're straight line domination of CR. But please consider trying a real beer. Bud Light is just way too stereotypical.

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You bringing old smokey out of retirement?

I'm not racing some borrowed bike...


yeah ol somkey is getting a retirement weekend. pretty much taking all my final beatings in it before it goes bye bye. im already running some old fuck in a white camaro, while he wears his " chevy or die" shirt with his black socks and black loafers........

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You're right about that. The chance of me driving up to cbus just to race ppl on the streets has about as much chance of happening as srt Paul becoming an English teacher at Columbus state.



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:yuno: 20..


ight ill do a 20 with you for taco bell


so i get white camaro/ srt truck/ and if jones doesnt dodge me a german ass whipping... sounds like one hell of a weekend. :no:




i hear there is some bitches from akron coming down to play as well, should make for one intradesting weekend...

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