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I killed the Civic this weekend...


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At the 2x Regional at Mid-Ohio this past weekend - Rain for Q1. I put the Civic P1 in ITA and overall. At the start of the race, I got walked by Steve Sancricca (P2) in his CRX. He spun at t2 and I spun to avoid him (in front of the field). I joined DFL and figured I had time to work my way back towards the front. I made it to 10a.



I believe the car is done. I'll start cutting the front end off this week and verify. I was thinking about getting a new car for 2013 and this may make that decision easier. This was my 14th year with this Civic. I've had this car since my daughter was 1 1/2 years old. It will be missed.





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Both fine (sore as hell, but fine). I didn't expect his car to spin there or to come back across the track like that. I got off the gas as soon as I saw him and moved to the left to avoid his spin. Didn't work out like I was hoping.
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Please don't take this the wrong way as I have never road raced before, but wouldn't it generally be a better idea to try to swerve to the right as the car is skidding to the left? I would presume the car skidding out would continue to go that direction leaving the road clear to go around on the right. Is there a rule or something that would make to have to go that route? Either way that really is a bummer. Especially with a car you have ran for such a long time. I'm glad you both walked away from that.
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Please don't take this the wrong way as I have never road raced before, but wouldn't it generally be a better idea to try to swerve to the right as the car is skidding to the left? I would presume the car skidding out would continue to go that direction leaving the road clear to go around on the right. Is there a rule or something that would make to have to go that route? Either way that really is a bummer. Especially with a car you have ran for such a long time. I'm glad you both walked away from that.


X2 I've never road raced before. Where you going to fast to go to the right? Seems you could have avoided it. But I wasn't there and dont know the circumstances.

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A car spinning like that in a right hand turn will tend to continue to the right with the spin. Momentum takes you that way. My move to the left was anticipating the car to stat where it was or keep spinning right. And at the speed I was going -to trying to go right would have spun me into him with my drivers door.
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A car spinning like that in a right hand turn will tend to continue to the right with the spin. Momentum takes you that way. My move to the left was anticipating the car to stat where it was or keep spinning right. And at the speed I was going -to trying to go right would have spun me into him with my drivers door.


I see what you're saying there. You can see in the video at the last moment the other driver's front end went to the left and then he came to a stop on the side of the road.

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Wow. Watched that video a few times and makes me hurt. Reminds me of when a guy pulled out infront of me while i got into the center lane to turn, and he was trying turn left across 3 lanes of traffic from my right. Slammed into him and it looked/felt just like im sure that did


Someone needs to chop a hand texting into that video and send it to insurance companies. No more of that animated crashes bs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having been on that track many times, that is a tough spot to spin and not get hit. Looks like you had 2 options by the time it played out, hit him like you did or go more left into the grass, but risk flipping. It is always easy to watch a video afterwards and have opinions, but the reality is, everyone was ok.

14 years is a long time to have a race car. wow. Rear wheel drive in the future? Compared to my MR2, you get on the gas super late going into turn 9 (bottom of madness). It is interesting to see how other cars handle. Anymore videos?

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Tough to avoid when a car spins like that heading infield at first then flipping the other way and it happened in a bad spot there. Seen a few accidents just like that in some ALMS races in that corner.


Cars can be replaced, you can't, good to see everyone is ok.

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Purchased a replacement race car and took it to Nelson this past weekend for the Quad Regional. Driver was VERY SLOW! The car will be a great base to tranfer parts from the 'original' #14. There should be some interesting pieces coming off this one (that pimp ass exhaust is awesome for a street car!). It is going to be an interesting winter getting the 'new' car built and ready for 2013.



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