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Need Cash selling everything. Check for updates


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I am looking at buying a project vehicle. It is one of those last minute too good to pass up kinda things- so... I am selling everything I own. Anyone want to buy a kidney? AAAnyway


Mapex drum kit drum kit that I got in trade.


Sold, Nice to meet you Eli!




Bentley Guitar is a classic sunburst pattern with bag

$100 Pending


Crate amp (in image)

$60 Pending


Guitar Tuner and 4 pedals

$25 Pending


ATT iPhone 3gs

$65 Pending


Maybe an xbox 360, games, mtg cards, and more.


I'll be adding things as I decide if I can live without them.

Edited by alibies
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pics/cond of iphone? what size? number?


It is a black 16gb 3gs with the standard small dock connector crack that the majority of these had. I kept in a low profile case the entire time I used it. I'll get pics of it soon.

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Sent you a PM, you never responded. Everything still for sale?


Sorry its my first anniversary weekend with the wife and my birthday so I've been a little bad about checking back-- yes everything is for sale still. I'll return messages today.

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