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Healthcare Law Fun


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Yeah Fuck Obamacare, most people doesn't realize that they will be paying the price for Obama Care. Especially the majority of working Americans with good health care benefits.

So it is pretty much a kick in the face for the Americans that worked hard all their life, able to work for a company that provides good health care benefits. Now their insurance premiums will go up and coverages will drop because someone has to pay for the subsidies implimented by Obama Care for families that can't afford health care coverage.

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Yeah Fuck Obamacare, most people doesn't realize that they will be paying the price for Obama Care. Especially the majority of working Americans with good health care benefits.


Nope, they just eat the giant shit sammich that was fed to them and hope someone in the 53% will wipe the extra shit off their face.


There are parts of the law that are a good thing, but the majority is total crap and will impact all of us in a bad way.



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Donatos used to (and probably still does) do this. Fucking assholes.


go right the fuck ahead, lose your skilled and dedicated employees to a bunch of part timers.



Then be expected to loose a large chunk of your customer base. I didn't eat at Donatos for years because of there shit pizza quality / customer service.

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Walmart has been doing this shit since the beginning of time, and are one of the largest employers...


People still shop there, as we are selfish creatures


shit don't matter /thread


Actually have stopped going to Walmart almost entirely because of the poor service (Bethel rd). I don't give a fuck if I spend 5 extra bucks at Kroger, just as long as I don't have to wait in lines back into the clothing isles.

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Then be expected to loose a large chunk of your customer base. I didn't eat at Donatos for years because of there shit pizza quality / customer service.


But everybody will have healthcare and none of these extra costs will be passed on to you!

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Just shows you which companies are shady and give no fucks about their employees. Like the article mentions, go right the fuck ahead, lose your skilled and dedicated employees to a bunch of part timers.


Bottom line financial health of the company has to come before giving two shits about the employees. Without the company there are no employees.


This article isn't any surprise. If people didn't see this coming they are blind. No different than anything, if you take somethingn from someone, they will take it back in some fashion or another. Obama is a turd. Had to be said.

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So I pose a question for the CR elite.


How exactly do you fix healthcare? (Cause it is broken)


How do we make health insurance companies responsible for there actions?


1. Fix fraud issues and I am talking put some teeth in the laws we have. Make people scared to death to even think of trying to scam the system.


2. Look at the waste that is there and cut it.


3. Look at the providers and see if they are just milking the system

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The article doesn't even mention a long-standing legal option for companies using temp. workers: Many times, a company will use a temp, fire them on the 89th day of employment (to avoid giving healthcare for 90-day employees) and then rehire another temp...or the employee they just fired after a weeks' time.


If you want to mandate healthcare for all, paid for by employers/employees, be prepared for companies to quickly find legal ways to game the system.



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The article doesn't even mention a long-standing legal option for companies using temp. workers: Many times, a company will use a temp, fire them on the 89th day of employment (to avoid giving healthcare for 90-day employees) and then rehire another temp...or the employee they just fired after a weeks' time.


If you want to mandate healthcare for all, paid for by employers/employees, be prepared for companies to quickly find legal ways to game the system.





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I know of 3 people that have been told they will have to look for new jobs of all of Obamacare is passed. They work for small companies and can't afford to keep them on if it's passed. How shitty is that... :o


but they'll have health care I also I hear Obama is having some fancy EBT cards printed up and I suppose being unemployed they won't be as impacted by rising taxes like they could have been. :no:

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My econ profs always told us there is no such thing as a free lunch....


he didn't have a blank check book with $17T + dollars and counting. I heard if the election goes to Obama, Timex has a new Debt clock that goes to $27T ready to go so we have plenty of room and we'll be all set.

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Wagner= only guy who answered the solution to healthcare. Good on you Waggz




Stone Cold Steve Austin would be my vice and would give stunners to the heads of states that gave us shit.


"Oh mr. iran guy, sending my vice to see you, want to get this nuke thing figured out :gabe: "

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Man...all this bitching...how about i drop some positivity.


my job starting next year gives me options for 3 plans, all of which will cost me 0 dollars weekly, the top tier plan has like an $1100-1250 deductible, and then 90/10 up to a max out of pocket of 1750 for the year (deductible included). Sounds much better than the $33/wk im paying now, and a ~2k deductible before anything kicks in.


Yay obamacare.

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Man...all this bitching...how about i drop some positivity.


my job starting next year gives me options for 3 plans, all of which will cost me 0 dollars weekly, the top tier plan has like an $1100-1250 deductible, and then 90/10 up to a max out of pocket of 1750 for the year (deductible included). Sounds much better than the $33/wk im paying now, and a ~2k deductible before anything kicks in.


Yay obamacare.


and you'll probably end up paying more in taxes than you are gaining on health care.


My obamacare tale:


My old health plan was 90/10 no deductible. Now the cost of that plan has doubled and is no longer being offered. It was dropped to make room for the new obamacare approved 80/20 with a 2k PER PERSON deductible @ the same cost of my old 90/10 plan. My employer has also offset their extra cost by announcing that yearly cost of living adjustments would likely be skipped the following year due to their cost increasing more than 50%. They invited in our provider, told us to ask anything and showed us everything in print to prove they weren't bullshitting about the increased costs.... Yeah, FUCK OBAMACARE.

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