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Safety first!


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Reading the article 2 of them survived. I'd guess the guy furthest from the camera who 1) never caught on fire and 2) never moved would be the one other than the guy who walked away on his own.


The worst part of the video was around the 7:40 mark when I noticed the guy most on fire was very much alive and moving. At least 90 seconds of him moving his head, trying to gather himself to maybe crawl away, then near the very end of the video he looks like he's trying to put himself out and the flames coming from himself actually get worse then the video ends.

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Wow.... I thought the video froze at the beginning! The guy that lived sure did get a second chance on life! The others I'm sure went through alot of pain until meeting their maker. The smell I'm sure could have been smelt for quite some distance, that was alot of smoke. I'm sure the guy at the end just wanted to end it right there, he may have been trying to move closer to the pole to finish himself off.
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Wow.... I thought the video froze at the beginning! The guy that lived sure did get a second chance on life! The others I'm sure went through alot of pain until meeting their maker. The smell I'm sure could have been smelt for quite some distance, that was alot of smoke. I'm sure the guy at the end just wanted to end it right there, he may have been trying to move closer to the pole to finish himself off.


More like a third chance on life since he hit the scaffolding a second time when he got up to walk away.


And watching the dude at the end as he tried to writhed in pain... I thought the same thing. I'd maybe try to just grab the scaffolding again to try and finish it off.

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my aunt and uncle died like this moving a grain auger when a storm was coming in.


Someone I grew up with, his parents died this way. They forgot to lower it before they moved it. Him and his little brother were in the house and watched it happen. They were both pretty young at the time.

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There was a thread over on YB a while back about some crackheads trying to steal metal from a high voltage station.


I made the poor choice to click on the link and got to see what BBQ humans look like, not a way to go if you want an open casket service.

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I worked with a guy whose wife was electrocuted. Overnight while he was working 3rd shift, the hot water tank malfunctioned and overheated, ruptured and causing a short tripping the breaker. His wife apparently woke up and flipped the main breaker back on while standing in the shallow pool covering the basement floor. I can't imagine coming home to discover that.
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I have an uncle that is blind due to electricity. Was a teenager simply changing light fixture in the basement. Was hot/sweaty and got shocked from a simple 110v line. Electricity traveled from his right arm on the wire/fixure, through his face (eyes) and down his left arm holding onto a ladder. Lost both retinas in the accident. Tells the story like it was yesterday.
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Wow, was not expecting that when I clicked the link.


I think the guy at the far left, the one that was still moving, I think he was already dead. Looked like just current causing him to twitch. The guy on the right was the same way. You could see his arms and legs twitching.

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I don't think so man... he was making what looked to be deliberate movements. I did notice the guy closest to the camera twitching (first his leg then his arm) but the dude who was on fire looked like he was repeatedly trying to lift himself up/away from the metal from about the 7:40 mark to the end of the video.
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