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It was Elmo's fault


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I don't know how anyone over 18 not living at home could afford to take a $9hr job. :no: WOW.

Welcome to "How things Are". Consider on top of that some may have school loans as well. This is why more and more young adults are staying home. The only other choice is to share a place with someone else and pray they will keep up with their half of the bills.


That comes to $18,720 / year gross....





That's a 40hr week. Noone gets a 40Hr week these days. 32-35hrs is full time now. THat's only $15K/yr.


It's understandable why a lot of people are frustrated right now.


But like many things, I don't think it is purely a political issue. Part of it is social. Kids are raised being told that they have to get a White Collar job and that Blue Collar jobs are for people who fail at life. If you're not in a cubicle, you're doing something wrong.... These kids rack up 6 digits of debt before they even hit the job market and then can't find a career. And now essential skills are being lost.


Do you know how much a good marine welder makes? I wish my parents had let me go to a trade school when I was young.

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No more 10 paragraph Tim posts....


I don't think so.




That's a 40hr week. Noone gets a 40Hr week these days. 32-35hrs is full time now.


Obamacare consultants approve of the above. Keep them part time.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Obama was not accepted in the prominent art schools of his country even though his paintings were actually pretty badass???????


Hitler art



Hitler was a nationalist run amok............. I'm not sure I've ever heard a liberal be accused of being naitonalist before


That's because he's not really a liberal. He's a socialist. Or worse. Look at his standings compared to Hitlers. They are nearly identical.

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I took a nap. Woke up and the world still has not ended.


It's not about ending, man. It's about going in the obvious wrong direction.


It's not so surprising though, that a country full of people that can't spend within their own limits, don't give a fuck about what we're doing to 1, 2, and 3 generations from now.


I also noticed that things seemed a lot clearer to people with kids, compared to those without.


A lot of people voted selfishly Tuesday, instead of for what can *maybe* turn this country around as a whole. It was all about what can he do for me. They fell for "look how evil this rich guy is" antics to shift the focus from Obama's horrible, horrible record.

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It's not about ending, man. It's about going in the obvious wrong direction.


It's not so surprising though, that a country full of people that can't spend within their own limits, don't give a fuck about what we're doing to 1, 2, and 3 generations from now.


I also noticed that things seemed a lot clearer to people with kids, compared to those without.


A lot of people voted selfishly Tuesday, instead of for what can *maybe* turn this country around as a whole. It was all about what can he do for me. They fell for "look how evil this rich guy is" antics to shift the focus from Obama's horrible, horrible record.


I dont know a single female that voted for him. It was either Gary Johnson or Obama. Homosexuals turned their back on him... You vote for the guy that will best reflect your views. Romney made sure he was not that guy to a lot of people. Best the devil you know

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It's not about ending, man. It's about going in the obvious wrong direction.


It's not so surprising though, that a country full of people that can't spend within their own limits, don't give a fuck about what we're doing to 1, 2, and 3 generations from now.


I also noticed that things seemed a lot clearer to people with kids, compared to those without.


A lot of people voted selfishly Tuesday, instead of for what can *maybe* turn this country around as a whole. It was all about what can he do for me. They fell for "look how evil this rich guy is" antics to shift the focus from Obama's horrible, horrible record.



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It's not about ending, man. It's about going in the obvious wrong direction.


It's not so surprising though, that a country full of people that can't spend within their own limits, don't give a fuck about what we're doing to 1, 2, and 3 generations from now.


I also noticed that things seemed a lot clearer to people with kids, compared to those without.


A lot of people voted selfishly Tuesday, instead of for what can *maybe* turn this country around as a whole. It was all about what can he do for me. They fell for "look how evil this rich guy is" antics to shift the focus from Obama's horrible, horrible record.


The problem is the less intelligent and informed masses who haven't a clue about any of the key topics of concern that support him for all the wrong reasons including what's not in the best interest of raising the bar for this country, put him in place again. Obama encouraged and catered to this crowd and as noted earlier, they now make up greater numbers and as a result will bring the country as a whole down another peg to their level of living. No thanks.


Before anyone get's all bent on that statement, yes there were some dumb fucking people of all brackets voting for him. Stupidity has no boundaries. I'll laugh when my nieghbor who had an Obama sign get's laid off from his job. In fact I'll ask to kick him in his nuts.


Now the pressure is on the congress as it should be to "force" Obama to get out there and lead with them. He needs to have coffee with Clinton and learn how to do it. For those old enough to recall, congress had to twist his arm too, but Clinton finally did. It really depends on what kind of Legacy Obama cares to leave. He could very well listen and change and do the right and smart thing but I doubt it.

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I dont know a single female that voted for him.


Because they listened to 30 second, evil-speaking commercials instead of learning facts. Oh, and I hardly know any females that voted Dem. They saw through the BS.


Homosexuals turned their back on him...


That is some of the "what's in it for me" I was referring to. Ain't it great timing that as soon as Obama realized he needed another couple percent to win, that after many years of blabbing about traditional marriage, he was all of a sudden pro-gay?


You vote for the guy that will best reflect your views.


False, I voted for who had some kind of chance to give my grand sons and daughters a sliver of hope at having the kind of life I have had.

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Challenge of the day:


Go to Walmart and look for this person:




Ask them if they are on foodstamps, when the last time was they worked, how much education they have, and who they voted for.


Chances are it will be answered like this:

1. Yes I'm on foodstamps

2. Haven't worked in years

3. Some High School

4. Romney!


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Welcome to "How things Are". Consider on top of that some may have school loans as well. This is why more and more young adults are staying home. The only other choice is to share a place with someone else and pray they will keep up with their half of the bills.



That's a 40hr week. Noone gets a 40Hr week these days. 32-35hrs is full time now. THat's only $15K/yr.


It's understandable why a lot of people are frustrated right now.


But like many things, I don't think it is purely a political issue. Part of it is social. Kids are raised being told that they have to get a White Collar job and that Blue Collar jobs are for people who fail at life. If you're not in a cubicle, you're doing something wrong.... These kids rack up 6 digits of debt before they even hit the job market and then can't find a career. And now essential skills are being lost.


Do you know how much a good marine welder makes? I wish my parents had let me go to a trade school when I was young.


While I'm still spending a dumb amount of money on a Degree, I still agree with you, completely.


Kids these days fresh out of college want to be handed well-paying jobs, which, is a fucking joke. That 60, 70, or 80k dollar piece of paper you're holding is just something nice to include in your resume. If you're not willing to go out and work for a good job, don't expect one to be handed to you. Everyone, unless you're lucky as shit, works their way up in some way to where they're at.

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I had a person tell me that our opinions differed and thats why we voted for different candidates. When asked what they based their opinion on they referenced the 30sec commercial on a loop. Did any of you vote based on an opinion, educated opinion or the facts being offered?
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okay tim keeps tossing around that Obama's voter are supossdily stupid. How about you take a look at the Southern hilbillies who vote for republicans because of JESUS..... It goes both ways.


@Nurkvinny the facts are the main reason I could never vote for romney. I don't trust him for a damn thing because he flips so much.




Because they listened to 30 second, evil-speaking commercials instead of learning facts. Oh, and I hardly know any females that voted Dem. They saw through the BS.




That is some of the "what's in it for me" I was referring to. Ain't it great timing that as soon as Obama realized he needed another couple percent to win, that after many years of blabbing about traditional marriage, he was all of a sudden pro-gay?




False, I voted for who had some kind of chance to give my grand sons and daughters a sliver of hope at having the kind of life I have had.

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What does an obese old white woman at Walmart have to do with how much Obama sucks and is wrong for this country?

Its the perfect example of someone voting and they don't know why. Here's the thing as people become more educated as a whole people tend to lean towards liberalism.. Why because taking care of your own isn't a bad thing unless your the guy that's not going to get a 2 million dollar bonus next year.


Republicans better learn to fly a new flag or there done in the next 20 years because one of there heaviest voting bases is DIEING and there second heaviest voting base is also dieing(Religion). When those lose those people there fucked.

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That's because he's not really a liberal. He's a socialist. Or worse. Look at his standings compared to Hitlers. They are nearly identical.


actually, I don't even see it so please enlighten me:yuno:


and even if that were the case, Hitler had a vision to make his country better. He was just quite a bit misguided in that he wanted to accomplish it by promoting hate against non-Aryans. One could argue Hitler would have made a great leader if he hadn't gone crazy and pushed his views to the extreme militarily.

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actually, I don't even see it so please enlighten me:yuno:


and even if that were the case, Hitler had a vision to make his country better. He was just quite a bit misguided in that he wanted to accomplish it by promoting hate against non-Aryans. One could argue Hitler would have made a great leader if he hadn't gone crazy and pushed his views to the extreme militarily.


Um checks screen name, looks at contents of post, I'm skeered. :)

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