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Dude, when I had my Dresser and was at Myrtle Beach Bike Week, I think it was '98, I ran into a huge problem also.

Last night in town, we're at the Hard Rock or Easy Riders, one of those places. Nothing but bikes and bikers as far as the eye can see. I hook up with this little red head and she says, "Uh uh. You gotta take my girlfriend for a ride first. She's never been on a bike before." I look over and, yeah she's 350, look back at red and decide, "Game On!" Out to the center of bedlem we go. I stand my Dresser up and tell her how to get on. She puts her right foot on the passenger running board, takes her left and starts to get on, and over we went. I gave it my best to keep my new bike up, and back then my best was pretty good. She was embarassed, I picked my bike up and told her to get on the kickstand side. She tweeked my kickstand, but off we went. Once we started moving I told her, "Just sit still. Don't move around on the bike." She was perfect. Her very first motorcycle ride, and she loved it! I took her all through Myrtle, we must have rode for two hours. I ended up having eight roommates that night and red wanted nothing to do with that, but the highlite was taking a girl that everyone overlooks for her first ride. I'll never forget that.


That's pretty awesome Pops. You're an okay dude in my book. I'm sure she'll never forget that time where some "hot guy on a cool motorcycle" gave her a ride...

BUT, I've got a 2006 Honda CBR Fireblade 1000 with flushmount turn signals and a rear fender eliminator. She's gonna have to hit the Adkins diet before she attempts to mount my rear seat. Because if she made me drop my bike, I too would remember her for the rest of my life. Mainly because I'd be in Lucusville State Correctional Facility for murder.:600rr:

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or just email this link to her from and unknown email addy, mabey she will conect the dots.

I have had a somewhat similiar situation happen. Me and some buddies were filling up at the gas station and these hood rats came waling up wanting a ride. They wouldnt take no for an answer. So we said okay and tole them to go inside for what ever they were there for and then we would go for a ride. Well they went in with us sitting there but came out to a different picture.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its a delicate situation because of where you work if you are an ass about it the hotties may take note. There is always and ugly chick with a hot friend...you know how it goes. I dont have a solution but however you handle it be a gentlement about it.

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Well actually sportbikes are pretty bullet proof.....


If it was me i would be honest..In a nice way..1st its not really safe..2nd if shes not n-sync with you on the bike well over you go..

Be like Honey (use honey and be polite) i would love to give you a ride but with us on the bike together it would just be unsafe..I would just be honest and in a very nice way..Yea it may hurt her feelings but you took the gentleman's way out..And you didnt call her overweight in front of everyone.

That's a fantastic pic... and way too nice of a way to handle the situation.

Not to side track the thread but it appears to me that big chicks like Kaw..So if you ride another brand i think your safe..


I'd hit that shit.

go out and buy one of those stickers that say no fat chicks allowed.that should do the trick.with out saying a word.

I think this one is the best option.

Dude, when I had my Dresser and was at Myrtle Beach Bike Week, I think it was '98, I ran into a huge problem also.

Last night in town, we're at the Hard Rock or Easy Riders, one of those places. Nothing but bikes and bikers as far as the eye can see. I hook up with this little red head and she says, "Uh uh. You gotta take my girlfriend for a ride first. She's never been on a bike before." I look over and, yeah she's 350, look back at red and decide, "Game On!" Out to the center of bedlem we go. I stand my Dresser up and tell her how to get on. She puts her right foot on the passenger running board, takes her left and starts to get on, and over we went. I gave it my best to keep my new bike up, and back then my best was pretty good. She was embarassed, I picked my bike up and told her to get on the kickstand side. She tweeked my kickstand, but off we went. Once we started moving I told her, "Just sit still. Don't move around on the bike." She was perfect. Her very first motorcycle ride, and she loved it! I took her all through Myrtle, we must have rode for two hours. I ended up having eight roommates that night and red wanted nothing to do with that, but the highlite was taking a girl that everyone overlooks for her first ride. I'll never forget that.


Fat chicks give great BJ's and can be money in the sack... right?

Just tell her this... ITS A BIKE NOT A FRONT END LOADER... :)

Just kidding.. just tell her that it wouldnt be safe, I would rather her be upset then get into a crash


That's pretty awesome Pops. You're an okay dude in my book. I'm sure she'll never forget that time where some "hot guy on a cool motorcycle" gave her a ride...

BUT, I've got a 2006 Honda CBR Fireblade 1000 with flushmount turn signals and a rear fender eliminator. She's gonna have to hit the Adkins diet before she attempts to mount my rear seat. Because if she made me drop my bike, I too would remember her for the rest of my life. Mainly because I'd be in Lucusville State Correctional Facility for murder.:600rr:

Just do what I do, take the passenger crap off and don't take anyone for rides. Taking someone else for a ride just sucks, it changes the bikes handling characteristics and it's hard to find passengers that know what the fuck they are doing... I'd rather a chick use my for my body rather than my bike... like God intended it... or I dream of it... whatever.

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First off, that chick is f'n delusional if she thinks your bike can support her. Anyone with a bit of common sense should be able to question that scenario, but maybe that just tells you she's in denial about her actual size. If ever there were a time to invest in a cowl, this would be it. Put it on the bike and just give up on the idea of giving co-worker rides for quite some time. Otherwise, tell her "You break it, you bought it" and ask for cash up front when she shows up for her ride. That's a tough thing to handle. Good luck!

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i think you would be in trouble with you job (as far as your coworkers go)

do you want to be know as a jerk or the nice guy. woman can black ball the best and could make work hell for you just tell the lady in a nice way that you dont think it would be safe, but let here sit on it for a sec or 2 that why she wont feel that bad.

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