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US could become the largest Oil producer


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"This will be the fourth straight year of crude increases and the biggest single-year gain since 1951."


When is Obama going to start doing stuff? We can't afford 4 more years like the last 4. He hasn't done anything for the economy, and hasn't done anything to create more jobs.


"Increased drilling is driving economic growth in states such as North Dakota, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana and Texas, all of which have unemployment rates far below the national average of 7.8 percent."


Romney is right..."What we don't need is to have the president keeping us from taking advantage of oil, coal and gas," Romney said. "This has not been Mr. Oil, or Mr. Gas, or Mr. Coal."

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"The increase in production hasn't translated to cheaper gasoline at the pump, and prices are expected to stay relatively high for the next few years because of growing demand for oil in developing nations and political instability in the Middle East and North Africa.

Still, producing more oil domestically, and importing less, gives the economy a significant boost."


Makes sense.

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Yep, because supply and demand dictate the cost of gas, not the elected crooks of this country...


Unfortunately a supply that can be turned on and off as the oil company wishes. "We need to do 'maintenance' on one refinery so we need to shut it down which will lessen the supply" BOOM RECORD PROFITS

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Unfortunately a supply that can be turned on and off as the oil company wishes. "We need to do 'maintenance' on one refinery so we need to shut it down which will lessen the supply" BOOM RECORD PROFITS


Oh, wait, that might be an illegal business practice. Maybe someone should look into that? So who would do that? I am willing to be the people who take lobby money and $10,000 plate dinner money from these companies...

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In before Tim and 9 paragraphs of how this is a democrat produced lie.


Nope, I believe its true. I'm just still waiting for anything during Obama's term to help contribute back to tangible results for consumer so that we can actually tell our kids we're living the good-life and that they too will have a bright future.


Last I checked we're all paying shit ton more for gas and other goods including healthcare. But hey, more people have food stamps, unemployment checks and free time than before he took office. Hey with our GDP and economy doing so shitty I suppose the upside is business will continue to not need as much energy. I mean they don't keep lights on in empty offices do they?

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Nope, I believe its true. I'm just still waiting for anything during Obama's term to help contribute back to tangible results for consumer so that we can actually tell our kids we're living the good-life and that they too will have a bright future.


You're a very negative person. Do you have friends? Can they stand to be around you? I don't know about you, but I'm living in a golden fucking age of prosperity. I would not trade this era of human existence for any other in history. I have access to ample food, clean water, basic freedoms, and modern medicine. I have hours of free time every day to just spend with my kids and entertain myself. I don't worry about my personal safety or the safety of my family. Statistically, the biggest threat to my family right now is that I'll commit suicide. Seriously. Also, I have a smartphone. Those things are amazing.


You know what I tell my kids? I tell them that this is the good life. And it was the good life under Bush, and Clinton, and Bush, and Reagan. Like me, they were born to white, middle-class, college-educated parents in a midwestern suburb of the United States. I don't know if you know this, but compared to the other 7 billion people on earth, that's better than hitting the lottery. That is hitting the lottery. My kids should be grateful every day for what they have, just like I am.


If you don't see this, or if you think our future is all doom and gloom, then you're living in a bubble of fear of your own creation.

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You're a very negative person. Do you have friends? Can they stand to be around you? I don't know about you, but I'm living in a golden fucking age of prosperity. I would not trade this era of human existence for any other in history. I have access to ample food, clean water, basic freedoms, and modern medicine. I have hours of free time every day to just spend with my kids and entertain myself. I don't worry about my personal safety or the safety of my family. Statistically, the biggest threat to my family right now is that I'll commit suicide. Seriously. Also, I have a smartphone. Those things are amazing.


We live a great life too but it's very clear that the current administration has failed and I won't condone Obama's deluded sense of leadership. Dude is a failure. Call that negative but it's true. In the end you're reading too much into things I post.


You know what I tell my kids? I tell them that this is the good life. And it was the good life under Bush, and Clinton, and Bush, and Reagan. Like me, they were born to white, middle-class, college-educated parents in a midwestern suburb of the United States. I don't know if you know this, but compared to the other 7 billion people on earth, that's better than hitting the lottery. That is hitting the lottery. My kids should be grateful every day for what they have, just like I am.


My kids and I are extremely grateful and blessed too but I want them to understand that lowering the bar as is being condoned and pushed for is not the answer. "at least" we're not those that are less fortunate isn't what I share with them. Things could always be worse but I prefer to focus on how to make them better not look at the rest of the world and pretend the fact that we're being screwed and they are being burdened with debt is still okay because "at least" we have what we do. I don't support the "at leaster" mentality


If you don't see this, or if you think our future is all doom and gloom, then you're living in a bubble of fear of your own creation.


I don't live in doom and gloom. Our family is fine and will be fine regardless, but I don't want to instill in my kids that we can spend our way out of a mess and tax those that are prosperous to continue doing so. My bubble of creation is what I am making it not what he is going to make of it and again, we're just fine. In the end, we could be a lot better off without Obama trying to share my stuff with others. Fuck him and his socialist views and spending of money until China and our own gov't can't print any more.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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