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Walking Dead Season 3 preview


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DVR'ed it and about to watch. Season 2 was just so terrible. If they screw up the prison/Governor storylines then I'm just done with the show.


Season two shaped up to be pretty good, IMO

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Season two shaped up to be pretty good, IMO


It ended OK. But from like episode 3-11 it was awful. In the comics they weren't at the farm very long. They should have spent maybe 4-5 episodes at the farm then moved on to the prison storyline and maybe ended the season with a mysterious intro of the Governor.


They seem to be aware of the terribly slow pacing and fans not liking it though because they say it's going to be pretty crazy this season. I'm still hoping that last season was just such a mess because of the Darabont situation.


As long as they kill Lori, I'll be happy. Most annoying fucking character ever.


Have you read the comics?

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Kirkman seemed legitimately surprised on the show last night when they talked about Merle coming back. He was just like, "Oh... we're spoiling that? OK then..." Guy doesn't want to answer anything really (and I don't blame him - why would you want to give away large plot points to a season that's still 3 months away from airing?) and then the producer there next to him is all matter of fact... "I'm going to spoil this now, and this... and this." Kirkman needs to put his foot down more so they stop ruining his story.
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I bet AMC gays up the little Michonne/Governor confrontation


100% agreed, I don't wanna spoil anything so for those of who read the comics knows what really happens, and if they do edit it I hope they let some of the detail slide

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I bet AMC gays up the little Michonne/Governor confrontation


Was talking with some other friends about the show a couple days ago with the season 3 preview coming up and said basically the same thing. Wouldn't be surprised if they end up being a love story at this rate...lol.

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