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Pain between shoulder blades.


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anyone get this? i've been having it for a couple weeks. not sure if its how im sleeping, chair at work, etc, but nothing really changed when it started. i get a pain towards the lower inside part of my shoulder blade in my back. seems to go away after the later part of the day, but still sucks in the morning.


anyone know of a stretch or exercise i can do at home that might help with this? maybe someone else has had something similar?

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Does the pain shoot in any direction? Can you make it worse by moving a certain way? Does anything make it better? If you can flip your mattress, if you can't, rotate it 180*. Also try a different pillow, if you can fold it in half and it doesn't bounce back, your not getting the support you need.



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Get one of those foam tubes and roll your back up and down a few times. It'll massage the muscles and adjust your discs. I was amazed when I bought one.


Most of my back issues are lower back and the foam roller doesn't really help there. But my upper back between my shoulder blades hurt after that idiot hit my z06 on 161. It'll flare up from time to time and I did the foam roller once and haven't had a problem since.


If that doesn't work, I can recommend a doctor that'll get you fixed up. 6 years of lower back pain, countless trips to a ciro, massages, steroid shots, pain pills, etc.. 2 appointments and I was 100% for years.

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I get this very badly in either side and often both at the same time. I'll have huge knots that will accompany the pain. It can become very debilitating. Occasionally, it'll be so bad, the pain goes through to the front of my body and I can't breathe worth a shit for a few days due to the pain. I've got a shitload of back problems I've had for years.
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I get it all the time where it feels like its hard to breathe. I went to a chiropractor about it and that did nothing besides give me temporary relief. I just live with it now and try to crack my back whenever needed.


back pain, in relation to a chiropractor, needs to be followed up with stretches and exercises. Just like going to physical therapy, you have to exercises & stretches on your own, long after the sessions have end.


long term success=long term responsibility and accountability on the patients behalf

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