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serious question.. for real this time.


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That integra is a pile. I would stay away, looks like a high schooler got his hands on it. What about spending a few more bucks like these:


No idea the miles, but you might be able to get it for $2,600




Awesome price on this, IF there is nothing wrong from the wreck:




I agree both those cars are fuckin hackjobs. Not the cars in this link but the op links.

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I negged you because i'm tired of your hopes n dreams threads. Both cars are straight janky ass POS's . Something I'd buy and drive around in a field hitting hay bails with. Then charge people $5 to hit with a sledgehammer then we all get drunk and push it into a bonfire. If you put as much time n effort into getting a better paying job as you do looking shitty ass cars then you'd be on track to getting something nice. I hope you read this and decide to better your life bro. And by bro I mean never my bro, phaggot.
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I negged you because i'm tired of your hopes n dreams threads. Both cars are straight janky ass POS's . Something I'd buy and drive around in a field hitting hay bails with. Then charge people $5 to hit with a sledgehammer then we all get drunk and push it into a bonfire. If you put as much time n effort into getting a better paying job as you do looking shitty ass cars then you'd be on track to getting something nice. I hope you read this and decide to better your life bro. And by bro I mean never my bro, phaggot.

dog dammit i cant positive rep you any more!!

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I negged you because i'm tired of your hopes n dreams threads. Both cars are straight janky ass POS's . Something I'd buy and drive around in a field hitting hay bails with. Then charge people $5 to hit with a sledgehammer then we all get drunk and push it into a bonfire. If you put as much time n effort into getting a better paying job as you do looking shitty ass cars then you'd be on track to getting something nice. I hope you read this and decide to better your life bro. And by bro I mean never my bro, phaggot.


I'm not one to hand out life lessons and i hate to admit it but he's got a point. I applaud your eagerness to learn how to fix cars on the cheap but you need to take a realistic inventory on what you know and what you don't know. Its one thing to fuck around on a side project with a knowledable friend and its another to try and piece together a frankenstein zombie car with limited skills as a reliable DD.

you've got the drive now apply some common sense and get hands on help from someone who actually knows what they'er doing.


I mean seriously, who buys multiple shitty cars at once knowing that at least one will be broke down all the time?!



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First of all I'm stuck in a job making less than $9 an hour trying to pay bills and raise a 3yo and take care of the pregnant wife who has a full school schedule for a nursing degree, which is why im stuck at Autozone since no other place will work around her schedule. Second I appreciate the links to the better cars but all I have is the civic for straight trade I don't have money to save back. Also of all the threads Ive posted, yeah most were dumb, you choose the one that I'm asking a serious question in to give neg rep? Wtf? I started this thread because I was supposed to meet the guy with the accord today, I cancelled on him when the majority of the replies were no go's. I wasn't trading today just looking my plan was to look at both then decide but I figured I would get others opinions. And for those that answered my questions and stayed on topic thank you I really appreciate that. For the rest.. fuck you! This isn't the kitchen, most of the people here seem to be helpful but there's quite a few who seem to be middle aged assholes that have no kids or spouse that would take any extra money so they can afford things.
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You know the issues with the car you have now, if its not rusting to pieces then whatever is wrong with it can be fixed, why take your chances with unknown piles of shit that can and probably will be worse? Why do you think people are eager to trade them away? Because they are junk, most likely. For what its worth those cars look like hack jobs, I've been burned buying a car owned by someone who thought the car was better off lowered with stupid wheels and stupid wings and a stupid exhaust, it meant they spent all their money on that crap and none of it on maintenance. Do yourself a favor and stay away from old (poorly) modified crap, or anything that says "project" or anything that is claiming to have lower mileage because they replaced the engine or anything with rust since its doomed to not be safe for much longer.


You know your car is burning oil. Someone has already given you a good lead on what to check for the cause. Do what he said, if it needs fixed then fix it. If that doesn't fix it, take the new engine you have and get all new gaskets for it and replace them all, along with a timing belt. Then hop on to youtube and look up a video that shows how to do the swap, I promise you there will be plenty of videos to choose from. Working on a car is more about motivation than know-how, unless you are stuck troubleshooting.


From what you have said in this post, it sounds like you need to take a serious look at where you are in life and where you want to end up. I'm really not trying to be a dick here, but it sounds like you are young and trying to get started in life without any family support to lean on, and you are already trying to raise a family. Your priorities should be (in this order) 1: kids welfare (stability in the home, food, healthcare, etc) 2: wife finishing school in the shortest time possible and entering the job market 3: living arrangements 4: job 5: reliable transportation 6: recreation. I'm not even going to list savings on there, as that is out of the question until you have more income. You may also want to consider coming up with a way to not have any more kids until you are in a more stable situation. So for the time being, realize that most people go through a part of their life driving a shitbox because they don't have any money to spend on something nice, and just do what is needed to keep it on the road. I'm driving a car I paid $500 for and I have no complaints at all. It doesn't have to be fun, or pretty, or fast or even comfortable, but needs to safely get you and the family around and nothing more. Trading around all the time will mean paying the BMV every time you want to get your plates switched, screwing around with insurance, and falling into something that may be way worse than what you have now. Get it to where it's just good enough, then worry about your woman and kids. If you need help with the car, ask in the tech section, people there are very knowledgeable and willing to help. If you need life advice feel free to ask in the Parking Lot section. There are a wide range of people on here, all with different life experiences to share. There's more to life than what you drive, and when you are trying to stretch a dollar then that should be a low priority.

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You know the issues with the car you have now, if its not rusting to pieces then whatever is wrong with it can be fixed, why take your chances with unknown piles of shit that can and probably will be worse? Why do you think people are eager to trade them away? Because they are junk, most likely. For what its worth those cars look like hack jobs, I've been burned buying a car owned by someone who thought the car was better off lowered with stupid wheels and stupid wings and a stupid exhaust, it meant they spent all their money on that crap and none of it on maintenance. Do yourself a favor and stay away from old (poorly) modified crap, or anything that says "project" or anything that is claiming to have lower mileage because they replaced the engine or anything with rust since its doomed to not be safe for much longer.


You know your car is burning oil. Someone has already given you a good lead on what to check for the cause. Do what he said, if it needs fixed then fix it. If that doesn't fix it, take the new engine you have and get all new gaskets for it and replace them all, along with a timing belt. Then hop on to youtube and look up a video that shows how to do the swap, I promise you there will be plenty of videos to choose from. Working on a car is more about motivation than know-how, unless you are stuck troubleshooting.


From what you have said in this post, it sounds like you need to take a serious look at where you are in life and where you want to end up. I'm really not trying to be a dick here, but it sounds like you are young and trying to get started in life without any family support to lean on, and you are already trying to raise a family. Your priorities should be (in this order) 1: kids welfare (stability in the home, food, healthcare, etc) 2: wife finishing school in the shortest time possible and entering the job market 3: living arrangements 4: job 5: reliable transportation 6: recreation. I'm not even going to list savings on there, as that is out of the question until you have more income. You may also want to consider coming up with a way to not have any more kids until you are in a more stable situation. So for the time being, realize that most people go through a part of their life driving a shitbox because they don't have any money to spend on something nice, and just do what is needed to keep it on the road. I'm driving a car I paid $500 for and I have no complaints at all. It doesn't have to be fun, or pretty, or fast or even comfortable, but needs to safely get you and the family around and nothing more. Trading around all the time will mean paying the BMV every time you want to get your plates switched, screwing around with insurance, and falling into something that may be way worse than what you have now. Get it to where it's just good enough, then worry about your woman and kids. If you need help with the car, ask in the tech section, people there are very knowledgeable and willing to help. If you need life advice feel free to ask in the Parking Lot section. There are a wide range of people on here, all with different life experiences to share. There's more to life than what you drive, and when you are trying to stretch a dollar then that should be a low priority.


Thank you.


For all those talking shit just wait until life, for no apparent reason, knocks you upside the head with a Louisville Slugger, I bet you change your tune.

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Like most have already said, just try to fix what you already have, getting into something else with that high of mileage is aheadach waiting to happen. At the very worst, drive yours till the motor goes, then put it up on craigslist as a project car with new motor included and trade it for something that runs. (This may sound stupid, but you would be suprised at the shit ive seen people trade for a running car). Also, i dont know how you feel about going away from hondas, but you can find older (early 90's) grand prixs for next to nothing, and most may not have a ton of mileage and will still be a good car for a while.
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lold at ppl negging me for telling the OP what he needed to hear. I'm not treating this thread as a kitchen thread. OP its your stupid ass fault for having a kid and another on the way while havingt a shitty ass job. Just Work your ass off. just get some beater that will work for now and move forward. Most ppl have been in your shoes minus having kids while making wooden nickels part. So dont pull out the baby voilin and start preaching. most ppl here have wives, houses, etc.. I myself am married with twins on the way at 29yrs old. I Have a house, cars, etc.. I too have worked from the bottom up. Keep working your ass off and hopefully you will get a break soon. Goodluck.


P.S. I didn't actually give you neg rep. Just said I did to catch your attention

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Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Before you make any decisions on whether to fix your beater or trade it (for something completely unknown) at least diagnose what the problem is. Then you can make an intelligent decision on whether to fix it or replace it.
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Am I the only one that caught he works at Autozone and acts like he can't even figure out where it's losing oil or that it'd be a major job to swap a motor in a Honda? They're like Legos, everything falls into place.


Keep the car you have, use your employee discount to repair what needs repaired, and stay off of any car related website (unless it's for maintenance help) until you're stable enough to have money to play with. Avoid the temptation of blowing money on cars right now. We've all been in a situation similar to yours at some point or another. I've been there, but now I'm 25 with a 4 month old, a wife, a decent house, and live a pretty comfortable life because I worked for it, kept my priorities straight, and planned pretty well.

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Am I the only one that caught he works at Autozone and acts like he can't even figure out where it's losing oil or that it'd be a major job to swap a motor in a Honda?


Not to rip on the OP but both Autozone and Advanced hire basically whomever now, almost like Mcdonalds. I've played dumb a few times and have gotten jaw-dropping advice/suggestions. The only parts stores that actually hire people that know what they're talking about (and only people that know what they're talking about) are Oriely's and NAPA (possibly carquest too but im not sure)

Edited by acklac7
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no i haven't done a leakdown test or compression test yet. Yeah I work at autozone, but i applied so I would learn things. All I knew how to do before working there is oil and disc brakes. still don't know half of what im selling, I make sure to ask others before selling something or telling people what to do first, but as I go along im learning more.




edit: saw above post and yeah we pretty much will hire anyone with a basic knowledge of cars. the questions on the online application ask alot about drinking though...

Edited by The_buster
saw above post
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And I think i've said this before but at some point you may want to look into enrolling in Columbus State's Automotive Technology program, you will learn a metric shiton about cars, im guessing Autozone would pay for it too...
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no i haven't done a leakdown test or compression test yet. Yeah I work at autozone, but i applied so I would learn things. All I knew how to do before working there is oil and disc brakes. still don't know half of what im selling, I make sure to ask others before selling something or telling people what to do first, but as I go along im learning more.




edit: saw above post and yeah we pretty much will hire anyone with a basic knowledge of cars. the questions on the online application ask alot about drinking though...


See if someone can help you out with this first, you have no idea the condition and a leakdown and compression test is always a good start.

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And I think i've said this before but at some point you may want to look into enrolling in Columbus State's Automotive Technology program, you will learn a metric shiton about cars, im guessing Autozone would pay for it too...


that are he can do the adult auto tech classes at a vocational school since he's on a budget.

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