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Obama answers questions on reddit


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I thought it was pretty cool to see him taking a social media site like reddit serious. I bet that bought him some votes.



and he uses a mac.



Even if you don't like the guy i think its a cool gesture. Shit Mccain couldn't have done it.

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I would have liked to see him engage at least one unexpected question with a straight answer. I think that would have earned some votes.


I "watched" it live today. It was a failboat of an AMA. He had scripted answers for specific questions.


I think it was a corny stunt that sounded just like any other speech he or any other politician would have answered like.

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I will give fucks when ANY person trying to get elected answers questions that are not approved before hand.


Just trying to hustle joe public...


I think the problem with answering questions for either side is the inevitable distortion that it will illicit from the opposing team.




Republicans modeled the entire convention on a deliberate and distorting truncation of Obama's "you didn't build [the roads, bridges, and internet] your business [relies on to succeed]. That is bullshit.


Democrats are dinging Ryan and Romney for the exact same reallocation and cost marginalization used in the Affordable Care Act. (Romney responded in kind accusing Obama of the same while ignoring that for his (Ryan's) plan to work he would have to do the same). That whole fraud is bullshit, they should both own up to it and sell it as an effective use of limiting cost growth.


Everybody's pants are on fire._

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id rather see him working on fixing the economy than bullshitting on reddit. He has the the seat right now.....do some fucking work or someone will replace you and do what you should have been doin.


I would be impressed if he worked half as hard on the economy as he does on his golf handicap

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id rather see him working on fixing the economy than bullshitting on reddit. He has the the seat right now.....do some fucking work or someone will replace you and do what you should have been doin.


I would be impressed if he worked half as hard on the economy as he does on his golf handicap


You are part of the problem.


Bush took 225 vacation days at this point in his first term. Obama has taken 70. That includes weekend "days off".


Any successful manager of high functioning individuals will tell you that time away from the subject mater is imperative. This bullshit fox news / Glen Beck argument is a strawman.

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You are part of the problem.


Bush took 225 vacation days at this point in his first term. Obama has taken 70. That includes weekend "days off".


Any successful manager of high functioning individuals will tell you that time away from the subject mater is imperative. This bullshit fox news / Glen Beck argument is a strawman.


Whats fox news

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So what 3 actions can a POTUS take to "fix" a slowly growing economy?


One would think by now he would have shown us.


I love the new Bill Clinton commercial where he takes credit for "that's how it was done when I was in office" When that dumb ass was in office the beginning of the end of the middle class started with his signing of NAFTA. Now Obama is destined to finish 'em off.

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One would think by now he would have shown us.


I love the new Bill Clinton commercial where he takes credit for "that's how it was done when I was in office" When that dumb ass was in office the beginning of the end of the middle class started with his signing of NAFTA. Now Obama is destined to finish 'em off.


Oh yes, the party that is pro-women.


Shows it by making its keynote speaker ------- > Bill Clinton.

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Throw ObamaCare in the nearest trash can.


This would have an immediate and lasting net-negative impact on the deficit according to the CBO. What is your alternative?


Open up drilling.

Romney claims that 175 billion barrels of oil equivalent are available under US soil and claims that oil producers are barred from 2/3rds. This statement does 2 things: It fails to pay attention to the updated, less enthusiastic, recalculations of available oil reserves. Second, the 2/3 number fails to acknowledge off shore reserves which skews that number dramatically. Accessing California reserves would require congressional approval as would invading the Arctic wildlife preserve. Ultimately federal land accounts for only a third of current crude production, opening up the final tiny bit won’t dramatically boost national output. On top of that, oil producers are global conglomerates and are still influenced by international demand. Neither Obama nor Romney can slow growth in China and South America.


Shorten well fair benefits and restrict the requirements.

I'm not clear how the small fraction of poor people this impacts will cause a surge to the national economy?

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Oh yes, the party that is pro-women.


Shows it by making its keynote speaker ------- > Bill Clinton.


Ha! that fucker's commercial is on now! Yeah, Clinton endorsing Obama because we had a strong middle class when he was POTUS. Yeah...we did....but that giant sucking sound was the beginning of the end. I remember watching this live while attending OSU:


Giant Sucking Sound - Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate



^^ The above is classic. I dread seeing what our future holds if Obama is kept in office. Absolutely no doubt Ross is saying "I told you So"

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Oh yes, the party that is pro-women.


Shows it by making its keynote speaker ------- > Bill Clinton.


Bill at least penetrated that cigar with consent.


Remember in VA where a bill was put forth a bill to order mandatory vaginal ultrasounds in abortion cases?



Republicans won a mandate in 2010 under the guise that they would fix the economy. What bills did they propose to do that? Why have they taken that mandate and pursued nanny state social bullshit issues instead?

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This would have an immediate and lasting net-negative impact on the deficit according to the CBO. What is your alternative?



Romney claims that 175 billion barrels of oil equivalent are available under US soil and claims that oil producers are barred from 2/3rds. This statement does 2 things: It fails to pay attention to the updated, less enthusiastic, recalculations of available oil reserves. Second, the 2/3 number fails to acknowledge off shore reserves which skews that number dramatically. Accessing California reserves would require congressional approval as would invading the Arctic wildlife preserve. Ultimately federal land accounts for only a third of current crude production, opening up the final tiny bit won’t dramatically boost national output. On top of that, oil producers are global conglomerates and are still influenced by international demand. Neither Obama nor Romney can slow growth in China and South America.



I'm not clear how the small fraction of poor people this impacts will cause a surge to the national economy?


We could debate the issues all day long and take this thread another 144 pages like it's destined to go, but in the end, it's Pointless.


Again, after 4 years of Obama, if we're all still asking these questions, it's clear, he's not the guy to keep in office. Is Romeny perfect? Again, let's start a 144 page thread to discuss. However, let's keep it simple and ask ourselves if we' rather roll the dice on a great orator that hasn't proven anything or listen to another successful businessman and learn from the mistakes of not doing so in the past.


I don't like either side this year but my money is on a business man. The country and our finance system need saved. Clearly not a job for Obama. Feel free to banter about issues here and there to kill time. Ultimately we are getting stuck with one of the two. Who stands a better chance to implement what is needed. I stand by it not being Obama.

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