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Appliance Repairmen--Problem Solved- Company Reivew


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In the ever outpouring of money bleeding from my house this summer.. my 4-5 year old LG Tromm Front washer took a shit this past weekend.


Apparently the Bearings int he Direct drive have gone out...


Needless to say i am beyond pissed.. :fuuuu::fuuuu: We, of course are out of warranty, and it looks like iits close to $600 to repair.


What the fuck happened to appliances lasting 10-15 years?


I am so disenfranchised right now.


Anyways.. Do we have anyone who does appliance repair full time, that would like some side work?


I am VERY close to just buying a craigslist washer for six to eight months and buying one next summer.




**situation resolved**

See post #15 for company review

Edited by damreds
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I also have bad luck with those fucking front load washer. They smell, leak, and take a special HE detergent. My last one crapped out after about five years also. I didn't even bother try to fix it. Just went to low and bought a new top load. It's the new style, kinda like the front load, but top instead. Works amazing!! Best of all, I only paid around $700, not $2k for the damn front load.
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I have had a couple of SNAFU's with my LG's, been repairing them myself as I go, here's a linky to where I have been buying parts. I have also bought refridgerator parts from here as well.




Appliance repair board..............




If you have any mechanical ability, this is not beyond you. I used an appliance repair service once(because of warranty), after I saw how that guy operated, I figured anyone could do it.


Good luck, let us know what you wind up doing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

well its been a stressfull few weeks dealing with this issue.


But by god persistance wins.


After 3 VERY lengthy phone calls to LG, I got to the RIGHT person. My washer is 3.5 years old. I was not about to pay 600$ for my $1000 washer that is still basicly brand new in the grand scheme of appliances.


Finally someone agreed with me.

I got the whole damn thing fixed for FREE.


Capitol City Appliance repair (which for some reason has terrible reviews but are the only LG certified repair people in Cbus) have been awesome as well. They were the ones who told me to call LG and see if i could get them to replace it.


Parts were ordered right before we went to limerock and we were scheduled for repair on Tuesday.


They got the parts and installed them, but then the tech came out with a part in his hand and a sad face.....


"Ma'am, i have to order you a new motor. Sometimes when the bearings go, water gets through and messes with the motor"


My face fell..

" Are you fucking serious?"






Anyways.. I have been working over the phone with Terry at Capitol City Appliance and she bribed one of the techs to come back to the shop to pick up my new motor this afternoon and is bringing it over to install it.


Normally parts that are delivered in teh afternoon wont be installed till the next day (for me that would been ONE MORE WEEKEND without a washer) So she asked her boss if she could ask one of the techs to come back and get he parts and put them in for me.


If you need appliance repair, give them a chance, despite the stupid reviews- the tech has seemed nice and knowledgeable and professional, Customer Service wise, if you need help, talk to Terry, the other girls seemed nice, but didnt really seem to care what my situation was, though were polite.


I cant believe how happy i will be to hvae a washer again..


One Month without a washing machine has been a severe annoyance, fortunately my neighbor is amazing and let me use hers the whole time.

Edited by damreds
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Is this review about LG, Capitol City Appliance, or your neighbor? :Gabe:


So, LG is a brand to avoid, but their customer service is good?


I am kind of a LG whore, and was ALMOST done with them, till they repaired everything for free.


I wil continue to buy LG. This is the first time i have ever had real issues with thier brand.

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I stand by my posts here




and am glad we bought the one we did. H.E. Units FTL IMO.


+2 on Capital City. I saw the bad reviews too but IMO most are just pissed people venting. I rated them good on Yahoo to help them.

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