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SEAL writes book on Bin Laden raid.....


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Will be interesting....


The author writes that bin Laden ducked back into his bedroom and the SEALs followed, only to find the terrorist crumpled on the floor in a pool of blood with a hole visible on the right side of his head and two women wailing over his body.

Bissonnette says the point man pulled the two women out of the way and shoved them into a corner and he and the other SEALs trained their guns' laser sites on bin Laden's still-twitching body, shooting him several times until he lay motionless. The SEALs later found two weapons stored by the doorway, untouched, the author said.




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I'd rather hear reports that Osama's death was controversial/improper than to hear something like "Osama orchestrated the attack's/murder's from prison". It's unfortunate to think the world is a better place without someone but in this case I feel it truely is. I also think it was a bad mistake to put the authors real name out to the public for his and his families own safety.
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The Seal guy should have known better that his name will be released and he will be a target. When my dad released his book about his time at Abu Ghraib and due to his work at Gitmo, he has accepted that fact there are bounties for him, he has to be armed on a regular basis, and always keep an eye on his surroundings. It hasn't changed his life one bit.



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So we are worried about the rights of a guy who came up with the idea to fly 4 planes into buildings and kill lots of people?


40-50 years ago he would have prayed to get 2 in the head, because if he was taken alive waterboarding would have been a goodday for him.

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The Seal guy should have known better that his name will be released and he will be a target. When my dad released his book about his time at Abu Ghraib and due to his work at Gitmo, he has accepted that fact there are bounties for him, he has to be armed on a regular basis, and always keep an eye on his surroundings. It hasn't changed his life one bit.





I'll order this one, too. Didn't know it existed. Thanks!

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