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Red Light Camera Ticket


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Apparently I rolled through the red light while turning right on red onto Sawmill Rd from Hard Rd. Are there ways to make these go away. From what I've read, non-payment doesn't have any legal ramifications but I could be turned over to collections. I have great credit and don't want to mess it up, so if I have to pay, I'll pay. Anyone have any experience with this?
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Haha, I got one when they first starting that program here. I was behind a school bus so I didn't see the light at all. Anyway, the ticket was $95 so it's not bad, but being a wise ass I took a picture of $95 and sent it in and haven't heard anything since. Good luck.
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Rule #1 of Hard/Sawmill. If going west on Hard to turn north on Sawmill, always cut through CVS. Way better than even remotely taking a chance on the camera and 200% better than waiting for the lead dumb ass who intends to go straight yet blocks the lane preventing others from turning right.


I have never turned right at the intersection with that camera up and I drive that route all the time.

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Wifey got a ticket for exactly the situation Tim described. Included with your notice of infraction is a link to a CPD(I think... was a couple months ago) website where you can watch the video of what happened. Pretty cut and dry. If the video shows you stopped, appeal the ticket and have it tossed. If you didn't stop, well, pony up and call it a lesson learned.


FWIW, I think CPD would make a metric fuckton more money if they put that camera facing the Hard Rd. exit of the shopping center catching folks making a left instead. I don't know how they could possibly make the "No left turn" sign more obvious without lining it with strobes and hanging a Dita von Teese pin-up below it, but every day I see cars lined up in front of the baby store waiting for some asshat to make a left during rush hour.

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FWIW, I think CPD would make a metric fuckton more money if they put that camera facing the Hard Rd. exit of the shopping center catching folks making a left instead. I don't know how they could possibly make the "No left turn" sign more obvious without lining it with strobes and hanging a Dita von Teese pin-up below it, but every day I see cars lined up in front of the baby store waiting for some asshat to make a left during rush hour.


I lay on my horn for fuck-heads that turn left there. I really hope to frustrate them enough to cause them to wreck. :mad:

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For every anecdote of heroic resistance, there's one for someone trying to resist heroically and facing really fucking annoying consequences. You can either:


A) Try to be a heroic example of standing up to a fucking evil system that allows private companies to enforce city ordinances and laws for profit which the city gets a comparitively minor cut of (usually in the neighborhood of 30% or less) with the potential for credit problems and, as was said before, license/suspension issues.


B) Pony up the $95 to not have to go to court, not run the risk of getting 2 points on your license and increased insurance costs, and not run the risk of having to pay court costs AND the actual ticket price of running a red light which I believe is substantially more than $95.


It says that none of this goes through the BMV because basically, the company (probably ATS or Redflex) is charging you $95 not to rat you out to the BMW. They do this with the city's blessing, with the understanding that the city gets a kickback and "improved safety". The police signature on there basically states that a police officer saw this video evidence, judged that, had an officer been present, you would have been issued a ticket, and that if you'd like to challenge it they will happily meet you in court.


If any of this reeks of bribery, blackmail, and corruption, its because it is a system based on all three.


If you'd like to know which states love money and hate you, look at this map:



EDIT: For the first time in my life, I've considered moving back to CT where there are none of these illegal atrocities.

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Rule #1 of Hard/Sawmill. If going west on Hard to turn north on Sawmill, always cut through CVS. Way better than even remotely taking a chance on the camera and 200% better than waiting for the lead dumb ass who intends to go straight yet blocks the lane preventing others from turning right.


I have never turned right at the intersection with that camera up and I drive that route all the time.


Then you get a ticket for Short cutting. Ask me how I know :).

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But possible. The ticket will read "circumventing a traffic control device". That is of course if you do not make a complete stop will cutting through the parking lot.


anything is possible, but in over 26 years of driving I've never gotten a ticket and I do it all the time when given the chance.

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So my dad got a speeding camera ticket up in Cleveland over a year ago. He had a client driving his old Charger, and as a client he wasn't going to rat him out. He never paid it and he now gets calls from collections at home 3-4 times a day. His resistance burns deep. I've answered one of the calls unknowingly and it says "someone in this household has a pending court matter..."


Is this guaranteed credit destruction or how does this work? I've told him he should look into it and he just laughs. He says, if it's not legitimate enough to put points on my license it's not legitimate enough for me to pay.

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So my dad got a speeding camera ticket up in Cleveland over a year ago. He had a client driving his old Charger, and as a client he wasn't going to rat him out. He never paid it and he now gets calls from collections at home 3-4 times a day. His resistance burns deep. I've answered one of the calls unknowingly and it says "someone in this household has a pending court matter..."


Is this guaranteed credit destruction or how does this work? I've told him he should look into it and he just laughs. He says, if it's not legitimate enough to put points on my license it's not legitimate enough for me to pay.


If he has an outstanding debt in collections, then yes, it sure as hell shows up on his credit and has probably been hurting it for several months. He'll probably want to address that.

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If you never agreed to the charge, how can they send you to collections? So can I send a $5 million bill to the owner of the company that does this, charging him for being a dickwad, and when he doesn't pay up I can send him to collections? Because to me its the same principal.
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If you never agreed to the charge, how can they send you to collections? So can I send a $5 million bill to the owner of the company that does this, charging him for being a dickwad, and when he doesn't pay up I can send him to collections? Because to me its the same principal.


This is why its such corrupt BS. The cities that subcontract to the camera operating companies (the cameras are maintained privately, one of the reasons cities are so quick to agree to their terms) tell their police departments that the companies have authority to enforce laws, outside the law.


The only thing your scenario is missing is a massive payoff to the city.

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If the video shows you stopped, appeal the ticket and have it tossed. If you didn't stop, well, pony up and call it a lesson learned.


if I were you, if you can find the video as mentioned above, check it out. if your guilty then pay it, if not then go to court and ask them to review the video.


Thanks for the reiteration.

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