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Romney in Etna (Licking County)


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Just got home from the Romney stop in Etna (I70 & Rt310).


It was a colossal cluster fuck. I don't think they planned for the crowd that showed up. Didn't really learn anything new and likely will not attend another election rally in my lifetime, but it was an experience.


Drug sniffing dogs, Secret Service in suits and plain clothes, cops removing hecklers. Couldn't find the sniper, but I believe he was there somewhere. Cool watching the press core and the election teams rolling in.


It was awesome when my left armpit kept setting off the metal detector wand and the dude started getting pretty serious pretty quickly. :)


Oh, and thankfully the weather was cold, or that would have been a stinky warehouse.

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You think thats bad, try working at the airport.. Secret service, and cops everywhere. We were outside the shop when the 3, F16's did a fly by. They turned at a 90* and made some NOISE! Our ears were ringing for 5 minutes... Then all 3 landed one behind each other.. Very cool to see.


But when we left work at 3, it was a cluster..

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Boy, they really got him. Ask question, get answer... ask question again?



Cliffs: Dude asks a smart ass question about how Romney will address global warming.....Romeny says "Read my fucking book :gabe:"


IMO, Global warming, abortion and many of the social issues are the fucking last things on the list of priorities of the next few years.

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Friend went and was beat up after he told an obama supporter to shut up, black eyes and all possible broken nose. Dad went and stated it went smooth as silk other than parking. I guess it all depends on where you were at. I agree with Tim but if they can get you hung up on small issues then you wont pay attention to the large ones.
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I saw nothing like the above happen. It was a big building, but unless it happened well after the main event, or up the road somewhere, etc... I'd lean to there being much more to the story.


I didn't see the first sign of a single Obama supporter there.

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Cliffs: Dude asks a smart ass question about how Romney will address global warming.....Romeny says "Read my fucking book :gabe:"


IMO, Global warming, abortion and many of the social issues are the fucking last things on the list of priorities of the next few years.


Yeah who cares about womens rights

or the enviroment


or what ever

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Yeah who cares about womens rights

or the enviroment


or what ever


women have had equal rights since the 1800's


abortion shouldn't be decided by the feds


the environment is being well taken care of, and getting better.


clean energy is a long term goal that's trying to be used to fix a short term problem, which is ruining its chances at a long term solution and ruining our short term energy needs


but more importantly, we have millions of people not working. This is ruining the fabric of our country. Until we get people back to work there will continue to be despair, frustration, and class warfare. Everyone is happy when there is opportunity - even if someone is working a shit job but they think they have a chance to move up, they are happy. They are energetic. They are healthy. They have the chance to care about social issues. Why would a homeless person give two fucks about abortion? Why would the person who owns a home in a neighborhood that's lost half of its value from foreclosures and now has drug dealing thieves and looters for (renting) neighbors care that the $40,000 Chevy Volt doesn't use any gas and is good for the environment when they are stuck driving a $500 car just to try and survive until they are able to get their credit card debt and mortgage paid down to the point where they can stay afloat? Why would someone who finished their bachelors degree in finance just in time for the banks to collapse, and is now working at Starbucks for 8 bucks an hour but still owe $50,000 in student loans give a shit that women earn 5% less than men, not taking into account education or experience?


Please explain these things to me because I honestly don't understand.


At least if I'm allowed to keep my guns I can have some protection against the desperate criminals out there. There would be far less of them if they had job opportunities.

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And for that matter why would someone that's house was blown away in the cyclone and stranded on an island with no way in or out, no food heat or power care that some of the out of state crews that came to help out weren't unionized? Those people probably wouldn't have told them to GTFO like the city of New York did.
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Its easy to keep people from thinking about real issues if you can concern them with trivial ones.


I am pro abortion if there is a valid reason. Just because you were to lazy to protect yourself is not a valid reason and feel an abortion should be a difficult decision not just the whos going to pay for it part.

If women earn so much less and find it harder to get a job even after they get a degree how difficult is it going to be after we all have degrees as we are now told we should and for that matter what are all of the peoples degrees actually going to be worth if we all have one. If my kids choose to go to school I want them to do it because they want the rewards that hopefully come with it.

Last why is it that I suffer with my choice and limited income or opportunity of not getting a degree but people want help with student loans when their choice isnt working out for them? I should be able to say I want help based on my plans not working out as well right?


With all that said I am still voting Romney because I feel whats best for the country outweighs any of my own issues I see as having a negative impact right now and for the overall sustainability of the country.

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Cliffs: Dude asks a smart ass question about how Romney will address global warming.....Romeny says "Read my fucking book :gabe:"


IMO, Global warming, abortion and many of the social issues are the fucking last things on the list of priorities of the next few years.




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Yeah who cares about womens rights

or the enviroment or what ever


as noted they shouldn't be the leading issues on any intelligent persons list of concerns given the status of the US Today.


Romney has proven beyond a doubt he supports women in the workplace and especially in positions of leadership. In fact his position is likely stronger as he encourages paying performers and so be it if they your woman, it doesn't matter.


Contrast that with the Dems who prefer to have yet MORE Legislation wrap around entitlements of "just because you're a woman" means the pay should be equal; who gives shit if you're as good or valuable as the man in the same role. No thanks. Pay them the same if they are equally qualified, pay them more if they are more qualified. Male/Female should have nothing to do with it EITHER WAY. I'm tired of people crying for "entitlements" just because of something like that. Pay the performers and you'll see more performers rise to the top. Pay someone "just because" then you won't. Proven fact.


The LAST thing this country needs is more legislation that allows an individual to sue a company. this country is lawsuit happy already and all that has done is drive costs up. But hey....who cares, it's only money.....


In terms of Lilly LB Act, there are far more effective means to fixing a concern about inequality in the workplace that address thing BEFORE They come to what her case did where she felt she had to file suite. Romney supports THOSE Means but Obama and Dems show they instead prefer legislation and law suites and solutions that do nothing but increase costs. Yet another PROVEN example of why someone with BUSINESS experience should run the country vs someone with NO BUSINESS experience.

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