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Then you're reading my posts way wrong. I don't care about race. In fact my family is quite inter-racial and color isn't what I'm talking about. Seems you're the one who associated my use of crackheads with blacks. Now back OT.


Actually you are the one that called the President's people crackheads. But what do I know about crackheads or African Americans I am neither. All I know is what the media tells me.

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There is the problem. This is where capitalism becomes flawed and why our jobs are being lost. Unless they fix this problem, it would be hard to bring jobs back to the US.


I disagree, I don't think gov't should dictate that a corporation owner or management team can only make $$$ dollars or percent. We don't need more big gov't like Obama and other dems think. They can't run the gov't let alone advise or manage the private sector.


What is needed is for the gov't to stick to higher level influences and stay out of our day to day operations. What needs fixed is eliminating the incentives to bring jobs over to China thus making it a moot whether the people work here or there. If anything it should be that they are encouraged to hire within our borders. Same too the costs of importing items should be influenced to be on par with those made in the states.


End result would be parity in the marketplace for both making and buying of goods. Ross Perot was right, all that's happened since NAFTA and outsourcing of our lives is that things are unbalanced and our workers are chasing wages that are declining.


In the end, goods might cost more, but no doubt should be back to better quality standards and our workforce will also make more and be employed. Look at it like this, the majority of working class people living paycheck to paycheck should no longer be forced to buy cheap goods at Wal-Mart and instead could buy better products and feed their family with goods from the US.


It's not rocket science, at one time we were the land of opportunity where we actually made the stuff we consume. Right now there's far less in the way of opportunity to earn for the avergage Joe and we make very little of what we consume. Very sad.


Again, we don't need more big gov't interfering with the system that does work. Dems have it backwards. STay out of the day to day, quite lowering the bar and providing for people with no expectation that they earn what they receive and instead let the system work and force those that don't want to work to lie in their own bed or do something to help themselves. Provide opportunity not free support that encourages them to say in those support systems for life.

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I disagree, I don't think gov't should dictate that a corporation owner or management team can only make $$$ dollars or percent. We don't need more big gov't like Obama and other dems think. They can't run the gov't let alone advise or manage the private sector.


I am not saying that it's the government's job to fix it or dictate, I am just saying that our system is flawed where companies are maximizing share holder values instead of focusing on real jobs, producing real products and services. CEOs and their top managers have massive incentives to focus most of their attentions on the expectations market (stock market). That is why jobs are going over seas to china. Cheap labor, less tax, bigger profit margin, and the market share increase. That is another reason why CEOs are their top executives are given bonuses in shares instead of money.




What is needed is for the gov't to stick to higher level influences and stay out of our day to day operations. What needs fixed is eliminating the incentives to bring jobs over to China thus making it a moot whether the people work here or there. If anything it should be that they are encouraged to hire within our borders. Same too the costs of importing items should be influenced to be on par with those made in the states.


The incentives to take jobs to china is being given by the Chinese government on top of the cheap labor rates. Incentives offered the by the chinese government include tax breaks, low import duties, low-cost land and low construction costs for new factories, no labor laws, they don't have to provide health insurance since China is under a universal health care system. To eliminate these incentives is easier said than done.

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