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Looking for an Open Source app


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I've been searching and can't come up with anything. I don't know if it's because i'm not using the right keywords or what, so figured I'd see if I could get some help here. This is basically what I am looking for:


Know what equipment your company has and who's using it at all times. Your tools and equipment are a valuable part of your business. Keep track of them and their condition with a check out form. The detailed check out form includes the name of the item and its serial number at the top and a log section for each check out and check in. Track the date, user's name, time out and time in, and the condition of the item each time, with a place for the individual to initial each transaction.



The description I found above is for a mobile device. I need the app to run on Windows 7.


Any ideas?

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Almost sounds like a job for a database, but I don't know of anything that could do it "fancier" as it were.


It is, really. But I have no clue how to even begin building a database or how to link it to a UI.


This is my idea:


The iPod will have a numbered barcode (asset tag). Each associate will have a barcode under their name (the barcode is their name). When they grab an iPod, they will scan the asset tag, then scan their name barcode to sign the iPod out. The UI will display the iPod number, their name, and the time & date they signed it out. When they sign it back in at the end of their shift, they would click a check box by their name to sign it in, a message will come up asking them if it's broken, if not, it gets signed in. If it is, they have to enter a reason code as to what about it is broken.

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What you want is a commercial asset tracking program.


http://www.tracmor.com/ <-- says its open source


http://slashdot.org/story/06/08/20/0214256/it-asset-tracking-and-helpdesk-software <-- slashdot article looking for the same thing


http://company.ezinemark.com/open-source-asset-tracking-3-benefits-1d889ec7649.html <-- another discussion

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Edit: Or that ^


Run a web app created with Excel. You can hook up a BCL scanner to the PC terminal, and have drop-down selections for condition, maybe a free entry for notes or explanation of condition. Date and time will be automatic.

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