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DUI Check Point refusals


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They are inconveniencing you in the first place by having a DUI checkpoint. Return the favor. They're the ones wasting everyones time.


I'm on the fence about it. I do fully agree it does help the community to keep drunks off the road, but considering how much some towns over patrol areas, checkpoints are iffy regarding there effectivness. Here is the thing, we as citizens keep accepting more and more intrusion into our personal rights in order for a supposid good cause for little in return. It's possible within the next 10 years for law enforcement to push for random traffic stops across the country and scanners for major interstates while people are driving since we already allow it at airports. The scary thing is New York city already allows their officers to randomly stop people without being under suspicion for committing a crime and I wouldn't be shocked if other cities follow soon. Yes it's the boogie man is watching you talk, but at what point is the line draw for personal rights?

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so what you are saying is theat both of those drivers had something to hide AND they WERE cosnidered "dangerous drivers"..... because they chose to remain silent?




Again... see my last post ^^^^


Let me guess, strippers all must come from broken households... and need to go to church and repent for all their sins......................................... rolleyes....


Like you said, who knows whether they were drunk or not, did I accuse them of that? No. What I am saying is if you have nothing to hide just answer the questions and move along rather than hold car behind you up and waste time when you could have been done with a simple "No"

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at what point is the line draw for personal rights?



Exactly, they are given an inch... and then interpret the next mile....


For the record, I respect the police as much as i respect anyone else. If i got robbed, I'd call them, because it's their job to assist me. BUT, I would bet money that some police have taken advantage of an "unknowing-of-their-rights" citizen and cornered that citizen into answering questions or complying with their "please do this" by making them feel intimidated and present the point as "you must do this". I know, because I have seen it multiple times in my life at college parties.

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LikWhat I am saying is if you have nothing to hide just answer the questions and move along rather than hold car behind you up and waste time when you could have been done with a simple "No"


my point is ... YOU DONT HAVE TO SAY NO... or yes... or anything.


See, thats my point. You believe that in your world "why not just say "no"" when in actuality the LAW (more factual than your opinion) states that they don't have to say anything.



so technically (3.1cutlass) your stance is "why not just answer their question".... and my answer is "because i dont have to". its my fucking right.



and if there's anyone on here like me. I don't like to be told what I "should do" if i disagree with it and there is no law/policy/whatever that states I must.


It doesn't matter if it goes against what you think is "common sense".




Maybe I'm just too much of a republican (preserving civil rights).

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Hmm so with your logic we don't need DUI check points? You seem very stereotypical when you bring the ego having cops into play.. Rather childish IMHO.. Sounds like you must of got a ticket for some bs and decided to take you anger on all police officers.. W/e idk..Unfunnyryan.. Idc for people standing up and exercising there rights.. Your American good for you.. But doing so in a certain way doesn't make shit right.. People like that is the reason west boro baptist church still exists in the USA.... Freedom of speech is a born right but dammit there's just things you don't do unless you want attention. I refer it to as; High school kid logic because high school kids are known to be "rebel".. Imagine if the US decided to make every child attended the military for atleast 2 years, spank there kids accordently (not abuse), drug test for welfare... Just imagine how the crime rate would drop and how strong this country would be. Also do away with speed limits on the highways except for intersections and corners.. I think if you draw money from the government in any way than you should be Drug tested accordently. Would that ever happen? Problity not but I deal with it and not cry about it Edited by imstock2
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my point is ... YOU DONT HAVE TO SAY NO... or yes... or anything.


See, thats my point. You believe that in your world "why not just say "no"" when in actuality the LAW (more factual than your opinion) states that they don't have to say anything.



so technically (3.1cutlass) your stance is "why not just answer their question".... and my answer is "because i dont have to". its my fucking right.



and if there's anyone on here like me. I don't like to be told what I "should do" if i disagree with it and there is no law/policy/whatever that states I must.


It doesn't matter if it goes against what you think is "common sense".




Maybe I'm just too much of a republican (preserving civil rights).


I will just agree to disagree because these things never change a thing other than making both people looks likes asses.

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Hmm so with your logic we don't need DUI check points? You seem very stereotypical when you bring the ego having cops into play.. Rather childish IMHO.. Sounds like you must of got a ticket for some bs and decided to take you anger on all police officers.. W/e idk..Unfunnyryan.. Idc for people standing up and exercising there rights.. Your American good for you.. But doing so in a certain way doesn't make shit right.. People like that is the reason west boro baptist church still exists in the USA.... Freedom of speech is a born right but dammit there's just things you don't do unless you want attention. I refer it to as. High school kid logic because high school kids are known to be "rebel"


I hope you weren't talking to me. You'd be barking up the wrong tree if you think I'm a "high school mentality rebel". I'm not a rebel, I don't "hate the game" or society or conformity. Just don't try and control me...


And to clarify, I don't think the cops are the once-losers now-with-egos... I was pointing out the stereotype. So take your ass back to page 1 an re-read what you thought you saw.

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Hmm so with your logic we don't need DUI check points? You seem very stereotypical when you bring the ego having cops into play.. Rather childish IMHO.. Sounds like you must of got a ticket for some bs and decided to take you anger on all police officers.. W/e idk..Unfunnyryan.. Idc for people standing up and exercising there rights.. Your American good for you.. But doing so in a certain way doesn't make shit right.. People like that is the reason west boro baptist church still exists in the USA.... Freedom of speech is a born right but dammit there's just things you don't do unless you want attention. I refer it to as; High school kid logic because high school kids are known to be "rebel".. Imagine if the US decided to make every child attended the military for atleast 2 years, spank there kids accordently (not abuse), drug test for welfare... Just imagine how the crime rate would drop and how strong this country would be. Also do away with speed limits on the highways except for intersections and corners.. I think if you draw money from the government in any way than you should be Drug tested accordently. Would that ever happen? Problity not but I deal with it and not cry about it


Standing up for the rights our fore-fathers fought and died for us to have is highschool logic? Allow me to retort. First your idea of every child being forced into military service is UNEQUIVOCALLY anti-American, and is communist/socialist mentality at it's worst. We should only join the military when we feel our freedom is threatened, and we are willing to die to protect it.


Spanking children in study after study shows no significant corrective behavior beyond alternative methods. However, if one wants to spank their kids so be it, it's none of my business how someone chooses to raise their child. I was spanked mildly as a child, I just didn't do what got me spanked in front of whomever spanked me. There's far more to raising decent children than "correcting" them. You have to teach them. Kids are fucked up today because stupid parents told them they were all special butterflies, and super-inflated their self-worth without having actually earned anything.


There should be no drug-testing necessary for welfare recipients because it shouldn't exist. Or if we must have it, let's make sure it's there for people who absolutely, positively, cannot take care of themselves. Say, the severely mentally/physically disabled. Have you ever considered what those weekly/monthly drug tests would cost?


Your dislike of the Westboro Baptist Church is well-founded, they are pieces of shit, yet the 1st doesn't denote whether good speech or bad speech is free. Because a tyrannical majority will always call an unpopular minority's view bad, true or not. I may hate what you have to say, but I will fight for your right to say it.



The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...
I'd say randomly stopping me for no fucking reason is unreasonable. How can we tolerate this nonsense. There are many states that prohibit suspicion-less stops/checkpoints.


I can't believe some of the responses in here. DUI checkpoints besides being a colossal waste of my time, are a moronic waste of taxpayer dollars. Of course most things the police do these days are a waste of our collective money-pool, it's like we forgot why we have police in the first place.

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I sure hope someday I'm not inconvenienced by a drunk driver hitting me or any car driven by someone I care about nor do I hope to be inconvenienced by a police officer asking me what happened when the driver of a car that hit me was operated by a drunk driver. Life is full of inconveniences wether it be this or the guy in front of me at the gas station trying to decide what number lottery ticket he wants to buy. I would rather experience the inconveniences that possibly save my life.
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My interactions with cops tends to be "yes sir", "no sir," and "thank you sir" I have never had a single problem. Even when they are "harrasing" me I show respect and I don't have any problems.

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They are inconveniencing you in the first place by having a DUI checkpoint. Return the favor. They're the ones wasting everyones time.


I have to agree.


Police officers have a tough and dangerous job. I understand that they deal with a lot of scum on the streets. Where they lose my respect is when they pull people over like my wife for going 10mph over on a 65mph zone and just rip her a new one.


Plus as already mentioned, nothing you tell the police can be used to benefit you, it can only be used against you. So why volunteer anything? I'm not saying I would create a scene at a check point, but I understand why people would. Also as another poster pointed out on another thread about open carry, someone has to stand up for our rights.

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What? Who is harassing who?


If the checkpoint with the motorcyle driver was truly "illegal" ... then, who's harassing who.....?


Dont twist things.


The police are out there to keep drunk motorists off the road, not to intentionally HARASS people. They didnt sit in the station and say "hey, you know what would really piss people off, if we stopped them to check for sobriety, that would be hilarious!"


On the other hand, those guys, were INTENTIONALLY trying to get a reaction from the police, camcorders ready. :dumb:



There is a time and place to take up the legal battle over the use of check points... In the court room, in a peaceful demonstration, etc.... Driving through one with a camcorder hoping for something to happen so you can blast it on youtube, is NOT one of them.

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I don't think the guys in either of the videos posted were out of line in any way. I normally would support this side of the law and defend checkpoints because I feel they do catch drunks and even if it's one it's enough. However, I just as strongly support the fact that you don't have to answer any questions and that police aren't there to help you in any way if you are one stopped.


They handled their situations perfectly IMO.

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Dont twist things.


The police are out there to keep drunk motorists off the road, not to intentionally HARASS people. They didnt sit in the station and say "hey, you know what would really piss people off, if we stopped them to check for sobriety, that would be hilarious!"


On the other hand, those guys, were INTENTIONALLY trying to get a reaction from the police, camcorders ready. :dumb:



There is a time and place to take up the legal battle over the use of check points... In the court room, in a peaceful demonstration, etc.... Driving through one with a camcorder hoping for something to happen so you can blast it on youtube, is NOT one of them.


Stop posting things that make sense please....

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Like you said, who knows whether they were drunk or not, did I accuse them of that? No. What I am saying is if you have nothing to hide just answer the questions and move along rather than hold car behind you up and waste time when you could have been done with a simple "No"


I've already answered this but in the end, both of the above served as good reminders to those that serve and protect that there are no different than you or me when encountered in situations like this. I wouldn't answer the questions they ask if you asked them and it's no different because they are wearing a badge.


The law is on our side in terms of okay, they are squeaking by in terms of pulling us over randomly, but that's all they can do outside "asking" questions. I'd sooner hand them a note that says " I will not answer any of your questions " and just simply continue to point to that note.


The last time I was pulled over was for changing lanes without signaling. NOthing huge, etc...but when the officer walked up he asked for my license, proof of insurance, etc...so I handed them over and then he asked if I knew why he pulled me over and I refused to answer. He simply said, ok and then told me why. He was cool as was I but in the end, I'm not going to put something out there that he could use against me. I have no idea where that stop could have gone so why risk it. They have ZERO authority to force me at that point to talk. Just go do your job and be gone.

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Laws do not equal morality, why do most citizens not understand this. Something being legal does not make it right. Acceptance of even the smallest evils, even under the guise of just causes, is the foot in the door tactics the power hungry will use to get traction.


Did you see how many cops were there just standing around? Why couldn't they be patrolling, actively looking for the laughingly obvious signs of the dangerously impaired driver? You know, looking for criminals instead of harassing (and it is harassment) the common citizen.

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because then you're on record providing information and that information WILL be used against you.


remember, ANYTIME you are stopped by the police they are NOT there to do anything that will help or benefit you. They are there to find guilt, period.


this is one of the most ignorant things i hear.



Woman walks into a police station...


Woman: My husband beat me up last night, i was scared to call.

Cop: Do you have any injuries?

Woman: Yes, here they are. (Shows some redness consistent with her statement)

Cop: Did anyone else witness this?

Woman: No, we were home alone.

Cop: What do want to do?

Woman: I want my piece of shit husband arrested.


Scenario #1

Cop: Did you beat your wife up last night?

Man: (says Nothing)

Cop: Are you going to answer my questions?

Man: No, talk to my lawyer.

Cop: You are under arrest for Domestic Violence.


Scenario #2

Cop: Did you beat your wife up last night?

Man: Nope, my wife was drunk last night and fell down. I wasn't even home last night.

Cop: Where were you?

Man: I was with my girlfriend. My wife found out about us.

Cop: Copy that. Will your girlfriend confirm your story?

Man: Yes.

Cop: Have a nice day, sir.


Police are looking for facts and evidence, not guilt. That's the court's job, homeboy.

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Yeah, they are indeed doing their jobs. Kudos to them.


These kids knew their rights. Kudos to them.


Now, that sounds about right.


As for many of you, apparently the cost of freedom is much lower than others. For example, saying you don't agree with it but you understand and accept it is a price you've just paid to give up your freedom.

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this is one of the most ignorant things i hear.




Police are looking for facts and evidence, not guilt. That's the court's job, homeboy.


This is one of the most ignorant things I've heard today. Where's this perfect world you're living in? ;)

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this is one of the most ignorant things i hear.



Woman walks into a police station...


Woman: My husband beat me up last night, i was scared to call.

Cop: Do you have any injuries?

Woman: Yes, here they are. (Shows some redness consistent with her statement)

Cop: Did anyone else witness this?

Woman: No, we were home alone.

Cop: What do want to do?

Woman: I want my piece of shit husband arrested.


Scenario #1

Cop: Did you beat your wife up last night?

Man: (says Nothing)

Cop: Are you going to answer my questions?

Man: No, talk to my lawyer.

Cop: You are under arrest for Domestic Violence.


Scenario #2

Cop: Did you beat your wife up last night?

Man: Nope, my wife was drunk last night and fell down. I wasn't even home last night.

Cop: Where were you?

Man: I was with my girlfriend. My wife found out about us.

Cop: Copy that. Will your girlfriend confirm your story?

Man: Yes.

Cop: Have a nice day, sir.


Police are looking for facts and evidence, not guilt. That's the court's job, homeboy.


That made me dumberer just readert inhf fytv.

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