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Snow Season 2012-13


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I know its early, but today i saw a F350 on alton darby with a BRAND NEW BLIZZARD snow plow on the front.. I thought he was being overly optimistic.




This summer has worn me out. Im ready to hibernate.



Winter Predictions-

I think its gonna be cold as FUUUUdge and i think we will have at least 2 storms of 7" snow at least. I don't think we will have a winter like last years... (a non winter)

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I bet its cold and wet, gray skies, 2 lanes of 315 closed for at least 2 months, and people driving slow as shit.


I predict 2 lanes of every fucking highway in the city closed all winter for no reason at all. Oh wait, we already have that.


I've been wondering what to expect weather-wise. Have the experts been saying much?

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I've been wondering what to expect weather-wise. Have the experts been saying much?

From what i have seen so far, they are predicting VERY cold winter...

2012–2013 U.S. Weather Highlights

The 2013 Almanac says that temperatures will be much colder this winter from the East Coast westward to a line from the Dakotas to Texas.

In every place west of this line, except for portions of the Desert Southwest, temperatures will be warmer than last winter.

Snowfall will be above normal near the Great Salt Lake and in the areas from El Paso to Detroit to Virginia Beach.

Snowfall be will below normal in most other locations that have snow.

Good news: Areas suffering from drought during Summer 2012 should receive enough winter precipitation to bring improvement.

Spring and summer will be much rainier than normal in Florida, easing its drought.

Drier-than-normal weather will continue to be the rule in much of Georgia.

Summer temperatures will be hotter than normal along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and in the Ohio Valley, but cooler than normal elsewhere.

Expect fewer tornadoes than in the past couple of years.

Be ready for hurricanes to threaten first the Gulf and Atlantic coasts in June and then primarily the Southeast, especially Florida, through the remainder of the hurricane season.

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The Almanac doesn't know shit, it called for one of the worst winters for snow for us last year, we got spring in February. :dumb:


The forecast I saw for us is normal temps and average snowfall. More snow to fall on the east coast. The plains and west is to have above normal temps.

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I don't want any more snow; as I get older I also become less & less tolerable to cold temperatures. Last winter was nice but in the future such a mild winter will eventually become intolerable. It also irritates me that I can't race & the roads are salted (lending to accelerated corrosion) in the cold months.
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I don't want any more snow; as I get older I also become less & less tolerable to cold temperatures. Last winter was nice but in the future such a mild winter will eventually become intolerable. It also irritates me that I can't race & the roads are salted (lending to accelerated corrosion) in the cold months.


Who says u cant race?? Ask cordell we do snow drags all winter long



I wanna drive in it and go snowboarding

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I don't want any more snow; as I get older I also become less & less tolerable to cold temperatures. Last winter was nice but in the future such a mild winter will eventually become intolerable. It also irritates me that I can't race & the roads are salted (lending to accelerated corrosion) in the cold months.


Hey you young whipper snappers, get off my lawn!

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I don't want any more snow; as I get older I also become less & less tolerable to cold temperatures. Last winter was nice but in the future such a mild winter will eventually become intolerable. It also irritates me that I can't race & the roads are salted (lending to accelerated corrosion) in the cold months.


I'm the same way. I'm trying to talk the GF into us moving south, either the Carolinas or the Florida panhandle. So far no luck.

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I don't want any more snow; as I get older I also become less & less tolerable to cold temperatures. Last winter was nice but in the future such a mild winter will eventually become intolerable. It also irritates me that I can't race & the roads are salted (lending to accelerated corrosion) in the cold months.




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one nice thing I like about driving in the snow is it's hard to get a reckless driving charge when you can say you hit ice and lost control.


Im predicting that I will be outside playing tennis till the 2nd week of December and back outside by the 3rd week of January.

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Who says u cant race?? Ask cordell we do snow drags all winter long



I wanna drive in it and go snowboarding


I said I couldn't race. Maybe you have some kind of contraption to race, my Z06 with slicks just isn't it. Don't try to twist what I was trying to say, you knew full well what I meant.

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Yeah, at work we are anticipating that this winter will be bad. We are doing all the winter PM services on all the loaders, plows, and big sweepers. Already started putting the 22' plows on the big trucks. I hope its a fucking mess of a winter, Ill take all the overtime!



We have a couple of these guys to play with..



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Yeah, at work we are anticipating that this winter will be bad. We are doing all the winter PM services on all the loaders, plows, and big sweepers. Already started putting the 22' plows on the big trucks. I hope its a fucking mess of a winter, Ill take all the overtime!



We have a couple of these guys to play with..




Same, for work purposes I'd like to see a good amount of snow this year. Though, personally I wouldn't complain about just 2 good few inch storms to get things white and then warm back up again.

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I said I couldn't race. Maybe you have some kind of contraption to race, my Z06 with slicks just isn't it. Don't try to twist what I was trying to say, you knew full well what I meant.


please gramps you can race the ctsv the truck hell farkas used to have fun in hsi slameeeed mr2 :lol: dont be a grinch enjoy the white gold of fun.


nice zombie plow



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I would just like a snowy Christmas for once. But I can see it being like the last two years: Mild until the first of the year, then it gets insanely cold and we get two big blizzards at once at the end of January/beginning of February.
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