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It was Elmo's fault


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growing weed in the west coast and having to deal with the cholo gangs seems like a good idea.


Nobody cares about weed out here, let alone the cartel. Weed is so fucking cheap the cartel are worried about the "hard drugs". North county has average kind bud for 400 a lb you could not make a living selling it unless you run a dispencery, or crazy and take it over state lines . Go furter south into otay and get mexican grown sensi for 200$ a lb.

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Someone correct me cause I'm unaware of Obama and his administration everyone's guns, ruling as an evil dictator, and taking every single job in America. Is he sitting on some high throne slaying Americans and sending troops into your home? No, get a fucking grip and stop acting like the world is going to end. It wasn't just dead beats and people with no jobs voting for him. I personally don't like the amount of govt handouts or Obama care, but ill take the good with the bad and the good clearly out weighs the bad. If in not mistaken, we are in a better place now then we were in 08 when people really didn't have jobs and the economy was on brink of depression again. No one is taking your guns, and as long as you have a job and a steady income you will not be effected. The panic button is worn the hell out
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Someone correct me cause I'm unaware of Obama and his administration everyone's guns, ruling as an evil dictator, and taking every single job in America. Is he sitting on some high throne slaying Americans and sending troops into your home? No, get a fucking grip and stop acting like the world is going to end. It wasn't just dead beats and people with no jobs voting for him. I personally don't like the amount of govt handouts or Obama care, but ill take the good with the bad and the good clearly out weighs the bad. If in not mistaken, we are in a better place now then we were in 08 when people really didn't have jobs and the economy was on brink of depression again. No one is taking your guns, and as long as you have a job and a steady income you will not be effected. The panic button is worn the hell out


Everyone is acting like its a casting for doomsday preppers.

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Does not matter who won, we all lose in the end. Elected officials do not have anybody’s best interest in mind except their own, and those lobbyist who give them money. The sooner people accept this fact, the sooner they will make better choices on who they put in office.


To take the point further, we should DEMAND term limits for all political officials to help stop career politicians that bleed the country dry. I don't think this system is what the Greeks had in mind when they invented democracy...

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Does not matter who won, we all lose in the end. Elected officials do not have anybody’s best interest in mind except their own, and those lobbyist who give them money. The sooner people accept this fact, the sooner they will make better choices on who they put in office.


To take the point further, we should DEMAND term limits for all political officials to help stop career politicians that bleed the country dry. I don't think this system is what the Greeks had in mind when they invented democracy...


I agree!! If i start seeing americans migrating back to europe/africa/asia then i will start worrying.

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I agree!! If i start seeing americans migrating back to europe/africa/asia then i will start worrying.


Well you already have seen a drop in our little friends from the south coming in if that tells you anything.


There are so many different global issues in play and that is what scares me more. This administration has shown they don't know really how to handle things that happen worldwide.


I mean for fucksake we had a US ambassador KILLED, one of the people that was a suspect giving freaking interviews and NOTHING was done. Yet, all I hear is how Obama helped take down Osama? Why not take this dude down that is basically swing his dick in your face? BECAUSE OBAMA

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The panic button is worn the hell out


Does not matter who won, we all lose in the end. Elected officials do not have anybody’s best interest in mind except their own, and those lobbyist who give them money. The sooner people accept this fact, the sooner they will make better choices on who they put in office.


To take the point further, we should DEMAND term limits for all political officials to help stop career politicians that bleed the country dry. I don't think this system is what the Greeks had in mind when they invented democracy...



:thumbup: times 2!!!



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I'm suprise that you guys are suprise at the out come. I wanted Romney to win too, but after the "47% gate" release it's just not possible. Also last night after seeing his own state, MA, didn't vote for him I know it was over. I actually went out to the garage and did some work on the car.


The sun will rise. We survived four years we can do it again!

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So, I hear the world is about to end. Are you sure this tin foil hat, a shot gun, and a ditch in my front yard is all I need to make it through it alive???


No, you need a donkey, a putter, 55 gallons of KY, 4-9 sides of beef, lots of jimmy hats, and a way to upload all photos to instagram

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Someone correct me cause I'm unaware of Obama and his administration everyone's guns, ruling as an evil dictator, and taking every single job in America. Is he sitting on some high throne slaying Americans and sending troops into your home? No, get a fucking grip and stop acting like the world is going to end. It wasn't just dead beats and people with no jobs voting for him. I personally don't like the amount of govt handouts or Obama care, but ill take the good with the bad and the good clearly out weighs the bad. If in not mistaken, we are in a better place now then we were in 08 when people really didn't have jobs and the economy was on brink of depression again. No one is taking your guns, and as long as you have a job and a steady income you will not be effected. The panic button is worn the hell out


Can you name some ways this country is better than the day he was sworn in?

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