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Bicyclist shot ...


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This. To justify the use of lethal force(legally), lethal force has to be intended/used against you. The biggest thing the shooter has going for him is that he was in his truck and the hipster 'entered' it.


LOL :dumb:


No one as ever been killed with bare fists before?

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Not Ohio, it is in the state up north. I made the same mistake. LOL


hmmmm.....will wait for others to chime in but looking at page 27 of the Ohio Concealed-Carry-Laws-Booklet it shows it does apply to your vehicle. ORC 2901.05, 2901.9(B)

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This. To justify the use of lethal force(legally), lethal force has to be intended/used against you. The biggest thing the shooter has going for him is that he was in his truck and the hipster 'entered' it.


Have you gone through the CCW Course? You don't have to be in fear of simply lethal force being used against you. The law reads, the defendant must prove that, at the time, he had a real belief that he was in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm and that his use of deadly force was the only way to escape that danger.


The witness on TV was very clear that it wasn't just a simple set of punches, she clearly stated that the attacker ran around the to the drivers window and "just started pounding on him" Not sure about you but after the trama and shock of being involved in an accident where you've been struck by a bicyclist at a high rate of speed and then he gets up and attacks you in such a manner, I think it's clear you're in danager and if I'm being pounded on, that's serious. Especially as I'm belted into my vehicle.


'nuff said IMO.

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hmmmm.....will wait for others to chime in but looking at page 27 of the Ohio Concealed-Carry-Laws-Booklet it shows it does apply to your vehicle. ORC 2901.05, 2901.9(B)


You are correct. He was just sitting that laws may be different in Michigan.

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hmmmm.....will wait for others to chime in but looking at page 27 of the Ohio Concealed-Carry-Laws-Booklet it shows it does apply to your vehicle. ORC 2901.05, 2901.9(B)


Yeah, but this happened in Michigan so I wasn't sure about their castle law. :)

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Why didn't the guy in the truck just drive off? Is Michigan a stand your ground state?


Very likely shock. I mean looking at the damage, it wasn't a small impact so the dude felt it. Also, he just had an accident with a guy on a bike not another car....to me that is a bit more of an oh-shit moment.


You're not expecting an attack either. Instinct of a normal citizen isn't to leave the scene of an accident either. Sounds odd maybe, but again, the guy was likely in shock and still processing all that just happened.

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This dude wasn't a "cyclist." That is a fucking cheap mountain bike from a department store, probably some redneck riding home drunk. Regardless, got what was coming to him.


thank you.


and i just watched the video. definitely not a "cyclist" on that bike. like i guessed in my previous post, probably a crackhead running his drugs around.

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I had a retard riding down Main Street in Westerville going about 5 miles an hour, but yet I get the finger when I honk my horn? I really don't get some of these bicyclist, I don't mind sharing the road but riding the bike down the middle of the street, come on? This is the stuff I need to learn due to I'm in the process of getting my CCW. I would have done the same thing the guy did in the truck. I'm defending myself by legal means, enough said.
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