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governor lost his mojo


He did but something tells me he comes back with twice the original ferocity and craziness.


My prediction... He convinces himself that he needs the prison to protect his new family and talks his old buddy's group into helping him take it.


I'm guessing that ends the first half of the season. It keeps the Gov alive but moves the main story away from the prison (finally) and towards something new.


Btw... that kill with the femur and the zombie face peel is my all time fav so far. That was awesome.



And I was watching the Talking Dead when Chris Hardwick closed the show. Very sad but heartfelt. I like that guy a lot.




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This is what I gather from this thread.

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I don't give two shits about watching the Governor.


Yeah, they took a step towards flop with this as I feared they would. Should have been a quick, one episode recap of what happened to the Governor after he killed all his own people then right to being in line with him being outside the prison. Now we've got at least two. Should have gone ultra fail and played that shitty Green Day song as the Governor walked alone. Just make a total joke of the show at this point.

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Yeah, they took a step towards flop with this as I feared they would. Should have been a quick, one episode recap of what happened to the Governor after he killed all his own people then right to being in line with him being outside the prison. Now we've got at least two. Should have gone ultra fail and played that shitty Green Day song as the Governor walked alone. Just make a total joke of the show at this point.


No disagreements here. I heard rumors of a two Gov stand alone episodes at the beginning of the season and was leery then. Honestly I'm still a fan and like the show but it felt like it threw this season to a grinding halt. Especially after such a great episode like the previous one that featured Herschel. That was a great episode. I'm willing to wait it out though in hopes of a really good pay off during the mid-season finale. I don't expect Oscar worthy performances every episode but I expect better than that Gov episode. Seemed too drawn out. Maybe I'm wrong though.



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Promo from New Zealand shows something that I thought may happen but then didn't think would happen after the most recent episode but obviously looks like it's going to happen after all...


Something of a spoiler so watch at your own risk.



Basically, I thought the first attack on the prison on the show was nothing like either attack from the comics. Then the second attack was more similar to the first from the comics but the Governor killed all his soldier-types after that and ran off. Looks like we may get the true second attack after all...

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Promo from New Zealand shows something that I thought may happen but then didn't think would happen after the most recent episode but obviously looks like it's going to happen after all...



Basically, I thought the first attack on the prison on the show was nothing like either attack from the comics. Then the second attack was more similar to the first from the comics but the Governor killed all his soldier-types after that and ran off. Looks like we may get the true second attack after all...


This actually gives me more hope! Might be an epic mid-season finale! Bring on the tank scenes!




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This actually gives me more hope! Might be an epic mid-season finale! Bring on the tank scenes!





Yeah, both "attacks" so far on the show were complete jokes. Seeing that tank brings it a little bit back in the direction I was hoping with the Governor. Don't want to say too much more as someone who has read the comics and I know some here haven't. Would be nice if the showrunner was trying to somewhat reel the story back in to the comic.

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Yeah, both "attacks" so far on the show were complete jokes. Seeing that tank brings it a little bit back in the direction I was hoping with the Governor. Don't want to say too much more as someone who has read the comics and I know some here haven't. Would be nice if the showrunner was trying to somewhat reel the story back in to the comic.


Ditto, can't wait

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I can't think of the name of the new showrunner that took over this season but it seems like he does pull in more of the comic than others. Listening to him on Talking Dead a few episodes ago gave me hope. He said that there is one episode this season (implied it was the second half of this season) was filmed entirely as scripted in the comic book. I don't expect the comic to be mirrored exactly but it's nice when they follow some of it more accurately. Seems like the tone of the show is better.



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Hopefully the next episode (midseason finale?) is epic!


There are actually two more episodes. Sunday's, which is likely another Gov centric episode, and the one on December 1st. The one on the 1st is the mid-season finale. I have high hopes for that one. Usually something good happens in the mid-season finale.




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Team Guv'na reporting for duty.


LOL... Yep he's back and wickeder (word???) than ever. Should be an interesting mid-season finale. I have a feeling it will be VERY close to the comics based on the previews. There's a few characters we may be seeing the last of on team prison.




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LOL... Yep he's back and wickeder (word???) than ever. Should be an interesting mid-season finale. I have a feeling it will be VERY close to the comics based on the previews. There's a few characters we may be seeing the last of on team prison.





I've always liked the Guv'na AKA Bryan. Yes he has a dark side (kill or be killed) but I feel his intentions are good and now that he has his new famiry to keep himself going full tater again. I really think he didn't want to become Guv'na again but Martinez forced that hand onto him so he had to be leader once more. He realized that there wasn't the leadership there to keep his new famiry safe so he had to toss on the Guv'na hat once more. Hope he peppers dem prison guys angus's.

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so that guy drove some old ww2 tank while he was in the army.. okay.


It's an M60, it was fielded during Vietnam and fought its last battle in the Gulf War. Before we got Wolverines (tank with a bridge) our AVLB's were on M60 tank chassis. I can believe it was more of a statue that still moved. We had plenty of those at Fort Hood.

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