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Shits about to get real with the Muslims in NY


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It's been going on for a while, I believe in San Francisco.


I have a hard time imagining people thinking silently in their studies... "Hmmm, what would Jesus do.... Oh he would definitely disparage 1 point some billion people."


It's like when D.Cheney had a gay daughter, my racist father made a black friend, or one of those crazy volunteer border patrol people lived with an immigrant family for a week... if these fucking bigots would leave their echo chambers and meet someone outside their white washed worlds they might gain some goddamn perspective.

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I like to think of myself as a reasonably fair person. So I want to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Con someone point me towards a muslim group denouncing the fanatics, or speaking out against the violence? Just some indication that the rest of the muslim faith isn't supporting them through silence?

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I like to think of myself as a reasonably fair person. So I want to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Con someone point me towards a muslim group denouncing the fanatics, or speaking out against the violence? Just some indication that the rest of the muslim faith isn't supporting them through silence?


I'll do better:



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I think you also have to remember it is hard for citizens of countries who've spent generations under regimes in which all media is state controlled. They literally have no understanding of free speech and the ramifications there in. They believe that a movie like this must have been state sanctioned and therefore represents the views of America.


I think the signs that inspired this thread represent a similar action by Christians. They believe they are pleasing their imaginary friend by "standing up" against Islam just as Muslims believe they are pleasing their imaginary profit by protesting his youtubed disgrace. Both are simple minds reacting to what would otherwise be diagnosed as a clinical disorder.

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I think you also have to remember it is hard for citizens of countries who've spent generations under regimes in which all media is state controlled. They literally have no understanding of free speech and the ramifications there in. They believe that a movie like this must have been state sanctioned and therefore represents the views of America.


I think the signs that inspired this thread represent a similar action by Christians. They believe they are pleasing their imaginary friend by "standing up" against Islam just as Muslims believe they are pleasing their imaginary profit by protesting his youtubed disgrace. Both are simple minds reacting to what would otherwise be diagnosed as a clinical disorder.


you are smart enough to know it's spelled "prophet" :)

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Pakistan gave its people a holiday tomorrow to protest a FUCKING MOVIE.


They hate us. We don't understand them. It indeed will get much, much worse.


When you have a group trying to out-breed their "enemy" and publicly declare their intentions to eradicate us... how do you suppose this all will end?

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Free speech is free speech. It is what it is, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


In the article that the OP posted, mentioned "Free speech versus Hate speech." There are no categories, it is what it is. If you're a Muslim and don't like it then go somewhere that doesn't have free speech. I hope they do post these ads, again practicing the First Amendment right.

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Free speech is free speech. It is what it is, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


In the article that the OP posted, mentioned "Free speech versus Hate speech." There are no categories, it is what it is. If you're a Muslim and don't like it then go somewhere that doesn't have free speech. I hope they do post these ads, again practicing the First Amendment right.


By that same logic, do you support the Westboro Baptist Church exercising their right to free speech at soldiers funerals? Are you "glad" they do that?

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By that same logic, do you support the Westboro Baptist Church exercising their right to free speech at soldiers funerals? Are you "glad" they do that?


Of course I don't support that, but I do support free speech and the first amendment. As Americans, it is our right. But no, I am not glad that they do that to answer your question.


If you don't agree with the first amendment, what exactly is your solution? If you're going to make an argument against it, let's hear a solution for it. Should we ban all "offensive," or in your words "unsavory," speech? Where is the line drawn?

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