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new weimaraner


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got a call from a local vet who i have a good relationship with and they needed a home for a dog that came into the animal shelter up on morse road. he packed his hobo bag of goods, doesn't even have a name, and moved in.




per previous owner, we think his name is shadow (responds to it too). he is probably 25lbs underweight, but will look REALLY good when he fills out. he will probably be an 80ish lb weim, which is big (not the biggest ive ever seen though). his energy is high for how much weight he is down right now, and he will be an absolute beast in a month or 2.


anyway, just posting him up here. not sure if i am going to keep him or not, I am simply the quick fix at the moment. fostering is great and he is great, but the quicker he gets placed into a home (could end up here permanently), the more I can take on if he were to leave. if you are interested in the breed, i would suggest reading up and not taking any of the character traits lightly. they are all true. almost all weimaraners that i have known or fostered act almost exactly the same. great animals albeit misunderstood sometimes.

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Weims are awesome dogs. Ours is 5 yrs old and is just as crazy now as he was when he was 6 months old. They are very challenging, but I couldnt ask for a more loyal dog. Good for you for taking him in. A lot of people give up and abandon or abuse weims. They are one of the most intelligent, but one of the most difficult. A lot of people dont realize how hard it can be. There were many times my wife and I wanted to give up, but we stuck with him. Here's a picture of him. He's one the bigger ones Ive seen at 95lbs





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Very nice of you to take him in. My uncle has one that has been a great dog after the few year "toddler" craziness - she is like 15 now though. My dog is part chocolate lab and part weim, and he's honestly like the best of both of them. He does require attention and exercise like a weim, but he has no bad habits and is super intelligent.
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Yeah they are no cake walk. They are super anxious. For example, I closed him in my laundry room and he ate the trim off the sides of the doors and ate through the first level of drywall in their too. He didn't do much better in the crate.


He will need someone who can be there for him most of the day. It is possible that he just may need full range of the house.

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awww puppy


I had a weim, growing up...Her name was Fancy. She was quite the dog with a ton of energy and she could jump so high, clearing gates and stuff no problem.


I miss Fancy

when your parents told you Fancy went to live on a farm they lied. She was actually killed by the barrage of unfunny material you fed her.


what a terrible way to go.

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