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The Neighbor


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Thats exactly how it is everytime I visit my wife's family in Parkersburg, WV. Her dad is my hero, he's like 70 and married a 30yr old chick thats completely nuts. She decided that the neighbors flower bed is an access road to her back yard and drives through it all the time honking her horn and screaming shit out the window on her way to and from getting her ice tea at wendys 6-7 times per day.
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Thats exactly how it is everytime I visit my wife's family in Parkersburg, WV. Her dad is my hero, he's like 70 and married a 30yr old chick thats completely nuts. She decided that the neighbors flower bed is an access road to her back yard and drives through it all the time honking her horn and screaming shit out the window on her way to and from getting her ice tea at wendys 6-7 times per day.


does she get one cup and refill it each time

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Now I understand why they make those tall ugly privacy fences. I'd put one up 6" inside my property line and put a few angry pit bulls on the inside of it.


He should also take up shooting and clean a few AK's on the back porch and set up some targets facing that dudes house.

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To be honest, I'm not so sure "the rednecks" are at fault here. Obviously, we're missing out on tons of info and they do seem pretty rednecky, however, old bearded guy and clan seem upset about the camera man's pets constantly jumping over a ragged ass fence into their yard. The camera man's family admits that it's their fence, as well, therefore making them responsible for the shitty fence and their pets going in the 'redneck's' yard. The redneck family actually says they're only out their to simply fix the damn fence since obviously the camera man family hasn't.


Anyway, just what I derived from the video.

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